Robot teams assure human agents' safety in intricate operations

Oct 21, 2021 | Shaoni Ghosh

Robot teams assure human agents' safety in intricate operations title banner

The Strategy


The researchers from the University at Buffalo have devised a strategy that might help robot teams perform better on disaster response missions. The method is intended to assign duties to various robots in a squad so that they can accomplish missions as efficiently as possible.


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One of the researchers stated that they've been investigating new approaches to manage top teams of ground robots and drones for the past three to four years.


Their method is intended to tackle numerous jobs with tight deadlines while also adapting to additional duties that may emerge during a mission. Every idle robot in set 1 is connected to one of the remaining jobs in set 2 through an edge whenever the model is needed to make a choice.


The very next step is to perform a weighted bigraph matching problem to create a one-to-one mapping which determines the robot's immediate next job. It has substantially faster execution speeds since it can make task scheduling choices in a few hundred milliseconds.


A group of researchers has devised a robot-building approach that’s much quicker than previous methods and eliminates the requirement for robots to make synchronous decisions. 


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As reported by TechXplore, its operation is less reliant on the network technologies that link robots in a group. In a series of experiments, Dr. Chowdhury and Ghassemi discovered that their method could accomplish jobs in no time as general performance tuning methods.


Purposes to be Served


Their technique may be ramped up to deal with really intricate issues involving teams of up to 100 robots even while maintaining sub-second computation rates. It may be easily implemented on affordable ground robots and drones that are commonly accessible.


During complicated search and rescue operations, an online multi-robot job allocation approach devised by the researchers might easily deploy drone swarms or other robot teams on a large scale.


The researchers aim to run further tests. This might allow them to put their method to the test on real quadcopter teams.


A huge state-of-the-art outdoor drone testing facility was just unveiled by the Buffalo University. Dr. Chowdhury stated that they intend to eliminate the necessity for handcrafting the incentive mechanism for different types of activities and robots and reduce the requirement for inter-robot communication.


To that aim, the researchers are examining how machine learning techniques may be used to develop incentive functions that will allow the system to adapt over a variety of real-time situations with minimal human contributions, under a funding from the National Science Foundation.

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