This fast scalable AI System can detect gravitational waves

Jul 17, 2021 | Vanshika Kaushik

This fast scalable AI System can detect gravitational waves title banner

Gravitational waves refers to space waves that are a result of violent space collisions. These disturbances in space time curvature are caused by colliding neutron stars, colliding black holes and giant star explosions. Waves travel at the speed of light. They produce sound when they traverse in space. 


Detection and analysis of gravitational waves provides complementary information to astronomers. Deeper understanding of the waves sources will provide insights into mysterious space realities and undiscovered space domains.


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Researchers have developed an AI system that can be used for the detection of gravitational waves. This fast scalable AI system is better than existing technologies. The  system requires a basic graphic processing unit (GPU) for LIGO data procession. LIGO data accelerates the study of astrophysical sources like neutron stars and black holes. 


Through the AI framework researchers refined previous LIGO data within seven minutes. This is the fastest data refinement process that is enhanced through the abilities of artificial intelligence. Along with LIGO data refinement, the AI system was also found capable in the detection of four gravitational wave signals caused by black hole unification.  Space research in the past has identified four wave signals; the AI system also identified the same number during its testing period. 


According to Ian Foster, director of Argonne's Data Science division said  "As a computer scientist, what's exciting to me about this project is that it shows how, with the right tools, AI methods can be integrated naturally into the workflows of scientists — allowing them to do their work faster and better — augmenting, not replacing, human intelligence.”

Tags #Artificial intelligence