5 Reasons Why Topology Optimization Is Important In Engineering Design

  • AS Team
  • Nov 27, 2021
5 Reasons Why Topology Optimization Is Important In Engineering Design title banner

Over the years, there have been many computer-aided methods that have been developed in order to provide the best design outcome possible. For anyone in engineering design, this technology has helped create designs beyond the abilities of the designer alone. 


One of these computer-aided methods is topology optimization. It’s helped many designers in engineering to create innovative design solutions across a range of industries. These industries are some of the most influential for the future of our human race. Whether that’s advances in aerospace to mechanical engineering. 


So why should you be using topology optimization in your engineering design? In this article, we’ll explain more about the method and how you can use it proactively to outperform your existing designs.



What is Topology Optimization?


Topology optimization is a method that optimizes the placement of material in a design space that’s been user-defined. As a numerical optimization method, it helps provide the necessary boundaries on the conditions and constraints of the design.


To simplify it, topology optimization will take a 3D model and create a design space that removes any materials to make the design more efficient in its objective.


This technique has been embraced more so due to the technical advances of computing that’s widely accessible to all engineers. It helps provide the maximum loading and constraints within how the product should operate. Having this information can use the minimum amount of material necessary.



How does topology optimization work?


Topology optimization is carried out when you already have an existing model available. The area of focus is on the design space. Topology optimization creates a simple mesh of the design. This mesh helps to analyze stress distribution and the amount of strain energy it produces.


For engineers, this can be helpful to understand the amount of loading the model can take and how different sections of the model would handle such load. This optimization can also identify where there might be excess material that isn’t needed.


However, part of this trimming process will assess whether or not it compromises the product’s integrity. If it does, then the material is retained. If it has sustained itself, then more material might be removed to minimize material usage further.


As an engineer, using the topology optimization technique should be done with the intention to remove a certain percentage of the material. That way, the material can be removed in stages, rather than all at once.



Why it’s important in engineering design


Just like any new developments within the engineering world, it’s important for an engineer designer to branch out from the traditional methods used. Whilst they may offer comfort and familiarity, it’s necessary for designers to acknowledge that computer-aided methods are becoming more commonplace.


There are a lot of reasons why it’s important to use this technique in engineering design, so let’s look at some of those benefits.


  1. Helps save money


Any engineering designer will likely have an allocated budget that they need to stick to. That can make things difficult when there are many costs that can be incurred through fault and delays in the process. With traditional manufacturing processes, topology optimization wouldn’t necessarily be the most feasible option. However, with 3D printing, there are no additional costs to face.


When you have topology optimization in place, 3D printing becomes a lot more cost-effective and accessible to more designers who may have limits to their spending. With more money saved, those funds can be allocated to improving other areas of product development.



  1. Useful for time management


All product development projects will have deadlines and a general timeline that needs keeping to. Whilst topology optimization needs the designer to have expertise in the technique, tools that provide topology optimization can create high-performance designs in less time and with less energy. 


As a designer, to do it manually would take a lot longer and so projects would likely take a lot longer before it launches. With this optimization, you can achieve the best design and end results without having to amend and tweak the design too much.


Time management can often be a common struggle within the workplace, so having an optimized method in place can help with productivity.



  1. Eliminates the number of errors that occur


One of the biggest benefits of the use of topology optimization is that it eliminates errors. The use of stress testing and gradual testing can help find the right solution without compromising the product or causing it to become faulty.


Stress testing can help assess a wide range of variables so that as an engineer, you can be safe in the knowledge that the product you’ve designed and helped create is going to be well put together.


There’s nothing worse than spending money in a business for it to result in faulty products or errors that put any potential leads off purchasing.



  1. Improve the designer or company’s environmental impact


It’s very apparent that more businesses are trying to do more to reduce their impact on the environment. Many consumers expect businesses to be sustainable and be eco-friendly in some or all parts of the company.


With 92% of consumers saying they’re more likely to trust brands that are environmentally or socially conscious, reducing carbon footprint is a must. As an engineer and the engineering industry in general, there can often be a lot of wastage and impact on the environment. 

Source: Image Source

Creating lightweight and smaller products can help reduce carbon footprint by needing fewer building materials as a result. Significant savings can occur over the lifetime of a product or parts too. For example, aeroplanes and vehicles that are made out of lightweight parts will require less fuel over time.


The more that can be done to contribute less to the environment, the better it reflects on the business.



Are there disadvantages to using topology optimization?


Like with anything, there will always be pros and cons that are worth weighing up. However, these problems are worth knowing in order to use them effectively.


Product limitations can be a common problem with some designs that it generates. It can transpire that the designs that TO come up with, are just too difficult to manufacture. It’s therefore important to know how much flexibility that you need before using this as the go-to method for design.


There is also the topic of costs, which can often be more expensive than more traditional methods. However, if you find the right software and resources, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort. It makes this more costly technique worthwhile.


Not all methods in design are going to work but they are worth at least trying. You never know, you might surprise yourself and realize that TO is the solution you’ve been looking for when it comes to engineering design. Assess the disadvantages that are found with this method and then look to see if they can be tackled successfully.



Top three software for using topology optimization


There are some great software options out there when it comes to using topology optimization. If you’re an engineer that’s new to this method of design, then it’s worth trying out the software before making a decision.




This state-of-the-art topology software is advanced to target the improvement of delivery cycles, as well as helping improve upon product innovation. The technology is powered by AI, a type of technology that’s becoming more and more popular to use in business. 


nTopology not only designs parts but provides complete topology optimization processes too. It’s the very best technology software to use for this type of approach to designing.



Ansys Mechanical


When it comes to engineers who need help with design spaces, Ansys Mechanical is another great suggestion for multiphysics engineering simulation. The software features modal analysis, result validation and can help analyze, rectify and optimize complex design spaces.



Altair Inspire


Altair Inspire is a powerful tool that helps support different technologies from rapid prototyping to generative design. The topology optimization tool is easy enough to understand and has a variety of features to appeal to all designers. 


The 3D viewpoints can help you see what it will look like before going into mass production 3D printers. It can help assign and interact with new loads that are added to the structure and also predetermined loads.


What makes this a great platform is that you can import or export them for further analysis and review.



Embrace new methods of design as an engineer


As an engineer in these modern times, it’s important to embrace new methods and adapt as the world advances. Consumers expect more and that can make it challenging for any business to perfect its products in an environmentally conscious and efficient way.


Topology optimization is just one method of many that engineers now and in the future can continue to utilize in order to maximize their product’s potential, whilst minimizing resources.

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