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Convolutional Neural Networks: Explained

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • Nov 14, 2023
  • Updated on: Sep 02, 2023
Convolutional Neural Networks: Explained title banner

A deep learning neural network called a convolutional neural network, or CNN, is made for processing structured arrays of data, like photographs. The state-of-the-art for many visual applications, such as image classification, convolutional neural networks are widely employed in computer vision. They have also found success in natural language processing for text classification.


The patterns in the input image, such as lines, gradients, circles, or even eyes and faces, are very well recognized by convolutional neural networks. Convolutional neural networks are extremely effective for computer vision because of this quality. Convolutional neural networks do not require any preparation and can operate immediately on a raw image, in contrast to older computer vision methods.


A feed-forward neural network with up to 20 or 30 layers is known as a convolutional neural network. The convolutional layer is a unique kind of layer that gives convolutional neural networks its power. Many convolutional layers are placed on top of one another in convolutional neural networks, and each layer is capable of identifying more complex structures. Handwritten digits can be recognized with three or four convolutional layers, while human faces can be distinguished with 25 layers.


What are Convolutional Neural Networks?


Neural networks are a subset of machine learning and are at the core of deep learning algorithms, as was stated in the Neural Networks Learn Hub page. They are made up of node levels, each of which includes an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. Each node has a threshold and weight that are connected to one another. Any node whose output exceeds the defined threshold value is activated and begins providing data to the network's uppermost layer. Otherwise, no data is transmitted to the network's next tier.


There are other kinds of neural nets, which are utilized for diverse use cases and data types, while we mainly concentrated on feedforward networks in that article. Recurrent neural networks, for instance, are frequently used for speech and natural language processing, but convolutional neural networks (also known as CNNs or ConvNets) are more frequently employed for classification and computer vision applications. Before CNNs, identifying objects in images required the use of laborious, manual feature extraction techniques. Convolutional neural networks, on the other hand, now offer a more scalable method for classifying images and recognizing objects by using matrix multiplication and other concepts from linear algebra to find patterns in images. However, they can be computationally taxing, necessitating the use of graphics processing units (GPUs) when modeling them.


A neural network type called a convolutional neural network, or CNN or ConvNet, is particularly adept at processing input with a grid-like architecture, like an image. A binary representation of visual data is a digital image. It is made up of a grid-like arrangement of pixels, each of which has a pixel value to indicate how bright and what color it should be.


The moment we perceive an image, the human brain begins processing a massive amount of data. Every neuron has a distinct receptive field and is coupled to other neurons so that they collectively cover the whole visual field. Each neuron in a CNN processes data only in its receptive field, similar to how each neuron in the biological vision system responds to stimuli only in the constrained area of the visual field known as the receptive field. Lines, curves, and other simpler patterns are detected initially by the layers, followed by more intricate patterns like faces and objects. One can enable sight to computers by employing a CNN.


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How Does Conventional Neural Network Work?


Neuroscience research forms the foundation of convolutional neural networks. They are composed of node-like layers of synthetic neurons. These nodes have functions that weight the inputs and return an activation map as the result. This is the neural network's convolutional layer.


The weight values of each node in a layer define that node. When you provide a layer with data, such as a picture, it analyzes the pixel values and selects some of the visual characteristics. Each layer returns activation maps when you work with data in a CNN. These maps highlight significant elements of the data collection. The CNN will identify features based on pixel values, such as colors, and provide you with an activation function if you provide it with a picture.


A CNN will often start by locating the borders of an image. The following layer will then receive this minor image definition. The layer will then begin detecting things like corners and color groups. Once the subsequent layer receives the image definition, the cycle repeats again until a prediction is made.


This is referred to as max pooling as the layers become more distinct. Only the features from the layer in the activation map that are most important are returned. Up until the final layer, this is what is transferred from layer to layer.


Multiple layers of a CNN are possible, and each layer trains the CNN to recognize the many aspects of an input image. Each image is given a filter or kernel to create an output that gets better and more detailed with each layer. The filters may begin as basic characteristics in the lower layers. In order to check and identify features that specifically reflect the input item, the complexity of the filters increases with each additional layer. As a result, the partially recognized image from each layer's output, or convolved image, serves as the input for the subsequent layer. The CNN recognizes the image or object it represents in the final layer, which is an FC layer.


The input image is processed through a number of different filters during convolution. Each filter performs its function by turning on specific aspects of the image, after which it sends its output to the filter in the subsequent layer. The operations are repeated for dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of layers as each layer learns to recognize various features. Finally, the CNN is able to recognize the full object after processing all the picture input through its many layers.


Types of Convolutional Neural Network 


One of CNN's most enticing properties is its ability to use spatial or temporal correlation in data. Every learning stage of CNN is divided into a variety of convolutional layers, nonlinear processing units, and subsampling layers. Using a bank of convolutional kernels, each layer of CNN's multilayered, feedforward network performs a number of modifications. The convolution process helps to extract useful properties from spatially related data points.


Now that we are familiar with convolutional neural networks, let's examine the various Convolutional Neural Network  model types.


  1. LeNet


LeNet is a cutting-edge CNN made specifically for reading handwritten text. In the late 1990s, it was proposed by Yann LeCun, Leon Bottou, Yoshua Bengio, and Patrick Haffner. A fully connected layer, a softmax classifier, and a number of convolutional and pooling layers make up LeNet. It was one of the earliest effective uses of deep learning in computer vision. Banks have used it to distinguish between numbers on checks in photos with grayscale input.


  1. AlexNet


Alexnet is composed of five convolutional layers and is based on an 11x11 kernel. It was the first design to use max-pooling layers, ReLu activation functions, and dropout for the three enormous linear layers. Images were categorized into 1000 different categories using the network.


The network is based on the LeNet Architecture, but unlike the original LeNet, it has a lot more filters, which allows it to classify a lot more objects. Additionally, it addresses overfitting by using "dropout" as opposed to regularization.


  1. VGG 


VGG (Visual Geometry Group) is a research team at the University of Oxford's Department of Engineering Science. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), in particular, are a specialty of the VGG group's work in computer vision.


The VGG model, commonly known as VGGNet, is one of the VGG group's most well-known contributions. The VGG model, a deep neural network, has been widely utilized as a benchmark for image classification and object recognition tasks because it demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge in 2014.


  1. ResNet


ResNet is a class of deep convolutional neural networks created to address the issue of disappearing gradients that is typical in very deep networks. ResNet is an acronym for "Residual Neural Network." ResNet aims to train extremely deep networks by utilizing "residual blocks" that allow for the direct propagation of gradients through the network.


A residual block consists of two or more convolutional layers followed by an activation function, combined with a shortcut connection that bypasses the convolutional layers and adds the original input directly to the output of the convolutional layers after the activation function. 


  1. GoogleNet 


The GoogleNet or Inception Network won the ILSVRC 2014 competition with a top-5 error rate of 6.67 percent, which was nearly human performance. The model, developed by Google, features a better rendition of the initial LeNet concept. This is built on the idea of the inception module. The Inception Network, a 22-layer deep convolutional neural network, is a predecessor of GoogleNet.


GoogLeNet is presently used for a range of computer vision applications, such as adversarial training, face detection, and identification.


  1. Faster R-CNN


Faster R-CNN, released in 2015, improved upon Fast R-CNN by switching out selective search for a small neural network called an RPN (Region Proposal Network), which creates region proposals straight from the feature map created by the CNN. Since the RPN and the object identification network both use convolutional layers, the model as a whole is more effective and simpler to train. 


Each anchor point in the feature map receives predictions from the RPN for objectness scores and bounding box coordinates; the object identification network then improves and categorizes these suggestions. This method has replaced Fast R-CNN as the de facto method for object detection in many applications since it is faster and more accurate.


Also Read | 5 Common Architectures in Convolution Neural Networks (CNN


Applications of Convolutional Neural Networks


Applications for CV and image recognition already employ convolutional neural networks. Contrary to straightforward image recognition software, CV enables computer systems to additionally extract useful data from visual inputs (such as digital photos) and then behave appropriately in response to that data.


A Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet/CNN) is a Deep Learning method that can take in an input image, give various elements and objects in the image importance (learnable weights and biases), and be able to distinguish between them. Comparatively speaking, a ConvNet requires substantially less pre-processing than other classification techniques. ConvNets have the capacity to learn these filters and properties, whereas in primitive techniques filters are hand-engineered. Some of the applications of CNN are.


  1. Classification of Images


Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are widely used in business because they allow computers to automatically classify and comprehend visual input, which has many uses in a variety of industries.


The process of labeling or tagging photographs based on their content is one of the most often used applications of image classification. To assist consumers in finding pertinent content and enhance their search experience, this is employed in various online platforms, including social media, e-commerce, and photo-sharing websites.


  1. Image Recovery

This is an additional usage of image categorization, which enables users to look for photos using visual content instead of text-based search phrases. This is especially helpful in sectors like fashion where customers can be looking for products that fit a specific aesthetic or color palette.


Other uses for image classification include semantic segmentation, which aims to give labels to each pixel in an image, and object detection, which aims to recognize and find things within an image. Numerous use cases exist for these applications, including autonomous vehicles, security and surveillance, and medical imaging.


  1. Image captioning


Recurrent neural networks and CNNs are combined to provide subtitles for photos and videos. Applications for this include activity recognition and providing descriptions of films and images for visually impaired people. In order to make sense of the enormous volume of videos that are routinely posted to the network, YouTube has heavily utilized it.


To Summarize, Convolutional neural networks, which can process visual, textual, and aural data, are known for being superior than other artificial neural networks. The convolutional, pooling, and fully connected (FC) layers make up the three primary layers of the CNN architecture.


Multiple convolutional and pooling layers are possible. The complexity and (theoretically) accuracy of the machine learning model increase with the number of layers in the network. The capacity of the model to identify objects and patterns in the data grows with each successive layer that processes the input data.

Also Read | Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): Graphical Visualization with Python Code Explanation

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