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All about Supernova: The Dying Star

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • May 05, 2022
All about Supernova: The Dying Star title banner

A supernova is the name given to the cataclysmic explosion that occurs at the conclusion of the life of a large star. It has the ability to emit more energy in a few seconds than our sun will in its whole lifetime of billions of years.


The sky above us is studded with enticingly gorgeous leftovers of old supernovae, which are stars that lived out their lives before dying in these catastrophic explosions. 


A supernova should occur every 50 years in a galaxy the size of our Milky Way, which contains 200 billion stars. However, supernovae that can be seen with the naked eye are extremely rare. You may or may not witness one in your lifetime.


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What is Supernova?


A Supernova is a bright and intense star explosion. This transitory astronomical phenomenon happens during the latter phases of the development of a big star or when a white dwarf undergoes uncontrolled nuclear fusion. 


The initial object, known as the progenitor, either collapses to become a neutron star or a black hole, or it is utterly destroyed. A supernova's peak optical brightness can be similar to that of a whole galaxy before diminishing over several weeks or months.


The most recent supernova directly viewed in the Milky Way was Kepler's Supernova in 1604, however traces of more recent supernovae have been discovered. Observations of supernovae in other galaxies indicate that they occur in the Milky Way around three times every century on average. 


These supernovae are almost definitely visible with contemporary astronomy telescopes. The most recent naked-eye supernova, SN 1987A, was the explosion of a blue supergiant star in the Milky Way's satellite, the Large Magellanic Cloud.


Supernovae can eject several solar masses of matter at speeds up to a few percent of the speed of light. This causes an expanding shock wave to be ejected into the surrounding interstellar medium, sweeping up an expanding shell of gas and dust known as a supernova remnant. 


Supernovae are a key source of elements ranging from oxygen to rubidium in the interstellar medium. Supernovae's expanding shock waves can cause the birth of new stars. 


Supernova remnants might be a significant source of cosmic rays. Supernovae may generate gravitational waves, but so far, gravitational waves have only been discovered in the merging of black holes and neutron stars.


A supernova is a more violent – and ultimate – explosion than a nova, which is the transient flare-up of a dwarf star in a binary system. The dwarf star acquires materials from its partner star in the nova scenario. 


The dwarf star's extra mass causes it to flare up to several times its usual brightness every now and then. Then it gradually fades back to its former brilliance before the next flare-up. 


A supernova, on the other hand, is a considerably larger and inherently brighter event in which the outer layers of a star are ejected explosively into space (thus the prefix super). When a star goes supernova, it may not recover to its normal brilliance and may even die, leaving behind a growing black hole.


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What Causes Supernova?

The image explains the Causes of supernova: When the pressure drops low enough in a massive star, gravity takes over and the star collapses which is known as a Supernova

Causes of Supernova

During the 1920s, preliminary study on what was once thought to be a new type of novae was carried out. These were variably referred to as "upper-class Novae," "Haupt Novae," or "giant novae." 


Walter Baade and Fritz Zwicky are reported to have created the term "supernovae" during a talk at Caltech in 1931. It was used as "superNovae" in a 1933 journal publication by Knut Lundmark and in a 1934 study by Baade and Zwicky. 


By 1938, the hyphen had been dropped, and the contemporary name had taken its place. Because supernovae are very infrequent occurrences within a galaxy, occurring around three times every century in the Milky Way, collecting a decent sample of supernovae to examine necessitates constant monitoring of numerous galaxies.


A supernova occurs when the center of a star undergoes a transformation. There are two possibilities for the transformation that leads to a supernova :- 


  • In a binary star system, the first sort of change occurs. It happens when one of the stars in the system consumes all of the matter from the other star in the system. As a result, there is too much stuff for one star, resulting in an explosion or supernova.


  • In the second case, A star nearing the end of its existence runs out of nuclear fuel in the opposite sort of transformation. As a result, part of the material flows towards the star's core, making it too hefty to resist its own gravitational attraction. The center of the star collapses, culminating in a supernova.


Supernovae are often observed in distant galaxies. Because dust obscures our perspective of our Milky Way Galaxy, we don't see many supernovae. In 1604, Johannes Kepler found the last observed supernova in the Milky Way Galaxy. 


The most recent supernova, which burst in our galaxy more than a century ago, was spotted by NASA's Chandra telescope. This occurs when a star with at least five times the mass of our sun explodes with a spectacular explosion!


Massive stars use massive quantities of nuclear fuel to power their cores, or centers. This generates a tremendous amount of energy, causing the core to become extremely hot. Heat creates pressure, and the pressure generated by a star's nuclear burning prevents it from collapsing. A star is in a state of equilibrium between two opposing forces. 


The gravity of the star attempts to crush the star into the tiniest, tightest ball possible. However, the nuclear material burning in the star's core generates a lot of outward pressure. This outward push opposes gravity's inward grip.


What is The FOE : Fifty-One-Ergs


Gerry Brown and Hans Bethe, physicists, developed a unit of measurement to quantify the amount of energy emitted in a typical  supernova. The measurement is in ergs, which is a unit of energy equal to 10-7 joules. The traditional illustration of one erg is the amount of energy expended by a housefly performing one pushup!


Brown and Bethe's unit of measurement was named the FOE , which stands for ten to the power of fifty-one Ergs; the number 10 followed by 51 zeroes. The sun will emit around 1.2 FOE of energy over its lifespan. 


As a result we can say that over the course of 10 billion years, the sun will emit little more energy than a Type II supernova produces in a matter of seconds. 


Supernovas have taught scientists a lot about the cosmos. They utilize the second kind of supernova (the white dwarf type) as a yardstick to measure distances in space.


They've also discovered that stars serve as the universe's manufacturers. The chemical ingredients required to create everything in our universe are created by stars. Stars transform basic atoms like hydrogen into heavier elements in their centers. These heavier elements, such as carbon and nitrogen, are required for life to exist.


Heavy metals like gold, silver, and uranium can only be created by big stars. When stars explode, they disperse both stored-up and freshly generated components across space.


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Classifications of Supernova


 The presence or absence of particular traits in optical spectra recorded near maximum luminosity is used to classify supernovae. They are roughly classified into four major types, the names of which make sense only in historical context.


Rudolph Minkowski recognized that at least two types of supernovae occurred in 1941, those that displayed hydrogen (H) in their spectra: Type II, and those that did not: Type I. 


Type I supernovae were further subdivided based on the presence or lack of silicon (Si) and helium (Hi) in their spectra in the mid-1980s, as the pace of supernova discovery increased and data quality improved. 


Type Ia supernovae exhibit apparent Si absorption at 6150 Angstroms, Type Ib supernovae have no Si but show He in emission, and Type Ic supernovae have neither Si nor He. 


It was also determined that, whereas Type Ia supernovae could be found anywhere and in any type of galaxy, Type Ib and Type Ic supernovae occurred exclusively in astrophysical galaxies. 


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Supernova as Useful Tools


One intriguing aspect of Type Ia supernovae is that, due to the mass limit of white dwarfs, they all burst with nearly the same amount of energy and hence with roughly the same brightness.


This uniformity of brightness is known as a standard candle, and it is a highly helpful technique of estimating distances across the local cosmos. If you know how intrinsically brilliant a Type Ia supernova is, you may properly determine its distance by measuring its brightness as it appears from Earth. 


It's similar to viewing distant automobile headlights at night: you already know how much light a headlight emits, therefore how bright it seems to you tells you how far away it is. 


We used to believe that all Type Ia supernovae had the same inherent brightness, but we now know that it may vary significantly. There is, however, a relationship between a supernova's brilliance and the time it takes to fade.


Measurements of the brightness of distant supernovae led a team of astronomers from the United States, Europe, Australia, and Chile to a startling discovery in 1998: the most distant Type Ia supernovae are farther away than they should be, given what was known about the universe's age and expansion rate. 


This resulted in a very unexpected discovery: the universe's expansion is actually speeding, rather than decreasing with time, as scientists had previously thought and as models projected. 


Astronomers were unable to explain the speeding cosmos, which was later verified by multiple further experiments, and coined the name dark energy to characterize whatever is producing it. This is not to be confused with dark matter; the term "dark" merely refers to the absence of light.  


The nature of dark energy remains a complete mystery to this day, while we do know that the universe's expansion was definitely slowing down until around 6 billion years after the Big Bang


In a nutshell, a supernova is the violent explosion of a dying star. There are several sorts of supernova explosions, but all may generate more energy in a few seconds than our sun does in its whole lifetime. For a brief moment, certain supernovae may outshine an entire galaxy. 

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