Jul 13, 2020 | Neelam Tyagi
IIIT-Delhi developed an AI model for treating COVID-19.
Without going manually to each drug, the AI model identifies an appropriate drug to cure against coronavirus.
On Sunday, at Delhi, the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (also known as IIIT-Delhi) has revealed a model based on Artificial Intelligence for rearranging drugs in the treatment of COVID-19.
It means without deploying manually via each drug and examines its impact on COVID-19, one can choose to verify the same through Artificial Intelligence to enhance up things and identify drugs for us that probably leave the highest effectiveness of achievement while facing the disease.
Priorly popular examples of revamped drugs are Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Dexamethasone, Remdesivir, Avifavir/Favipiravir, while less-famous drugs cover Ribavirin, Umifenovir, Sofosbuvir, and scarce antiretrovirals.
From the statement of IIIT Delhi, “So here, today we come up with the idea to deploy AI to cut back this massive database and choose a handful approx 5 to 10 number of drugs that have high chances of succeeding. This might enable major collective effort/trials on this handful of proposed treatment regimes”.
In other words, an Artificial Intelligence model determines the identical properties amidst the chemical structures and arrangement of the drugs and also to discover the relationship among the genomic structures of subsisting viruses and the new Coronavirus.
The model then identifies at the past data in regards to the efficiency of drugs on various viruses, i.e, it selects alike drugs on the basis of chemical structure and arrangement that have been successful for tackling viruses and the one that has the genomic structure comparable to the Coronavirus.
As a well-known fact, AI can be an essential tool in the fight against Coronavirus, this AI model is the collaborative work amid IIIT Delhi, IPGME&R, and INRIA, Saclay, Paris, France.