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7 Benefits of Big Data in Financial Trading

  • Ashesh Anand
  • Mar 02, 2022
7 Benefits of Big Data in Financial Trading title banner

In the financial realm, big data is creating more of a splash than a ripple. Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, with far-reaching repercussions. Industry operations are being transformed by increasing complexity and data production, and the banking sector is no exception.


The globe is insatiably data-hungry. As more data is created, more options for the sector become available. The process of collecting, analyzing, and processing data is known as big data analytics, and it is actively used by various industries. 


Traditional software is incapable of processing vast, disorganized datasets, which big data analytics does. The global market for big data is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 10.6% from US$138.9 billion in 2020 to US$229.4 billion in 2022. 


The quintillions of data bytes produced everyday presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for processing, analyzing, and exploiting the data in productive ways. Machine learning and algorithms are increasingly being utilized in financial trading to process large amounts of data and make predictions and judgments that people cannot.


Because financial trading is regulated by algorithms, big data analytics will ensure that reliable insights are extracted, allowing analysts and traders to make informed decisions. The purpose of this blog is to discuss how big data analytics may help financial trading services.


Big Data in Finance


Big data in finance refers to the petabytes of structured and unstructured data that may be utilized by banks and financial institutions to predict client behavior and develop strategies.


The financial sector creates a large amount of data. Structured data is information that is maintained within a company to provide critical decision-making insights. Unstructured data is accumulating from a variety of sources in ever-increasing amounts, providing enormous analytical opportunities.


Every day, billions of dollars pass through global markets, and analysts are tasked with tracking this data with precision, security, and speed in order to make forecasts, find patterns, and develop predictive tactics. 


The way this data is gathered, processed, stored, and analyzed determines how valuable it is. Cloud-based big data solutions boost scalability and flexibility, integrate security across all business applications, and, most importantly, provide a more efficient approach to big data and analytics.


Financial firms may make informed judgments on things like improved customer care, fraud prevention, better client targeting, top channel performance, and risk exposure assessment with the ability to evaluate varied types of data.


Also Read | Advantages of Big Data


Watch this: Big Data in Banking and Financial Sector


Benefits of Big Data in Financial Trading

Technology's exponential expansion and growing data generation are profoundly changing how industries and individual enterprises operate. By its very nature, the financial services industry is one of the most data-intensive, providing a unique opportunity to process, analyze, and exploit data in productive ways.


Humans used to do the data crunching, and judgments were based on inferences taken from assessed risks and patterns. Computers, however, have recently supplanted such capacity. As a result, the financial industry for big data technologies has enormous potential and is one of the most promising.


In any case, there are numerous ways that big data is influencing financial trade. Here are seven of the most important ways that it is doing so.


  1. Enhancing Cybersecurity


One area that can be pointed out is the role of Big Data in Cybersecurity. According to one report, the financial services business was responsible for 62 percent of all data breaches last year, thus this industry needs to be more attentive than ever. 


Financial institutions are dealing with an uptick in cybercrime, which necessitates the employment of cutting-edge technology to deter would-be hackers.


  1. Risk Evaluation


Actuarial methods also rely heavily on big data. Financial institutions can utilize data analytics to improve predictive analytics models for identifying loan risks and projecting expected expenditures through insurance policies. 


Financial institutions employ big data to reduce operational risk and prevent fraud, as well as to solve information asymmetry issues and meet regulatory and compliance goals. 


Insurance firms, for example, can access data from social media, previous claims, criminal records, telephonic conversations, and other sources while processing a claim, in addition to the claim facts. It can flag a claim for additional investigation if it discovers anything suspicious.


  1. Models of Finance


The financial industry's analytics are no longer limited to a detailed evaluation of various pricing and price behavior. Instead, it incorporates a lot more, such as trends and anything else that could have an impact on the industry.


High-frequency trading has shown to be profitable in the past. Because of the drastically lowered processing timeframes, the computing time frame easily outperforms the earlier method of inputting. However, this trend is shifting as more and more financial traders see the value of extrapolations derived from big data.


These analytics are far more accurate and encompass more data, allowing for the creation of stronger prediction models. These factors can lead to significantly higher precision in predictions, which can help to reduce the risk involved in financial trading decisions.


  1. Streamlined workflow and Consistent System Performance


The modernization of fundamental financial data and application systems through universal integration platforms is being driven by ever-increasing data volumes in banking.Terabytes of data are being transferred every moment, and to manage such enormous amounts of data a consistent performing system must be employed.


Companies employ a single procedure for all information logistics and interfacing, which is matched with a streamlined workflow and a dependable processing system. This provides them sustainable top-bottom management thus enhancing the overall performance and ushering the outcomes.


  1. Identifying Lucrative New Markets


Financial institutions should also be aware of how new markets evolve. Companies want to leverage big data to find places where they can grow, which should help them significantly increase their revenue. This enhances the overall prospects of the institution and helps them to find new consumers along with enhancing their products and services.


Also Read | Big Data Analytics Tools


  1. Analytics in Real-Time


The term "algorithm trading" is now trending in the financial business. After all, machine learning has advanced to the point where computers can now make decisions that are far superior to those made by humans. 


Machine learning, on the other hand, can complete trades considerably faster and at frequency that humans could never attain. The business archetype is capable of incorporating the best rates and reducing the amount of errors that may be produced by intrinsic behavioral effects that generally affect humans.


This real-time analytics can help HFT firms and individuals maximize their investment power. After all, they will be able to give better and more extensive analyses, resulting in a much more fair playing field because more businesses will have access to the necessary data.


  1. Analyze financial performance and keep growth within control


Analyzing financial performance and limiting growth among firm employees can be difficult with thousands of tasks per year and dozens of business units. 


Companies have been able to automate daily reporting, increase IT department productivity, and provide business users with easy access to and analysis of crucial information thanks to data integration methods.


Also Read | Principles to keep in Mind for Effective Trading



Bottom Line


The landscape of numerous businesses, particularly financial services, continues to be transformed by big data. As bigger corporations come closer to complete adoption of big data solutions, new technology offers cost-effective solutions that will provide both small and large businesses with access to innovation and competitive advantage.

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