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How is IoT impacting the Workplace?

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • Mar 14, 2022
How is IoT impacting the Workplace? title banner

IoT has emerged as one of the most important technologies of the twenty-first century in recent years. Now that we can link common objects to the internet via embedded devices, including as kitchen appliances, vehicles, thermostats, and baby monitors, seamless communication between people, processes, and things is conceivable.


Physical things can exchange and gather data with minimum human interaction thanks to low-cost computers, the cloud, big data, analytics, and mobile technologies. Digital systems can record, monitor, and alter each interaction between linked entities in this hyperconnected environment. The physical world collides with the digital world—and they work together.


There's a lot of buzz in the present day about IoT and its influence on everything from how we travel and buy to how manufacturers manage inventories. But how exactly is IoT benefiting the workplace?


Let us understand it in detail below in this blog. 


Also Read | What is IoT



What is IoT?


In a nutshell, IoT allows you to address business challenges using your own data. The Internet of Things is about more than simply connected gadgets; it's about the data those devices collect and the strong, rapid insights that can be drawn from it. 


These insights may be utilized to alter your business and save expenses through enhancements such as waste reduction, improved operating and mechanical processes, or growth into new lines of business, which are only achievable with accurate real-time data. Create a genuine competitive edge by utilizing IoT to transform your data into insights and then into action.


How Does it Work?


Devices and items with built-in sensors are linked to an Internet of Things platform, which integrates data from many devices and uses analytics to share the most important information with apps designed to meet specific needs.


These advanced IoT systems can determine which information is important and which may be safely disregarded. This data may be used to identify patterns, make suggestions, and identify potential problems before they arise.



Benefits of using IoT in the Workplace


A "smart office” is an office space that is outfitted with IoT devices and so linked to the internet. It symbolizes an intelligent ecosystem based on a network of linked devices that monitor, regulate, and manage various processes and working circumstances.


There are many benefits of IoT for a smart office:


  1. Energy conservation : By automatically regulating the lighting and heating in your office, you can make better use of your electricity resources and save waste.


  1. Business activities that are efficient : Using IoT office devices simplifies or entirely automates a variety of processes, freeing up your workers' time to focus on the more critical ones.


  1. A pleasant working atmosphere : Controlling the temperature or humidity in the workplace from a smartphone allows your employees to adjust the working environment to their tastes.


  1. Increased staff productivity : Your staff will be more productive at work as a consequence of enhanced comfort.


  1. Enhanced workplace safety : Security cameras, linked sensors, and access control systems are just a few of the IoT office solutions that may help you make your business safer. Furthermore, this can boost openness while lowering the likelihood of criminal activity or small mishaps among your personnel


  1. Effective operations management : Another significant benefit of smart device connectivity is automatic control of various operational areas, such as inventory management, order monitoring, fuelling, and replacement parts management. 


RFID tags and a sensor system, for example, are employed in this technology to locate equipment and goods.


  1. Better use of resources and assets : The automatic scheduling and monitoring enabled by networked sensors allows for greater resource efficiency, such as enhanced power management and water use. Simple motion detectors, for example, may save huge amounts of money on power and water bills, making both small and large enterprises more productive and environmentally friendly.


  1. Better customer service and retention : The above-mentioned gathering of user-specific data obtained via the usage of smart devices also assists organizations in better understanding client expectations and behavior. 


IoT also enhances customer service by enabling post-sales follow-ups such as automatic tracking and notifying consumers about needed maintenance of purchased equipment after its predetermined time of use, the expiration of warranty terms, and so on.


Also Read | IoT in Businesses



How is IoT being used in the Workplace?


IoT can help in creating innovative smart offices for meeting up the new demands and help in creating a better workplace for the employees. 


There are several ways in which IoT can be incorporated towards better and smart offices. Some of them are:- 

Some of the major roles of IOT at workplace could be :-  1. Security Solutions  2. Energy Usage  3. Smart Furniture  4. Climate Control

Role of IoT at Workplace


  1. Security Solutions


The most prevalent IoT applications in office environments are security cameras, smart locks, and other sensors.


Furthermore, you may replace real badges with digital badges to replace the outmoded pass system. To clock in or out, all you need is a smartphone with the app installed. The same may be said for guest management and access control.


  1. Energy Usage


Using IoT in the office might also help your company save energy. Smart lighting solutions or automatic window curtains allow you to customize the intensity and color of the light while also reducing waste. When a sensor detects that there is no one in the room, the lights will switch off automatically.


Furthermore, by implementing full energy management systems, you may get complete control over the efficiency and use of electricity in your business.


  1. Climate Control


Smart thermostats, such as Nests  or any of  other devices available in the market, will maintain a comfortable working environment for everyone. It also saves energy, as do IoT lighting systems.


  1. Smart Furniture


Standing Desks have become commonplace in the workplace. However, there is more to anticipate from a desk. Following that, the desks will learn to recognise people's preferences and automatically adjust to their demands, assisting employees in being even more efficient at work.


Take a look at what happens to your body if you use a standing desk : 

These IoT workplace solutions are just a few examples of smart office applications. Other IoT concepts for businesses that can be used in an office setting exist, as do hundreds of potentially valuable applications that have yet to be presented.


Also Read | IoT in Customer Services



Impact of IoT at Workplace


The impact of IoT in the workplace can be observed in various domains. According to the US Census Bureau, approximately one-third of the US workforce and half of all information workers may work from home. 


Though the number of individuals working remotely has been increasing for years, the COVID-19 epidemic may have accelerated this tendency. Enterprises may use IoT sensors to detect exterior surroundings such as light intensity, location, flow, pressure, force, and temperature. 


They also take physical inputs and transform them into raw data. The data is subsequently digitally recorded in order to analyze the operations. IoT solutions require and create a continuous flow of data from their surroundings in order to function, allowing data-driven workplaces to function.


For a long time, IoT has been altering the way people work, but with the inflow of remote employees created by COVID-19, this technology has had a chance to shine. IoT can build a tailored workplace for various sorts of businesses. 


It has the ability to design and deliver customized solutions to specific situations that arise. Every day, there are so many alternatives and variables that play out in the workplace that people just cannot keep up with them all.


Despite the impact of the coronavirus on the organization and the resulting slowdown in business activity, the IoT market is predicted to reach 5.8 billion endpoints by the end of 2020. IoT technology will be critical in propelling the remote work revolution ahead in industries such as healthcare, supply chain, and manufacturing, to name a few.


The Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in a new era of global commercial automation. Because of its capacity to link remote equipment and people, it has enabled companies to broaden their horizons and reach beyond geographical borders.


In the age of digital transformation, the introduction of IoT has also assisted them in overcoming connection and productivity difficulties. In summary, in today's fast-paced, tech-driven world, IoT has enabled enterprises to increase their productivity and  profitability.

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