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All about Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

  • Soumalya Bhattacharyya
  • Nov 10, 2022
All about Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) title banner

The process of creating software is typically drawn out and tedious. Project managers and system analysts, however, may use software development life cycles to more consistently, effectively, and generally speaking, plan, design, create, test, and ultimately deploy information systems or software products.


A project management model is essentially what a system development life cycle, or SDLC, is. It outlines the many steps required to take a project from its inception or inception to deployment and eventual maintenance.


Development teams utilize the software development lifecycle (SDLC) as a framework to build high-quality software in a methodical and economical manner. The SDLC approach is used by both big and small software companies. These teams use a variety of development methodologies, including agile, lean, waterfall, and others.


From gathering the first requirements for a new product, the software development life cycle provides businesses with a methodical, step-by-step strategy for building effective software.


In the 1960s, SDLC was first known as the "systems development lifecycle." Large firms created the concept, as Geoffrey Elliott recounts in his book Global Business Information Technology, to assist in managing complicated business systems that required a lot of data processing and analysis. Different iterations of the framework have been used over time to create complicated projects like hardware and software products.


Need of SDLC:


The software life cycle is represented pictorially and diagrammatically by a software life cycle model, also known as a process model. A life cycle model depicts every procedure needed to move a software product through each step of its life cycle. It also captures the organizational framework in which these techniques are to be used.


In other words, a life cycle model depicts the different tasks carried out on a piece of software from conception until retirement. The essential development activities may be scheduled according to phases in various life cycle models. Therefore, no matter whether a life cycle model is used, all of the fundamental tasks are included, even if they may be carried out in different sequences depending on the life cycle model. Multiple activities can be carried out at every stage of the life cycle.


The development team must choose a life cycle model that is appropriate for a certain strategy and then adhere to it. The creation of a software product would not be methodical and disciplined without the use of a precise life cycle model. There has to be agreement among team members regarding when and what to do when producing a software product. If not, it would be an indication of disorder and project failure.


You can use an example to define this issue. Let's say a problem with software development is broken up into several portions and given to the team members. Suppose the team representative is then given the opportunity to shape the duties that are allocated to them in any way they see fit.


One representative could decide to begin writing the code for his portion first, another would decide to prepare the test papers first, and another engineer might start with the design phase of the duties that have been given to him. This would be one of the best ways to fail a project.


The criteria for entering and leaving each phase are described in a software life cycle model. Only if the stage-entry requirements have been met can a phased start. Therefore, it is impossible to detect the entrance and exit criteria for a stage without a software life cycle model. It becomes difficult for software project managers to keep track of the project's development without software life cycle models.


SDLC best practices:


Effective team communication is the most crucial best practice to incorporate into your SDLC. The likelihood of success increases with the degree of alignment.


An effective SDLC shows the following characteristics:


  • The effective implementation of a thorough application security program

  • Code quality requirements

  • Effective teamwork across organizations

  • Streamlined processes

  • Cross-team participation throughout the life cycle


An SDLC implementation risks being negatively impacted by a number of issues. A failure to sufficiently account for and fulfill customer and stakeholder demands in the process is likely the most serious error. As a result, the system requirements are misunderstood, and the final output is always disappointing.


Furthermore, the complexity of the SDLC frequently results in projects going off track or teams losing sight of details and needs. A project might easily fall short if none of the specifications and design plans are strictly followed.


Organizations are eschewing conventional SDLC models in favor of newer, quicker development life cycle models (waterfall, for example). Automation has been crucial in meeting the growing expectations for speed and agility in the development process.


As the lines between different teams have been gradually blurring in favor of a more streamlined and coordinated approach to development, development and operations are combining into a DevOps capability.


Stages of SDLC:


These are the stages of a typical software development life cycle:


Stages of SDLC

  1. Planning:


In the SDLC, the requirement analysis step is the most crucial and vital. With input from the client, the sales department, market surveys, and domain specialists in the business, it is carried out by the senior members of the team. The fundamental project strategy is then planned using this data, and a product feasibility assessment is then carried out in the financial, operational, and technological domains.


During the planning stage, it is also done to identify project risks and plan for the requirements for quality assurance. The technical feasibility study's conclusion defines the numerous technical strategies that may be used to carry out the project effectively and with the fewest possible risks.


  1. Requirement analysis:


Following completion of the requirement study, the next stage is to precisely describe and record the product needs and obtain customer or market analyst approval. An SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document, which includes all the product requirements to be planned and produced throughout the project life cycle, is used to do this.


  1. Product Architecture Designing:


SRS serves as a guide for product architects as they create the optimum architecture for a new product. Usually, more than one design approach for the product architecture is offered and documented in a DDS - Design Document Specification - based on the requirements given in the SRS.


All significant stakeholders analyze this DDS, and the optimum design strategy is chosen for the product based on a number of factors, including risk analysis, product robustness, design modularity, budgetary considerations, and schedule restrictions.


A design strategy precisely specifies each product's architectural modules, as well as how the modules communicate and portray data flow with external and third-party modules (if any). All of the modules in the suggested architecture should have their internal designs meticulously detailed in DDS.


  1. Product Development:


During this phase of the SDLC, the product is actually developed and constructed. At this point, the programming code is created in accordance with DDS. Code generation may be completed quickly if the design is done in a precise and systematic manner.


Programming tools including compilers, interpreters, debuggers, and other similar tools are used to produce the code, and developers must adhere to the coding standards established by their business. Different high-level programming languages are used for coding, including C, C++, Pascal, Java, and PHP. The sort of software being produced affects the choice of programming language.


  1. Product Testing:


Since testing activities are typically included in all stages of the SDLC in contemporary SDLC models, this stage is typically a subset of all the stages. However, this stage simply relates to the product's testing phase, during which product flaws are discovered, monitored, corrected, and retested until the product satisfies the SRS's quality requirements.


  1. Market Maintenance:


The product is formally released in the relevant market once it has undergone testing and is prepared for deployment. Depending on the organization's business plan, product deployment may occasionally take place in phases. The product might be tested in a real business setting before being made available to a larger market (UAT- User acceptance testing).


The product may then be released as is or with proposed improvements in the intended market group depending on the response. After a product is put on the market, maintenance is carried out for the clientele already in place.


Models of SDLC:


The different SDLC models or methodologies are discussed below:


  1. Waterfall Model:


The simplest, most straightforward, and most regimented approach is a waterfall. All phases are carried out in order, and each one is dependent on the results of the one before it. This strategy instills discipline and produces a measurable result at the conclusion of each stage. However, when flexibility is needed, this paradigm falls short. Once a phase is declared finished, there isn't much opportunity for modification since revisions might influence the price, the time it takes to deliver the program, and its quality.


  1. Agile Model:


Continuous release cycles using the agile methodology are created, with each release including minor, incremental modifications from the preceding version. The product is examined after each iteration. The agile paradigm aids teams in locating and resolving minor difficulties in projects before they become more serious concerns. Teams can also involve corporate stakeholders and solicit their input as the development process progresses.


  1. Lean Model:


The concepts and tenets of lean manufacturing serve as the basis for the lean approach to software development. The lean principles include enhancing workflow and establishing a culture of continual improvement. These are the seven lean principles:


  • Reduce waste
  • Improve education
  • Delay choices as much as you can
  • Deliver as soon as you can
  • Encourage your troops
  • Develop integrity
  • Construct holistically


  1. Iterative Model:


Each iterative development cycle results in an unfinished but usable version of the software. Each succeeding version adds more needs whereas the initial iteration only implements a tiny subset of the software requirements. The whole set of requirements is present in the most recent edition.


  1. Spiral Model:


In the spiral development model, a project's particular risk patterns drive the development process. The development team assesses the undertaking and chooses which components from the previous process models to include.


  1. V-Shaped Model:


Verification and validation steps are carried out simultaneously in the V-shaped model. The model is run in a V-shape, with each development step having a corresponding testing phase, and each verification phase having an accompanying validation phase.


Benefits of the SDLC:


When the SDLC is done correctly, the maximum level of management control and documentation is possible. The purpose of what developers should build is clear. All sides recognize the objective up front and have a specific plan on how to get there. Everyone is aware of the expenses and resources needed.


A number of issues might make an SDLC implementation more of a hindrance than a benefit for development. Poor knowledge of the system requirements from the onset might arise from failing to consider the demands of customers, users, and stakeholders. Only if the strategy is meticulously followed will the advantages of SDLC be realized.


SDLC works by reducing software development costs while both raising quality and speeding up production. By adhering to a strategy that eliminates the common hazards of software development projects, SDLC accomplishes these seemingly incompatible aims. This approach begins by looking for flaws in the current systems.


The requirements for the new system are then defined. After that, it goes through the processes of analysis, planning, design, development, testing, and deployment to actually construct the program. By foreseeing expensive errors like forgetting to get input from the client or end-user, SLDC can reduce the need for further effort and post-hoc corrections.


It's crucial to understand that the testing stage is given a lot of attention. You must guarantee code quality at every cycle since the SDLC is a recurring approach. Many businesses prefer to put little effort into testing, despite the fact that doing so might save them a lot of time, money, and rework. Be wise and create the proper kinds of tests.




The essential elements of a good software development process are careful planning and execution. Six steps make up the complete software development process. The term used to describe these 6 stages is software development life cycle (SDLC).


The SDLC outlines the task(s) that a software engineer or developer must do at each level. It guarantees that the finished product can satisfy the customer's requirements and stays within the allocated spending limit. Therefore, a previous understanding of the software development process is essential for a software developer.

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