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Different Types of Search Algorithms in AI

  • Ashesh Anand
  • Jan 13, 2023
Different Types of Search Algorithms in AI title banner

Artificial intelligence is essentially the computerized imitation of human intelligence. It is accomplished through the process of learning, which includes the addition of rules that are employed by information, followed by the use of those rules to draw conclusions (i.e., reasoning), followed by self-correction.


What is a Search Algorithm?


Algorithms used in searching are known as search algorithms. A search space, start state, and goal state makes up a search problem. Through the evaluation of scenarios and options, search algorithms assist AI agents in achieving the goal state.


Through a series of steps that change the starting state into the objective state, the algorithms offer search results. Without these algorithms, AI programs and computers are unable to do searches and come up with workable solutions.


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Terminologies of AI Search Algorithms:


  1. Search: 


In a given search space, searching is the process of finding a solution to a search problem step by step. Three key causes can contribute to a search issue:


  • Search Space: A system's search space is a collection of potential solutions.
  • Start State: The starting point for the agent's search.
  • Goal test: It is a function that monitors the current state and indicates if the goal state has been attained or not.


  1. Search tree: 


A search problem's tree representation is referred to as a search tree. The root node, which corresponds to the starting state, is the node at the top of the search tree.


  1. Actions: 


It provides the agent with a description of every action that is offered.


  1. Transition model: 


A transition model is a description of what each action does.


  1. Path Cost: 


This function gives each path a monetary cost.


  1. Solution: 


The solution is an action chain that connects the start node with the goal node.


  1. Optimal Solution: 


The lowest cost among all possible alternatives is the optimal solution.


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Properties of Search Algorithms:


  • Completeness: If at least one solution is found for any given input, a search method is considered to be complete when it produces that solution.


  • Optimality: A solution is seen to be optimal if it is the best solution, or the one with the lowest route cost, as determined by the algorithm.


  • Time and Space Complexity: The length of time it takes an algorithm to perform a task is known as time complexity, while the amount of storage space required for a search operation is known as space complexity.


How do Search Algorithms function?


Artificial intelligence agents enable artificial intelligence. They establish the actions that can lead to the desired goal and carry out duties to achieve that aim. These actions taken in succession offer the problem's answer.


The AI agents look through every alternative or solution that might be available before selecting the best one. Search algorithms are used during the search process.


Problem definition and search in the search space are the two fundamental stages of how search algorithms operate.


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Types of Search Algorithms in AI:


Search engine algorithms can be divided into two categories, namely:

Types of AI Search Algorithms

Types of AI Search Algorithms


  1. Uninformed Search in AI: 


Other than the information provided in the challenging definition, uninformed search algorithms have no more information about the objective hub. It is also known as blind search because these algorithms only know how to traverse the tree and have no other knowledge of the state or search space. 


By merely varying the request and duration of actions, several approaches are taken to get from the initial state to the objective state. Since there is no use of information in an uninformed search, it is more difficult to implement than an informed search.


Breadth-First Search, Uniform Cost Search, Depth First Search, Depth Limited Search, Iterative Deepening Depth First Search, and Bidirectional Search are a few examples of Uninformed Search.


  • Bidirectional search:


A bidirectional search is a technique that, as its name implies, moves in both directions. It works with two people who continuously scan the data, the first from the source to the objective and the second in a backward manner from the objective to the source.


The information structure should be compromised by both searches. It uses a guided chart to identify the shortest route between the source (the beginning hub) and the target hub.


The two inquiries will start from separate locations, and the calculation will end when they collide at a hub. It expedites the process and reduces the amount of time needed to navigate the diagram. This methodology works well when the starting hub and the goal hub are distinctive and described. The two have the same spreading factor.


  • Breadth-First Search:


The BFS algorithm is used to chart data, browse trees, or examine crossing structures. The computation precisely visits and identifies all of the major hubs in a chart using a breadth-first approach.


BFS is a possible traversal technique that requires you to begin from a particular node. This calculation selects one hub (the starting or source location) from a chart and then visits all the hubs that are nearby. Remember that BFS visits each of these centers separately.


After the calculation visits and identifies the initial hub, it next continues on to the other unvisited hubs and inspects them. Each hub is marked after being visited. These emphases continue until each hub on the chart has been thoroughly explored and examined.


Disadvantages of Breadth-First Search:


  1. One drawback of breadth-first search is how much memory it consumes. Each degree of hubs is reserved for creating the following one.
  2. The quantity of hubs influences how unpredictable it is. Copy hubs can be checked.


  • Iterative Deepening Depth First Search:


The search method known as Iterative Deepening Depth First Search (IDDFS) involves continuously running DFS iterations with widening boundaries until the target is located.


IDDFS is perfect for BFS, but it uses a lot less memory. It visits the hubs in the query tree at each emphasis in a similar manner to a depth-first hunt, but the overall request in which hubs are initially visited is sufficiently vast.


  • Depth First Search:


Depending on how you define LIFO. Because it signifies Last In First Out. In recursion, actualized with a LIFO stack data structure. Therefore, it is used to create a similar hub structure to the Breadth-First technique, although with a different request. As the path has been cleared from root to leaf hub in every emphasis.


As a result, space requirements for store hubs are clear. The additional space is bm, where b is the expansion factor and m is the depth. The calculation may not come to a finish and may continue indefinitely in one direction. Therefore, choosing a cut-off profundity is a solution to this problem.


In the unlikely event that the chosen cut-off is smaller than d and the ideal cut-off is d, then this computation may be incorrect. Execution time increases if, in any instance, d is lower than the defined cut-off. Its complexity depends on a variety of factors. Copy hubs cannot be checked.


  • Uniform Cost Search Algorithm in AI:


It basically does arranging by raising the cost of the route to a hub. Additionally, it continually expands the hub with the lowest costs.


Despite the fact that if each advancement has a similar cost, it is identical to the Breadth-First hunt. It looks into possible solutions to the rising expense request.


Disadvantages of Uniform Cost Search Algorithm:


  • Uniform Cost Search Algorithm drawbacks include the possibility of several expensive, lengthy routes.

  • All of them must be investigated using a uniform cost search.


      2.    Informed Search in AI:


The objective state is known to inform search algorithms, which aid in increasingly adept searching. This information is gathered to the extent that it can determine how near a state is to the ideal state.


Its main benefit is that it is highly efficient and able to identify solutions more quickly than uninformed Search. Additionally, it is less expensive than a thorough search.


AI-informed search comes in a variety of types, as follows:


  • Greedy Ideal Initial Search:


This kind of search constantly selects the route that appears best at that particular time. It combines calculations from both depth-first and breadth-first searches. It makes use of searches and heuristics. We are able to benefit from the two calculations thanks to the BFS.


At each stage of the progression, we can choose the most uplifting hub with the aid of the best-first hunt. In the BFS computation, we use a heuristic search to build the hub that is closest to the objective hub and the closest cost.


This has the main advantage of combining the benefits of both BFS and DFS.


  • A*Search:


The most popular form of best-first pursuit is an A* search. It makes use of the heuristic capacity h(n), as well as the cost to get to the hub n from the starting state g. (n). It effectively handles the problem thanks to the integration of UCS and avaricious best-first inquiry features. 


A* search combines uniform cost search and greedy search. The overall cost (heuristic) for this method, denoted by f(x), is the sum of the costs for uniform cost search (g(x)) and greedy search (h) (x).


A* search computation uses the heuristic capability to identify the quickest path through the search space.


This hunt computation produces the desired result more quickly and extends fewer chase trees. A* computation is similar to UCS except that it uses g(n)+h(n) instead of g. (n).


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Applications of Search Algorithms:


Here are some applications of AI Search Algorithms:


  1. Vehicle routing: 


The optimization challenge of real-world vehicle routing is solved via search algorithms. Establishing the ideal sequence of routes that should be taken by vehicles to transport clients is the goal of a vehicle routing problem. The goal of this combinatorial optimization problem is to cut down on both the price and the amount of time it takes to go somewhere. The optimal solution is sought after using the search algorithm.


  1. Nurse scheduling problem:


In the healthcare system, nurses must be present full-time in order to provide healthcare services 24 hours a day. Since nurses require rest in order to function properly, shifts are scheduled in a way that maximizes productivity. In this instance, search algorithms are used to resolve the nurse scheduling issue.


  1. Obtaining info from databases:


Additionally, information or records can be retrieved from databases using search algorithms. The desired state is set up on the requested record. Up until the target, of the record is discovered, the algorithm performs searches in the search space and goal tests.


  1. Optimizing Industrial Process:


These algorithms are employed in the industrial process optimization field. The situation of a chemical reaction, where the procedure may require changing some parameters like temperature or pressure, serves as an excellent illustration. Once the initial and desired states have been established, a sequence of operations is carried out in order to achieve the desired state (output).


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This article provides a detailed explanation and examples of several artificial intelligence search techniques. The market for artificial intelligence is expanding quickly, and search algorithms play a significant role in this.


The best search algorithm is A* since its solution is superior to other algorithms because it is complete, optimal, and uses additional information (heuristics).

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  • umeshchandradhasmana01

    May 10, 2023

    Hi Dear Common search algorithms in AI include Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), Uniform-Cost Search (UCS), Greedy Best-First Search (GBFS), and A* Search. These algorithms have distinct strategies to navigate search spaces and find solutions, making them useful in various problem-solving scenarios. Best regards, Mobiloitte

  • umeshchandradhasmana01

    May 10, 2023

    Hi Dear In the field of AI, there are various search algorithms employed for problem-solving. These include Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), Uniform-Cost Search (UCS), Greedy Best-First Search (GBFS), and A* Search. Each algorithm utilizes different strategies to explore search spaces efficiently and find optimal or satisfactory solutions. The choice of algorithm depends on factors such as problem complexity, available resources, and desired solution characteristics. Best regards, Mobiloitte Hi Dear In the field of AI, there are various search algorithms employed for problem-solving. These include Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), Uniform-Cost Search (UCS), Greedy Best-First Search (GBFS), and A* Search. Each algorithm utilizes different strategies to explore search spaces efficiently and find optimal or satisfactory solutions. The choice of algorithm depends on factors such as problem complexity, available resources, and desired solution characteristics. Best regards, Mobiloitte