An on-demand computing service, cloud computing refers to a combination of front-end and backend domains that together work for data computing and other related services. Cloud computing technology works on the basis of ‘pay-as-you-go’ basis.
Unlike traditional servers when companies used to store their data in offline server rooms with hefty hardware, cloud computing supports online storage of data with the help of online servers.
There are numerous benefits of cloud computing that can be used worldwide for major operations. Yet, the technology is known for its data security provisions, on-demand services like networking and server management, and 24x7 availability in any corner of the world.
(Also read - Risk Management in Cloud Computing)
In literal terms, cloud computers are connected to each other through the source of the internet that helps them stay updated as soon as data is entered into one of the computers.
“From applications to servers, tools to resources, cloud computing enables remote data centres to become available to internet users through the technology of cloud services provider (CSP). “ Understanding Cloud Computing
In simple terms, cloud computing delivers computing services like servers, data storage, and networking from one corner of the world to another. In essence, cloud computing enables one to stay connected with another computer irrespective of his/her geographical location or time lag.
One of the biggest benefits of cloud computing is that it saves cost for companies since they do not have to build their own infrastructure. In addition, it also ensures data privacy since separate cloud companies keep the data private and secure with regular updates.
(Must Read - Beginner's Guide to Cloud Computing)
Not all clouds can fit in every work sphere and perhaps this is why different types of clouds can be accessed by different people with different needs. Broadly, cloud computing can be divided into 4 types. The types of cloud computing are as follows -
Cloud computing services providers are companies that provide cloud computing basics and related services to individuals, organizations, and institutions. The first type of cloud is Public Cloud that is managed and provided by third party operators like cloud service providers.
Public cloud refers to cloud computing services that are open to the public and can be accessed by everyone. Services like data storage, computing, and data server management are provided by these third party agents.
Herein, all cloud services are operated by another organization that then rents out these services to the masses for particular time spans. One can access these services using the public internet.
(Read also: What is Virtualization in Cloud Computing?)
As opposed to the public cloud, the private cloud is different. Herein, cloud services are exclusively meant to be used by a single organization or corporation. Such services comprise server management, data computing, etc.
However, they cannot be accessed by the public and are only open to a private organization and its members. Private networks are used to support private clouds that manage the entire operations of the cloud services.
“It combines many of the benefits of cloud computing with the security and control of on-premises IT infrastructure.”
The third type of cloud computing can be referred to as a mix of the other 2 - public cloud and private cloud. As the name itself suggests, the hybrid cloud architecture is a mix of private and public cloud technologies that provide access to a mixed environment of data computing and server management.
Often, private clouds extend their resourceful information and other related data to the masses that are solely managed by the organization or the institution.
Furthermore, hybrid cloud also consists of a private cloud that is exclusively accessible to the organization members and perhaps that is the reason why it is called a mixed environment of cloud computing.
Multi cloud in cloud computing refers to a set of multiple public clouds that together work to support an application or a group of applications. While some companies may outsource cloud services from just one service provider, others may go for multiple public clouds that work hand-in-hand to support applications.
This enables companies to optimize their performance, pick the best technology from two or more clouds, and even control costs in the long run. More often than not, companies may deploy a single control room for managing these multi cloud architecture platforms, as a result of which data security increases.
For instance, Microsoft’s Azure Multi Cloud comprises hybrid qualities for server management and data computing.
(Must Read - Introduction to Multi Cloud)
As we have already understood the basic meanings of public cloud and private cloud, we will now be discovering the key differences between public cloud vs private cloud.
One of the major parameters that helps us to differentiate between public cloud and private cloud is the maintenance expense that goes into it.
Since public clouds are open to the public and are hosted through the public internet, the maintenance costs of a public cloud are significantly low as compared to a private cloud.
In the case of a private cloud, an organization invests in its on-premises infrastructure for best performance and excellent results. Therefore, the cost expenditure in this case is undoubtedly high, and it goes without saying that a public cloud is very different from a private cloud in this respect.
The 2nd difference that we are going to highlight in this segment is the framework of the cloud computing architecture that is deployed in public and private clouds.
In essence, all types of clouds have a cloud computing technology that supports its basic services like data computing, databases, servers, networking, etc. However, a public cloud has a far less complex network as compared to a private cloud.
Unlike public clouds, private clouds are customized according to the needs of a specific organization and perhaps not every service might or might not be available on public clouds.
This very feature of private cloud is also one of the biggest disadvantages of private cloud.
(Suggested blog: Types of virtualization in cloud computing)
Another major difference that makes a public cloud distinct from a private cloud is that the two have different data security levels. Since a large mass of population is able to access a public cloud, data security might be moderate on such platforms.
However, as opposed to public clouds, private clouds are built with a firewall that is physically protected by the IT team of that particular organization.
This implies that data in a private cloud is more protected and far less vulnerable as compared to the data stored and managed by a public cloud.
The 4th difference in this segment refers to the accessibility of the 2 clouds. While a public cloud has multi tenancy (hosts a large mass of population), a private cloud has single tenancy and is only open to an organization or an institution.
This is a notable difference as it differentiates the two on the basis of the people who can access these networks. Moreover, one of the major public cloud characteristics is that it is hosted by the public network whereas a private cloud is only functional through a private network hosted by the organization or a company.
Since private clouds have single tenancy, this is the reason why they have customized services and more complex frameworks to only support the needs of the organization.
(Top reading: Serverless Computing)
Another difference between these 2 types of clouds is that of scalability. Since public clouds are open to the public, their capacity automatically outweighs that of the private cloud.
Highly scalable, public clouds are also open to more innovation and have less boundaries to be followed. But, that is not the case with private clouds.
Private clouds are minimally scalable allowing only a handful of people to access these networks as compared to public clouds. Moreover, they are also restricted in terms of innovation and have constricted operating protocols for better security.
When it comes to a public cloud, Google Drive is a cloud computing platform that is provided to the public by Google. With various services like multi cloud, hybrid cloud, and public cloud, Google Drive offers its customers endless facilities in the field of data computing and networking.
(Also Read - Google Compute Engine in Google Cloud)
Unlike traditional times when servers had to be managed in a big room full of gadgets, cloud computing service providers like Google Drive enables the public to perform their day-to-day operations with minimal obstructions and maximum liberty. It stays up-to-date, has data security provisions, and is extremely scalable.
“Maximize insights from your data with Google Cloud’s machine learning and advanced analytics capabilities. Our serverless data analytics and machine learning platform helps you automate processes, make intelligent predictions, and streamline management and operations.”
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