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Litecoin - Meaning, How it Works, Litecoin vs Bitcoin

  • Mallika Rangaiah
  • Sep 21, 2021
Litecoin - Meaning, How it Works, Litecoin vs Bitcoin title banner

The term “Cryptocurrency” has emerged as an immensely popular trend over the past decade. Yet despite its popularity, many newbies still remain uncertain about this term. The term has earned many misgivings and raised several doubts and differing opinions among the audience. 


Interestingly, these currencies are developed by the use of advanced technologies which can alter the manner in which economies work. Their volatile nature attracts a high level of attention, while also subjecting them to quite some criticism. 


This eccentric attribute has boosted a great deal of interest amongst the speculators, investors and also among those who are interested in observing how the cryptocurrency market will be unfolding in the future. 


Amongst all these cryptocurrencies, the most popular one which has become a rising fame in the financial world is Bitcoin. Alongside Bitcoin, some other known cryptocurrencies include Ethereum, Dogecoin and the one we will be featuring in this blog - Litecoin. 


This is a peer - to - peer internet currency, which is at times even referred to as “Bitcoin’s little brother” or even the “lite version of Bitcoin.” In November 2013, the currency faced its first considerable price surge. The rapid surge made it the hottest new trend in the world of cryptocurrency at that time. 


You can check out the History of Litecoin in detail here. 


In this blog, we will be talking about Litecoin, how it works, how it can be purchased and also how the cryptocurrency differs from the leading Bitcoin.



What is Cryptocurrency?


Now, to get an idea of what exactly cryptocurrency is you’ll firstly need to get an understanding of how money works. Initially we started out with physical money, that includes notes and coins. 


Then sprouted the e-Money, aka the electronic money that reflects on our e banking applications. Both these forms of money are issued to us by the Government. 


Later emerged the cryptocurrency, that is a kind of electronic money which has not been issued by any Government. We also call it “Math Money” since this form of money is developed and managed through blockchains, aka computer networks that are powered through advanced mathematics. 


Cryptocurrency is basically an online only digital currency that serves as a direct financial exchange among users, barring the involvement of any third party or bank., unlike the currency system that we are generally more accustomed to, that makes use of a central bank. Several cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which include Litecoin.


(Related blog - Centralized and Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges )


These currencies are then controlled at the hands of the country’s government or the bloc of countries, which are issuing that currency, be it a euro or a dirham. The primary purpose of this form of currency is the decentralization of the banking system. This is largely owing to the inconveniences that are faced by the public while sending or receiving money across financial institutions or to a different country. 


These inconveniences have only escalated in the present times, owing to which cryptocurrency becomes an intriguing solution for technology buffs and institutions engaged in such transactions.


It has to be kept in mind that cryptocurrencies aren’t really stored in the traditional manner, i.e in a scenario where the currency would be stored inside a bank account, the transaction record is stored onto the blockchain.



What is Litecoin?


Set up in 2011 by Charlie Lee, an ex Google employee, Litecoin (LTC) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency. It shares several similarities with Bitcoin and this cryptocurrency is actually based on the original source code of Bitcoin.


Litecoin had been set up for being leveraged for less costly transactions and for being more efficient in terms of daily use. Relatively, Bitcoin is considered as a store of value to be adopted in the long term. The coin limit market cap is much higher on litecoin than bitcoin, and the mining process is far quicker. This means transactions are faster and cheaper, although generally smaller in size. 


Similar to Bitcoin, Litecoin is a form of digital money. By making use of the blockchain technology, litecoin can be adopted for direct transfer of funds between individuals or businesses. This helps to ensure that a public ledger is recorded of all the undertaken transactions and which enables the currency to set up a decentralised payment system that is devoid of censorship and government control. 


(Suggested Read - Bitcoin Mining )


On several occasions Litecoin is referred to as the “silver to Bitcoin's gold.”


In the present scenario and at the time of writing this article Litecoin’s market cap is over $12 billion


Watch this video for a deeper understanding of Litecoin : 



How does Litecoin Work?


For coming to terms with how litecoin works, it would be effective to firstly gain an idea of the blockchain technology. Let’s understand this term with an example.


Suppose you have lent money to a certain person who, at a future point, claims you have not lent it to them and refuses to give it back to you. This, in a normal scenario would leave you helpless and resigned, as you realise you can’t really do anything about it.


Now imagine another scenario, where you have witnesses who have recorded you lending the money to this person and also them claiming to return it soon and posted it on popular social media platforms. This becomes useful evidence since the person committing the fraud would not possibly be able to hack the evidence from the Internet.


Yet another example can be that of Google Doc. Whenever we create a particular document and then share it with people, the document is distributed, rather than being copied or transferred. 


This sets up a decentralized distribution chain that offers everyone simultaneous access to the document. This way, all the alterations made to the document are recorded in real-time and no one is locked out while waiting for other parties to incorporate the changes, which in turn ensures that the changes are transparent. 


These are relevant analogies that can be used to depict the technology that is the blockchain. A blockchain is mainly a handful of computers (nodes) that are connected to each other. Each of these computers possess the same data, which can be a ledger for instance. 


If someone wishes to hack this data, they’d be required to hack most of these computers simultaneously to gain access to the data, which definitely poses quite a challenge. The data stored within the blockchain is secured via encryption techniques and  the transactions that take place through blockchain technology are considered anonymous. 


Just like other cryptocurrencies, Litecoin is mined by the user, in exchange for the currency. By solving intricate math equations, miners verify transactions and generate fresh blocks. 


Through Litecoin, the miners are generally awarded with 25 fresh Litecoins per block they mine, a figure which gets halved in the period of every four years, on an average, basically every 840,000 blocks. 



How to purchase Litecoin?


Litecoin, like other cryptocurrencies, cannot really be purchased by the traditional method of using traditional brokers. Rather it is purchased in a digital wallet, through one of the cryptocurrency exchanges, or via an online brokerage firm that offers crypto trading. 


Several factors like fees, accessibility and security need to be taken into account prior to making a decision regarding where to purchase and maintain cryptocurrencies.


Irrespective of wherever one buys these Litecoins, they are required to be stored inside a cryptocurrency wallet. This wallet, which could be an actual hardware or a software program, enables the user to send and receive digital currencies and also allows them to oversee their speculative stocks. 



Difference between Litecoin and Bitcoin


The image shows the difference between Litecoin and Bitcoin in terms of the Coin release date, maximum coin supply, average transaction time, halving interval for block rewards, mining algorithm and Market Cap

Litecoin vs Bitcoin


  1. Transaction Speed


Litecoin has a much higher transaction speed as compared to Bitcoin. The blocks are generated faster and the transactions are processed faster as well, with a high number of transactions getting processed over the same time period.


( Suggested Read - Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash )



  1. Number of Coins


Both the cryptocurrencies have a finite number of coins that are available for circulation. While Bitcoin has a total of 21 million coins available, Litecoin has 84 million coins available – the cryptocurrency’s coins are four times more than that of Bitcoin.



  1. Market Cap


Litecoin has a smaller market cap as opposed to Bitcoin. While Litecoin’s market cap presently stands at over $12 billion, Bitcoin’s market cap presently dangles over $900 billion. 



  1. Algorithms


Both Litecoin and Bitcoin adopt varying algorithms. While Litecoin adopts Scrypt, Bitcoin makes use of SHA-256.


Both the algorithms have a varying impact on how the process of mining fresh coins takes place. A great degree of computing power is required for confirming transactions for Litecoin and Bitcoin. Generally Bitcoin’s algorithm SHA-256 is far more complex to that of Litecoin’s algorithm Scrypt. 


The miners have tried applying some complex techniques for being able to mine bitcoins effectively. They have adopted ASICs, i.e hardware systems set up for mining Bitcoins.


Scrypt on the other hand, has been set up in a manner which makes it less vulnerable to ASIC-based mining custom hardware solutions, which offers it an advantage by making it more accessible for the people who wish to mine. 



  1. Halving Intervals for Block Rewards


While Bitcoin has a block reward halving for every 210,000 blocks, Litecoin’s block reward halving is undertaken every 840,000 blocks. This implies that Litecoin generates four blocks for every one block generated by Bitcoin.  





The success or failure of Litecoin is dependent on a number of criterias. The rate at which it is adopted by the users is one criteria, and the more people purchase the cryptocurrency, for whichever purpose, its value will escalate. The cryptocurrency’s presence on leading exchanges becomes another lucrative advantage for it. 


( Suggested Read - Future of Cryptocurrency )


Yet Litecoin, unlike Bitcoin, doesn't really attract as much attention from the public, nor does it have that level of public trust. With governments deliberating on the best approach for regulating cryptocurrencies, fresh regulations can result in large price shifts for each cryptocurrency, which include Litecoin.


Till date, Litecoin has managed to survive and prevail in a world where several cryptocurrencies have declined and become obsolete. Having established itself as a well-known and recognized blockchain powered payment network worldwide, it remains to be seen how Litecoin will be shaping itself up in the long term.

Latest Comments

  • hugogustafsson82510a254181a8745d5

    Oct 22, 2024

    The internet was a safe place to study new things while relaxing in your own neighbourhood before these scammers suddenly appeared like worms and turned it into a dangerous place. My personal hero as a country music enthusiast is Kenny Rogers. I can vividly remember the Instagram post that read, "Guess who, my idol?" I remember being so awed that I wrote about how much he changed my life. I felt like I was talking to my hero on Instagram. He did say that he wants to show me a simple method of making quick money after seeing my unwavering support on his official Instagram page. I thought my idol could never make a mistake, so I didn't even look into it. I quickly enrolled in the plan. I didn't know it was a scammer posing as a celebrity until I had already invested $215,000.00. The problem worsened when I couldn't withdraw funds from my investment or access my account; after all of this, I sensed that something wasn't right. To ensure that I am not a host to these parasites, I must look for help from all available sources. Finding out about Wizard James Recovery Company, the leading cryptocurrency recovery specialist, pleased me. After I contacted their representative, they promised to return my stolen investment and they fulfilled their promise since they were so certain. If you find yourself in a similar circumstance, you can contact them via the methods listed below. wizardjamesrecovery @usa .com WA: + 4 4 7 4 1 8 3 6 7 2 0 4

  • hannapearson92058f8a1bc1fb44b6

    Oct 23, 2024

    I made the decision to handle things myself since I was determined and a little naive. I studied innumerable tutorials on the complexities of blockchain, encryption algorithms, and digital forensics. However, when I put in endless effort to crack the code, it became evident that my rudimentary knowledge was unable to tackle the intricate realm of Bitcoin recovery. I had been misguided by my tenacity. I turned to recovery programs that claimed simple and quick fixes while I was in a desperate situation. I gave my hard-earned money to slick-talking professionals who said they knew everything. I had no idea that I was about to fall into a trap. I became even more discouraged and broke as a result of these scammers taking advantage of my weakness. Although it was a difficult lesson, it increased my prudence and discernment. When all else seemed gone, a glimmer of hope emerged from the dark depths of the internet. Internet reviews and recommendations from other Bitcoin enthusiasts led me to discover the team "WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY." I had to give it one last go because they were famous. WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY presented a team of professionals with an exceptional record of recovering lost or stolen cryptocurrency. With expertise in everything from blockchain analysis to tracking down digital traces, they were a formidable force in the bitcoin recovery field. With renewed hope, I reached out to them in the hopes that they would improve my situation. When I contacted WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY, they responded quickly and competently. They told me that they had handled cases like mine in the past and acknowledged the gravity of my predicament. Finding someone who genuinely understood my situation and didn't view my loss as a statistic was a relief. One document at a time, it seemed to me like they were assembling the puzzle.I was kept updated at every stage of the recovery process by the WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY Experts. They used their extensive knowledge and expertise to create a plan that was customised for my particular situation. In contrast to my prior experiences with bogus recovery services, it was a team effort, and I felt like I had a voice in the process. In the end, WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY expertise and dedication allowed me to recover my stolen bitcoin. I couldn't help but feel grateful that I had found this amazing team because it was a successful moment. They turned my story of suffering into a story of salvation, demonstrating to me that even in the most desperate situations, magicians can accomplish incredible things with a wave of their digital wands. Overcoming obstacles: Overcoming difficulties and disappointments along the way. Use the details below to get in touch with them. WHATSAPP: (+.4.4

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    Oct 25, 2024

    Someone named Ibon Ide, posing as a financial counsellor, messaged me on LinkedIn. I have been using the platform for a long time, so I was already accustomed to getting bids, so I didn't think it was a huge concern. After hearing his spiel, I made the decision to invest in cryptocurrencies. As it happens, I was interested in Bitcoin but didn't understand how it worked. After a week of lengthy conversations, I gave in and he helped me download trading applications and a virtual wallet to store my cryptocurrency. After that, the Ibon person suggested that I contribute $20,000 and then $50,000. I was unable to recognise that I was being duped since he was so convincing. In summary, Ibon stopped communicating with me and I was unable to withdraw my money and earnings. I spoke with my attorney, who, using his contacts, put me in touch with Wizard James Recovery, a committed organisation that specialises in assisting fraud victims. Ibon is currently in detention, and I got my money back. Since few people are able to follow scammers, I have chosen to share this so that anyone in a similar circumstance can readily obtain aid. You can easily email wizardjamesrecovery (@) usa (.) com

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    Oct 26, 2024

    If you have ever fallen victim to a bitcoin or cryptocurrency fraud, I strongly suggest using Wizard James Recovery service to assist you get your money back. A few weeks ago, someone on Instagram claimed to be in the investment business and that I could profit greatly from all of my investments. I was swayed by this and invested $560,000 in this cryptocurrency scam after he assured me that I would receive a substantial return on my investment within a few days. However, when it came time to collect my profits, I discovered it was all a scam, and they stopped contacting me and logged me out of their platform. My coworker told me about Wizard James Recovery Service and how they could hack into their system to help me get my money back. After I got in touch with them and gave them the details they asked for, I had my money back in less than a week. I'm relieved and thought I'd spread the word to as many others as possible who could be in need of their assistance. The following details can help you get in touch with them. WhatsApp: +-4-4- 7-4-1-8 3-6-7-2-0-4, Email: wizardjamesrecovery@usa.com

  • anelieseklienf7bbd5185d9e42bf

    Oct 28, 2024

    I recently lost over $321k of my life savings as a victim of the CATLY scam. I fell into a deep despair and was scared to inform anyone. All of this happened so quickly that I was in shock. I did some research and chose to get in touch with WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY, who answered all of my enquiries and promised to do everything in his power to get my money back, which he did. My USDT was returned to my wallet a few days later. I am so grateful to this brilliance, and I strongly advise anyone in need of assistance to get in touch with them right away. Remember to convey to Wizard James that Aneliese recommended you, and you can count on their dependable and first-rate service. Contact details: Email: wizardjamesrecovery@ usa . com Whatsapp: +.44. 7418. 367204. Webpage: h t t p s : / / www . wizardjamesrecovery . com

  • jacobclaasen1359e3767546a54f5c

    Oct 30, 2024

    Not everyone has heard of Wizard James Recovery, I'm sure. I'm delighted that my internet study led me to this wonderful RECOVERY SPECIALIST. I was contacted by a scammer on Discord who attempted to trick me into joining a binary options investment scheme, which I was hesitant to do. After exchanging contact information, the scammer obtained my email address and took all of my coins, which were worth roughly $71,000. I was devastated because I thought I was cautious enough, but you can never be too careful with these rippers. I immediately took action after conducting some independent research and reading glowing testimonials about Wizard James, a superb and incredibly efficient recovery agent; his contact information is (wizardjamesrecovery@ usa .com/Whatsapp: + 44 (7418) 367 204). After I contacted James, I gave him the bare minimum of details and specifications, and he immediately got to work recovering what I had lost in a week of hacking and investigation services. I am ecstatic about this wonderful favour, and I vowed to spread the word about this wonderful man named James. If you want to recover any digital currency that you have lost to cryptocurrency scammers, make sure to get in touch with Wizard James using the information above.

  • lenimuller93a82a4f02e6224990

    Nov 02, 2024

    I felt overpowered and unsure on how to get back my stolen assets after losing $243,230 worth of Bitcoin and Ethereum to an investment fraud. Fortunately, I came across WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY, and their outstanding assistance changed everything in this dire circumstance. Unmatched professionalism and openness were displayed by WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY. Their team of highly qualified web developers and cybersecurity specialists carefully examined the scam's specifics and created a plan of action for my situation. In addition to being meticulous, their strategy demonstrated their deep comprehension of the intricate nature of bitcoin theft.It was especially remarkable how quickly WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY moved. Their prompt recovery efforts were crucial in getting my money back that had been stolen and easing my anxiety and worry. It was quite impressive and demonstrated their proficiency in the sector that they were able to recover so much cryptocurrency so quickly.WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY did more than just get my money back. They also made an effort to find the fraudsters who were behind the theft. Their proficiency in cyber investigations and digital forensics was essential in locating and apprehending the offenders. In addition to helping me financially, this extra assistance also advanced the cause of justice more broadly. Excellent communication was kept by WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY. By giving me frequent updates and concise justifications for their actions, they fostered trust and made sure I was always aware of the advancements being achieved. The experience was far less stressful than I had expected because of their openness and commitment.I would recommend WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY to anyone looking for professional help reclaiming cash or cryptocurrency that has been stolen. They stand out in the field of cybersecurity due to their professionalism, effectiveness, and transparency. I had an extremely excellent experience with them, and I am very grateful for their assistance and knowledge in getting my stolen valuables back. Without a doubt, WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY is a team you can trust to expertly and devotedly handle the challenges of cryptocurrency recovery. WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY can be reached by email at wizardjamesrecovery @usa. com. Message: +44 7418 367204 on WhatsApp

  • liselotteabel8b3b33a9a120425c

    Nov 09, 2024

    I'm writing this review to sincerely thank Wizard James Recovery Services for their exceptional work in assisting me in getting my lost Bitcoin investment back. I lost $250,000 in cryptocurrencies as a result of falling victim to an online hoax, which was a severe emotional and financial blow. Fortunately, when looking through my options online, I found Wizard James Recovery Services. I made the decision to get in touch, and after our initial conversation, I knew I was in good hands. In addition to being competent, the staff at Wizard James Recovery Services was sympathetic and recognized the pain I was experiencing. They guided me through every stage of the procedure, outlining their plans and the actions they would take to get my money back. I valued their openness and commitment, which increased my confidence in the healing process. I was astounded by how hard the staff worked to find my investment in such a short amount of time. I was informed on a regular basis, and I could see they were dedicated to their goal. I was shocked to learn that James had successfully retrieved my $250,000 Bitcoin investment from the swindle artist! The relief and joy I experienced upon getting my money back are beyond words. Wizard James Recovery In addition to helping me recover my financial loss, gave me hope that justice would be served in the face of deceit. Throughout the entire process, their professionalism, knowledge, and sincere concern for their clients were clear to see. Contact them today via email: wizardjamesrecovery@usa.com

  • kochg3182a81d4facdb34c70

    Nov 12, 2024

    I go by Gisela. Here's my recommendation: I strongly recommend Wizard James Recovery Company to anyone who has fallen victim to a scam and is searching for ways to get their lost assets or Bitcoin wallets back. This licensed cryptocurrency recovery specialist assists victims in getting their lost cryptocurrency back and offers secure methods to keep their wallets safe from online scammers. Before Wizard James Recovery Company was able to retrieve the 11.9BTC that was in my Binance wallet, I must admit that I was completely hopeless and drowning in depression. Anyone who has lost cryptocurrency should speak with an expert about their situation so that their money might be retrieved. To learn more, send an email to: wizardjamesrecovery@ usa.com Whatsapp: +44 7418 367204

  • kurtzmarciajean3cf227a1497a4a02

    Mar 04, 2025

    Brunoe Quick Hack: Recover Your Lost Bitcoin with Ease Losing Bitcoin can feel like a nightmare, but you don’t have to face it alone. Brunoe Quick Hack is a powerful recovery tool designed by blockchain security experts to help you retrieve lost cryptocurrency. Whether you sent Bitcoin to the wrong address, lost your private keys, or were hacked, this advanced software uses cutting-edge cryptographic techniques and machine learning to track down your missing funds. With an easy-to-use interface and fast processing, even beginners can take control of their recovery process. Don’t let lost Bitcoin stay lost—Brunoe Quick Hack is here to help you reclaim what’s yours. WhatsApp: +1 (70) 57-842-635 Website: brunoequickhack.com Email: brunoequickhack@gmail.com