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Lazy Learning vs. Eager Learning in ML

  • Soumalya Bhattacharyya
  • Apr 17, 2023
Lazy Learning vs. Eager Learning in ML title banner

Understanding the basic categorization of the algorithm and how it operates is crucial for machine learning to prevent misunderstandings and other mistakes. Based on their training methodology and other factors, machine learning algorithms may be divided into two categories: eager and lazy learning algorithms. For a better-performing model, the right machine-learning algorithm should be chosen by the issue description.


This article will examine the fundamental ideas, operational methods, benefits, and drawbacks of eager and lazy learning algorithms. By the model's specifications and the data type, we will also talk about choosing the best-fit model. These ideas will aid in a better understanding of the algorithm's categorization as well as some fundamental, fundamental aspects of both kinds.


What is lazy learning?


Lazy learning refers to machine learning procedures where the generalization of the training data is postponed until a system query is made. Instance-based learning is another name for this kind of education. When dealing with enormous datasets with few characteristics, lazy classifiers are highly helpful.


Computation in learning systems takes place at two separate times: during training and consultation. The period before the consultation is known as the training period. To prepare for the consultation time, the system concludes training data during training time.


Consultation time is the period between the moment an item is provided to a system so that it can draw an inference and the moment the inference is drawn to a conclusion. The majority of computation is completed during consultation time in a slow learning process. In essence, a lazy algorithm waits to process instances until it is explicitly asked for information.


Importance of lazy learning


The primary motivation for adopting lazy learning is that the dataset is continuously updated with new entries (much like the K-nearest neighbors technique used in online recommendation systems like those of Netflix and Amazon). The training data loses its usefulness quickly as a result of these frequent modifications. As a result, there just isn't enough time for any kind of formal training period.


When dealing with large, dynamic datasets with a few properties that are often requested, these lazy techniques come in quite handy. Recommendation queries often rely on a relatively limited collection of qualities, even though there is a huge variety of attributes accessible.


The primary benefit of using a lazy learning approach is that the goal function will be locally approximated, like in the case of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. Lazy learning systems are capable of solving numerous issues at once and adapting well to changes in the problem domain since the goal function is estimated locally for each query to the system. 


Theoretical and practical findings from linear regression modeling, particularly the PRESS statistic, and control, may be reused at the same time. The advantage of this approach is allegedly realized if predictions are only created for a small number of items using a single training set. This may be shown with the example of the k-NN approach, which is instance-based and only estimates function locally.


Differences between lazy learning and eager learning


Both approaches to learning are extremely different from being enthusiastic. Some of the variations are as follows: 


  • Lazy learning mechanisms just save training data or slightly process it. They hold off until they receive the test tuples.

  • On the other hand, eager learning systems build a classification layer using training data before obtaining test data.

  • As a result, eager learning systems have a high training time and a low consultation time, in contrast to lazy learning systems that have minimal or no training time and a high consultation time.


As opposed to lazy learning, which uses multiple local linear functions to create its implicit global approximation to the target function, eager learning requires the system to commit to a single hypothesis that covers the entire instance space. Lazy learning allows systems to use a richer hypothesis space.


Based on the training examples given, eager learning approaches essentially produce a generic, clear description of the goal function. Generalizing beyond the data recorded is effectively delayed by lazy learning until an explicit request is made.


The target function that has to be learned based on the training data and before the observation of the input queries is approximated using the same method in eager learning. However, using lazy learning, the algorithm creates a new approximation of the target function for each query instance it comes across.


For complicated and incomplete problem domains where sophisticated goal functions might be represented by a group of less complex local approximations, lazy learning is highly advantageous.


A model is not fully trained until it is required to predict the lazy learning method of machine learning. When lazy learning is used, the model waits to use the training data until a prediction is needed. The model then updates itself depending on the forecast and the actual result, using the training data to produce a prediction at that time.


In artificial intelligence, eager learning is a learning technique where the system strives to generalize the training data before receiving queries, whereas lazy learning delays generalization beyond the training data until a query is made to the system.


The primary benefit of using a lazy learning technique, such as Case-based reasoning, is that the goal function will be approximated locally, much like in the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. Lazy learning systems are capable of solving numerous issues at once and adapting well to changes in the problem domain since the goal function is estimated locally for each query to the system.


The extensive storage capacity needed to hold the whole training dataset is one of the drawbacks of lazy learning. Since no abstraction is done during the training phase, particularly noisy training data just expands the case base. Although this is accompanied by a quicker training period, another drawback of lazy learning methods is that they are typically slower to evaluate.


How Do Lazy Learning Algorithms Work?


The data is typically obtained and provided to the algorithm in the case of classical machine learning techniques. The algorithm applies its working principles to the data and trains on it before returning a trained model that can now predict unknown datasets and do so somewhat accurately.


Compared to conventional machine learning algorithms, lazy learning methods are slightly different. The workings of the algorithm stay the same in the lazy learning method, but how the data is acquired and used by the algorithm varies.


In lazy learning methods, the model accepts the data as input but does not train on it, which means that the algorithm will just store the data without doing anything with it. When it's time to make a forecast, the algorithm consults the data it has already collected, utilizes all the strategies it knows how to apply, and then produces a result.


Due to how hastily they assess the data, lazy learning algorithms are also lazy evaluation algorithms. K nearest neighbors are one of the most well-known instances of a lazy learning technique that typically saves the data. The training phase processes data at the same time as the prediction or testing phases.


Let's use an example to attempt to comprehend the procedure. Let's say you have a dataset and plan to develop a model using the KNN technique. The method will now accept and store the dataset without doing anything while fitting and training the model.


As per KNN's functioning mechanism, when the testing phase arrives and you ask the algorithm to predict a data point, it will determine the data point's closest neighbors and output the results. Here, take notice that the algorithm's training period is considerably shorter because the model is only storing the data at this phase. In contrast, the model does all the computations during testing, which causes the prediction phase to move more slowly and need longer prediction periods.


How Do Eager Learning Algorithms Work?


Like other conventional machine learning algorithms, eager learning algorithms only process data during the training phase. They take data as input. When the time for prediction comes, the model will be prepared to make a prediction based on its observations and lessons from the training set. Examples of eager learning algorithms include support vector machines, logistic regression, decision tree artificial neural networks, linear regression, and logistic regression.


Using an example, let's try to comprehend how eager learning algorithms work. Assume you have a dataset and will create a model using linear regression. Simple, like other machine learning algorithms, the model will take the input data and attempt to process it only during the training phase. 


It will apply all the functions and other techniques associated with the linear regression algorithm and will output a trained and knowledgeable model after training. Now, when you ask the model to anticipate a certain point during the prediction phase, it will respond immediately with what it has learned and trained from the data provided to it during training.


Here, it is important to note that the learning algorithms process the data, whereas the training phase only slows down the algorithm's learning. However, compared to lazy learning algorithms, the predictions made by the algorithms are quite quick. The solution to this issue may be found by altering the algorithm by the data and its variations because we are unable to modify or control our data using algorithms.


The sort of data, its patterns, the model you desire, and your requirements all play a role. In emergencies, it may be necessary to train the algorithm more quickly; this is when the lazy learning strategy makes sense. Sometimes it's OK for us to train the model for a longer period to make it more accurate while prediction is more reasonable than the enthusiastic learning strategy.


In some datasets, the behavior of the data closely resembles some lazy learning approaches, and you also need a fast predictor model. In these situations, you can use slow learning techniques and combine them with other methods, or you can adjust the algorithm so that the model is less complex and predicts more quickly.




When given fresh data, lazy learning algorithms wait before attempting to create a model. As opposed to this, eager learning algorithms attempt to construct a model as soon as they are provided with training data. When the training data is not too extensive and the cost of learning is significant, lazy learning is a viable option.

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  • umeshchandradhasmana01

    May 23, 2023

    Hi Dear Lazy learning and eager learning are two approaches in machine learning. Lazy learning, also known as instance-based learning, postpones model construction until the training data is presented at prediction time. It stores the training instances and uses them directly to make predictions. Eager learning, on the other hand, eagerly constructs a general model using the entire training data upfront. It extracts patterns and generalizes from the data, resulting in a model that can quickly make predictions. Lazy learning tends to be more flexible and can adapt to new data, while eager learning offers faster prediction times but may be less adaptable. Best regards, Mobiloitte

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