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5 Easy Ways to Avoid Credit Card Debt

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • Oct 18, 2023
5 Easy Ways to Avoid Credit Card Debt title banner

Revolving debt includes debt from credit cards. As long as you make enough payments to keep your balance below your credit limit each month, you are allowed to borrow money month after month. Unlike installment loans, which are closed once the sum is paid off, credit card accounts can be used for as long as you like. However, this kind of debt can quickly outpace you, ruining both your budget and credit score. Continue reading to find out more about how to use your credit card responsibly and avoid falling into the debt trap.


What is a Credit Card Debt?


A sort of unsecured liability that results from revolving credit card borrowing is credit card debt. By opening many credit card accounts with various terms and credit limitations, borrowers can amass credit card debt. Credit bureaus will report and monitor all of a borrower's credit card accounts. Since credit card accounts are revolving and perpetually open, they often represent the majority of outstanding debt on a borrower's credit report.


The accumulated outstanding balances that many borrowers carry over from month to month are typically referred to as credit card debt. For debtors looking to make purchases with postponed payments over time, credit card debt can be helpful. The interest rates on this kind of debt are some of the highest in the market. However, cardholders do have the choice to pay down their balances each month in order to reduce their overall interest costs.


Revolving debt on credit cards allows you to repeatedly borrow money up to the limit of your available credit. Your available credit is the sum of the credit limit on your card, the amount you've previously charged, interest, and any fees.


Collateral is not used to secure credit card debt. If you don't pay the card balance, the lender can't confiscate the goods you've bought, but your credit report could be severely harmed. Although you are not required to pay off the entire debt on your card each month, doing so will result in you paying interest on top of interest.


For many people, credit card debt is an ongoing issue. But using credit cards to incur excessive debt is not a given. Credit cards are revolving loans offered by issuing banks; whatever portion of the sum you don't pay off in your monthly billing statement crosses over to the following statement and is subject to interest. Due to the fact that credit card debts are unsecured, meaning there is no collateral the lender could confiscate in the event of nonpayment, they have higher interest rates than other types of loans.


Also Read | 10 Best Credit Cards in India


How do Credit Cards Work?


Before understanding the working of credit cards debts lets first try and understand what debts really mean and how they work. 


A debt is something that one party owes another party, typically money. Many people and businesses utilize debt to finance significant purchases that they would not otherwise be able to afford. A debt is required to be repaid, frequently with additional interest, unless the lender forgives it. Loans, such as mortgages, auto loans, and personal loans, as well as credit cards, are the most prevalent types of debt. 


Most loans have a specific sum of money that the borrower must repay in full by a specified date, which could be months or years in the future. The terms of the loan will also specify how much interest, represented as a percentage of the loan sum, the borrower must pay. The interest pays the lender back for taking on the loan's risk.


The way credit cards and lines of credit work varies slightly. They offer credit that is revolving or open-ended and has no predetermined expiration date. The borrower is given a credit limit, and as long as they don't go over it, they are permitted to use their credit card or credit line regularly. One example of Debt-  Students who take out federal student loans to cover the cost of their education will be given a specific amount of money, which they promise to repay in the future with interest. There are now numerous repayment options available to students. If they select the so-called conventional repayment option, they will have to pay fixed monthly payments for ten years before their loan is fully repaid.


It's very simple to go into severe debt. Your credit limit is often low when you first apply, but if you make on-time payments consistently over time, it may increase, which may entice you to overcharge.


Debt repayment is challenging since payments rise and the interest accrues as the balance rises. Additionally, less money is available for your current and future obligations when cash must be used to cover past debt. Unsecured debt is credit card debt. It isn't secured by a piece of property, like your car or house, that the lender could seize and sell if a borrower stopped paying payments. However, not paying off your credit card debt might have a negative impact on your credit history and score.


If you don't pay off your entire balance by the due date each month, credit card debt will build up. Monthly credit card balances are subject to interest charges in the form of annual percentage rates (APR). If you don't pay off your entire balance by the due date each month, credit card debt will build up. Monthly credit card balances are subject to interest charges in the form of annual percentage rates (APR).


Also Read | Understanding Credit Cards & How Do Credit Cards Work


Ways to Avoid Credit Card Debts


In India, credit card usage has returned to pre-pandemic levels. Undoubtedly, a contributing reason is the quick growth of online buying and OTT consumption. Concerns about accruing debt, however, are also very widespread. The fact is that, like any other financial tool, holding a credit card balance has its benefits. One such benefit is that it raises your credit score.


However, using a credit card must be accompanied by prompt monthly payments. This enables you to maximize the use of your credit card and keeps you out of debt. Although everyone wants to be financially free, getting there may require some deft maneuvering. Listed below are some of the ways through which you can avoid getting trapped in these credit card debts:


  1. Construct a Safety Net:


If you don't have access to emergency funds, using a credit card can be your only way to avoid having to pay for a costly car repair, a high hospital bill, or other unforeseen expenses.


Even while it takes time to accumulate the frequently advised savings amount of six months' worth of living expenses, starting with a tiny sum, such as $500 or $1,000, can help you cover unforeseen costs. Instead of having to rely on debt to get you through a crisis, you can progressively increase your emergency money over time.


  1. Densify the problem:


Make a note of all of your monthly minimum payments, along with the dates on which each is due. You will be able to see a complete list of all your debts as a result, and you can then decide how to divide up the money you have available for repayment. The first step to resolving your existing debt issues and moving you closer to a workable solution is a thorough and rigorous evaluation.


  1. Only spend what you can afford:


When you see things you want to buy but actually can't afford, access to credit can be alluring. While you might rationalize that you can easily pay over time, promising your future income is risky. A better habit: save up for things you want rather than putting them on credit and only swipe your credit card for purchases you can afford to repay right away.


  1. Prevent Needless Balance Transfers:


To pay off your amount at a cheaper cost, transferring a balance from a credit card with a high interest rate to one with a lower interest rate is a wise choice. Transferring balances to circumvent the credit system, such as by skipping a payment due date, can, however, be disastrous. When the balance transfer charge is added on, transferring sums repeatedly without paying off a sizable amount of the debt can result in an ever-rising balance.


  1. Make behavioral adjustments:


You might want to alter your habits to obtain modest cost savings. For instance, you could wish to cut back on eating out frequently in order to pay off bad debt. This guarantees food cost reductions and may be good for your health. You'll realize how much you can save over time by creating a monthly budget and figuring out how much more you can save by changing your behavior.


  1. Create an emergency fund:


Saving money is a good habit. While saving money is crucial, you should also set up a separate fund for unexpected needs. For instance, you'll need money to support yourself if you get into an accident and can't work for a while. You can comfortably manage your spending if you have an emergency fund. You can get through difficult times without turning to loans if you have an emergency fund.


  1. Pay promptly:


One of the greatest methods to avoid credit card debt is to make your credit card payments on time. Your next payment due will be substantially greater if you miss one because you'll have to make two payments in addition to the late fee. It becomes more difficult to catch up, strains your finances, and tempts you to utilize credit cards to get by.


  1. Avoid Cash Advances:


You might think about obtaining a cash advance on your credit card in an emergency. But with a transaction fee, a higher interest rate, and no grace period for avoiding finance charges, it's one of the priciest credit card purchases. Lack of access to sources of funding other than debt could indicate serious financial difficulty.




The likelihood of going into debt increases with the number of credit cards you have. It's best not to entice yourself with thousands of dollars in available credit, even if you have strong self-control. Reducing the number of credit cards in your wallet not only helps you avoid credit card debt, it also makes it easier to manage your monthly bills.


Gaining financial freedom can be facilitated by maintaining sound financial management. To find out how your money is being used, keep track of your earnings and outgoing costs. Keep in mind that taking out a loan can help you because it can help you resolve an urgent financial problem. You are protected from excessive interest rates and are able to achieve your financial objectives by making on-time payments.

Latest Comments

  • dianewayne518e8b080d59714429

    May 07, 2024

    I have a couple collection accounts that I want to get removed... I was going through a divorce and lost track of certain bills/paperwork. Also, I have completed student loan rehabilitation on my six student loans that went into default. I have been making on time payments with the new provider, but the old loans remain as closed/transferred with the negative payment history on them. Shouldn’t they be deleted since the same loans are now with a new loan provider? It is essentially duplicated reporting them, right? I am planning on getting married in a couple years and want to buy a house with my current boyfriend and with this stuff on my report I fear I won’t be able to do this. This was exactly my story until I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST who did the magic by clearing all the debts and raised my score to 800+ across the bureaus and even added some positive tradelines on my report. I was able to get a good house with a very low interest rate. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me...... Text +1 (409) 231-0041 for clearing of debts and more just the way I did or Email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM

  • scottfoster327117a16157f9240ab

    May 10, 2024

    I’ve come to the point in my life where I realize the importance of having good credit. So, this year, when I received my tax return, I made it my goal to rebuild my credit. I’m very happy that I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I had one credit card with a high balance, and it was through Synchrony Bank (PayPal credit card). I was always on time for payment but paid the minimum due monthly. I went from a balance of $700 to $515. Then, they lowered my CL from $900 to$530, putting me at a 97% credit utilization rate and lowering my score by over 10 points. I was extremely upset when I found out that my CL was lowered for no apparent reason. I decided to pay off the remaining balance. The synchrony Bank (PayPal CC) claimed that they lowered my credit limit because I didn’t own any real estate, but that wasn’t a requirement when I first opened the account in July 2023. My credit score was EX 585, EQ 580, TU 587 (Fico 8). My goal is to improve my credit score and maybe even push it over 700. Few days after I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they increased my credit score to EX 811, EQ 806, TU 802 and improved my credit profile by removing charge offs, collections and inquiries. I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for any credit related issues. Contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Call +1 (409) 231-0041.

  • johnconniff00558ba69373e364729

    May 14, 2024

    Years ago, as part of my divorce I granted my ex-wife the house that we bought together while married and she assumed responsibility for it. At some point she started paying her mortgage late and that eventually found its way to my credit report (some company called PHH). Since it had nothing to do with me, I disputed the account and submitted my divorce decree that clearly shows she assumed responsibility and I no longer have any interest in the house etc. the dispute was denied and come back verified. Frustrating since I had nothing to do with it but at the time I assumed I was stuck with it because in the eyes of creditors I was still on the hook for the debt (the house wasn’t refinanced out of my name at the time). There are several 180 days late and they are the only baddies left on my report. All this brought down my credit score to 522. I can’t thank PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST enough for taking my credit out of the garbage after my divorce. PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST has done such an amazing job to help me clear all the negative items and restore my credit score to 811. This company has been so professional and so amazing at keeping in touch with me every single step of the way. Explaining in detail exactly what needs to be done. Thank you PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST I will recommend their service to all my friends and family. Contact them via: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM / +1 (409) 231-0041.

  • judsoncrump624557e3b22f5ca43f3

    Jun 06, 2024

    I was in the process of rebuilding! I had a 30-day late payment to Bank of America from May of 2019 due to being out of the state I live in due to a family emergency. My mother experienced a life changing injury and was in a trauma center for over a month. During this time, I inadvertently overlooked making my BOA payment. I explained this in a Goodwill letter I sent and was surprised that I immediately got a call stating they would investigate it. I was told to give them two to three days, as they would need time to review my account. One morning, I got a call from the same lady stating that they could not honor my request and remove it due to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I told her that I was disappointed as I had read that they had removed other’s requests after similar events. She then apologized and stated how they changed the Goodwill/Humanitarian policy in December. I was also an authorized user on my ex’s USAA card that was charged off. It was at some point paid and settled but USAA refuses to remove the negative reporting from my credit report. I have disputed with all bureaus, and it’s never removed. This is both a recommendation and an appreciation of the good job that PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST did for me. After reading various testimonies on QUORA and myFICO forum I decided to give them a trial. And believe me when I say they were up to the task as they cleared all the negative items on my credit report including charge offs, all late payment has been marked as paid on time. My report is squeaky clean. This morning, I got an email from Experian that said, " Congrats, your FICO Score went up. My score is now 803. This might sound sketchy, but PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST is a life saver. Contact them by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Text (409) 231-0041.

  • johncase3976c2ff74a8e374e04

    Jun 11, 2024

    Hi there, everyone, I’m John, please to meet you all. I work as a security with a fair rent since I live with a family who doesn’t want me to live alone and have a good paying job. My goal is to build a good credit score to get a good credit card. In April I had 140 dollars or so collections from a gym saying I never canceled my membership. I wasn’t getting charged the monthly fee for it. So, I randomly go on credit karma and see the collections. Few days after I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, they increased my score to 809 and improved my credit profile by removing the collections, charge off and late payments. I just saw today it says no more derogatory on my credit Karma. My score went up. I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for any credit related issue. Contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or Call 409 231 0041. Honestly, I do not enjoy writing much, but I have let the world know about this genius that helped me.

  • vernonjesse8153eace3e9a25e4325

    Jun 15, 2024

    There was a time, I was a credit disaster, I knew absolutely nothing about how credit works. I’d pay bills late thinking paying late was better than not paying at all. To be honest, I didn’t even know negatives lasted on your reports for 7 years. Why did I pay late? Because at the time, I’d think I needed to buy something shiney and then pay bills. To further my reckless behaviors, I had my house foreclosed on. To be honest, I don’t know why I checked my credit, which ultimately led me to this site where I found PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, but I’m glad I did, reading as much testimonies as I could. My starting score was (low 500’s). All thanks to PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, as of today, I’m sitting at EX: 808, TU: 812 and my lowest is EQ: 801. If I can offer one piece of advice that helped me, I’ll advise you to contact PINNACLE by email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041. The first time I’m seeing my scores reach the 800 mark, that feeling is right up there with having my first child, marriage.

  • davidgerard5361bab585f635f4d9f

    Aug 04, 2024

    My name is David Gerard, and I desperately need to raise my credit score, I had a lot of issues with my credit, and no one has been able to help me until I came across PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. I used to be 573 but it's not my fault. My ex-wife used my credit to the point that I couldn’t get approved for any credit card. I implore you to get in touch with PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST, he promised to fix my credit within 10 days. He got my scores up to 800’s across the three credit bureaus in less than 10 days and deleted all negative marks and collections including the public record. His fee is very affordable, the most interesting thing is that he kept to his words. Kindly hit him up on email: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041.

  • hendrixheather938b2f8971da804654

    Aug 16, 2024

    Hey myFICO community, I woke up this morning to an incredible surprise-PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST hit my report, and my scores jumped from 564 to 792!!! I applied for and got approved for a CAP1 Quicksilver one with a $4,000 SL (wish I would have waited another day. Lol). This is my first time ever reaching a score this high-I’ve always been in the low to mid- 500s at most, I really appreciate PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST for helping me get this high. Contact him now if you need help on your credit: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM Or call +1 (409) 231-0041. What cards would you recommend I apply for, given my current situation? Any tips on maximizing my credit profile from here would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your advice and recommendation!

  • Osman Ibrahim

    Aug 22, 2024

    Dear Sir/Madam, We offer loans and financial assistance of all kinds here within 48 hours and the process is simple. Contact us below. Email:bullsindia187@gmail.com Whats-app: +918130061433

  • ashleygeary5c68b4032d6584a31

    Sep 07, 2024

    Hello all! I am new here. I am 21 years old just got out of college and am making 61K a year. I do not start paying on student loans until March of next year I wanted to try and get ahead of my credit before then. I had mortgage that is $500 a month. I kept up with that no problem. However, I had over $17000 in debt on multiple credit cards (15-20). I know it was a very bad idea. I missed a few payments as of then due to an emergency and it really hit my credit. I was sitting in the high 400s. I have always looked for a way to fix up my credit. I got my credit issues resolved through PINNACLE CREDIT SPECIALIST. He is the only legit hacker that lives up to the hype. After 9 days I contacted PINNACLE CREDIT SPECISLIST, he increased my scores to 800+ across the three-credit board. He also increased my credit profile by deleting all late payments, mortgage, student loan and removed all credit card debts. I sincerely acknowledge their relentless efforts and urge you to contact him for any related issue. Contact info: PINNACLECREDITSPECIALIST@GMAIL.COM OR Call +1 (409) 231-0041.