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Machine Learning in Marketing: Importance & Implementation

  • Sangita Kalita
  • Aug 19, 2022
Machine Learning in Marketing: Importance & Implementation title banner

"Globally, It's important that we embed artificial intelligence into our systems such that it functions in service to humanity, and not in competition with it."

- Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr


What if you could automate the time-consuming and repetitive parts of your marketing procedure? That is now feasible thanks to AI. Even while machine learning has been utilized for a wide range of functions, from banking to healthcare, it is currently being employed by businesses of all kinds to enhance their marketing initiatives.


Data is saturating the digital world to an extreme. From lead scoring through churn minimization and beyond, we can improve our predictions and choices in our marketing campaigns by utilizing machine learning.


At the same time, a lot of marketers still have trouble comprehending how AI functions and what it can be used for. You will learn more about Machine Learning for Marketing in this blog.


Also Read | Different Types of Learning in Machine Learning



What is Machine Learning in Marketing?


Using algorithms, machine learning is a sort of artificial intelligence that uses data to generate predictions and judgments. It is utilized in a wide range of contemporary fields, including advertising, banking, and healthcare, and it may be directly included into marketing actions like lead scoring and email marketing.


It works well for marketing since it can reveal information about consumer behaviour that would otherwise be missed. As an illustration, a business might have a tonne of information about website visitors who filled out contact forms, but it may not be clear whether or how to optimize that information for improved lead flow or whether those visitors would convert. 


They can develop models using machine learning to forecast who is more likely to make a purchase. Machine learning generally refers to a computer's capacity to learn without being explicitly programmed. In terms of marketing, this implies that a computer is able to find patterns in data and use those patterns to accurately forecast future results. 


According to their prior behavior, a machine learning model, for instance, might be able to identify which leads will convert and then take targeted actions to improve their user experience.


The development of more complex machine learning algorithms has made it possible for computers to continuously gather new data, use that data to better their decisions moving forward, and therefore automatically improve their performance over time without the need for human involvement.


Utilizing data to direct corporate decisions is a common practice in traditional marketing. Instead of just providing information about what's happening on a macro level, machine learning advances by utilizing this data to make decisions autonomously. In other words, without the aid of manual labor from humans, machines are now learning how to optimize results.


Also Read | Uses of Machine Learning in Healthcare



Why should you use machine learning to market your business?


Although it can be very challenging to quantify the results of marketing initiatives, basic business strategy teaches us that customer acquisition is essential for long-term growth.


From product creation to pricing choices, marketing teams are frequently in charge of several facets of their company's strategy. Because of this, it can be extremely challenging to predict which decisions will have the greatest long-term impact on revenue generation. Machine learning can help with this by allowing businesses to better understand their customers and act accordingly.


Let's use an eCommerce platform like Shopify or BigCommerce as an example where a business sells goods. They might create a machine learning model that predicts, based on prior conversion rates, which client groups are most likely to convert, and then use that model to send targeted emails or position advertising in particular channels to those customers. 


This will enable businesses to increase the average order value, a crucial indicator of long-term revenue growth. In addition, marketing teams are in charge of developing customer personas, identifying their target audience, and developing messaging based on that information. 


However, it can be challenging to assess whether these tasks are being completed correctly or to gain any understanding of how various demographic groups react differently to the same marketing message. Numerous insights into client attributes that can be used to enhance messaging and targeting can be obtained via data science. 


For instance, you may utilize machine learning to identify the preferred email language for a user based on their location or whether pop-ups or banners are more effective depending on the type of device they're using. The end result of all this is more profitable marketing that can increase company growth.


Also Read | Statistical Terms for Machine Learning


Using Machine Learning to Improve Your Marketing


We are aware that marketing teams never lack data. Marketers struggle to make sense of the vast amount of data at their disposal and then apply that data. Machine learning enters the picture in this investigation.


Machine learning should be a key component of your marketing stack since it can process enormous amounts of data much more quickly and efficiently than humans.


This method can use data to quickly spot trends and make predictions. Marketers may then use these insights to optimize a significant chunk of their workflow, from doing more tests and enhancing the user experience on their website to customize the user experience for each individual customer and automating consumer engagement.


The bottom line is that machine learning can be utilized to enhance practically every aspect of your digital marketing activities. We go over five of the most significant methods below for implementing Machine Learning in Marketing.

The image shows the Implementation of Machine Learning in Marketing which includes Analyze Data Sets, Create and Optimize Content, Increase Personalization, Improve Marketing Automation and Utilize Chatbots

Implementing Machine Learning in Marketing


  1. Analyze Data Sets


Analyzing data sets will probably be the first step in any machine learning strategy you employ in your marketing campaigns. Machine learning, for example, can be used to examine and discover trends in user behavior on your website. 


Instead of spending hours poring through data in your Google Analytics profile, an algorithm could complete the task in a matter of seconds, forecasting user behavior in the future and spotting trends you can use to improve your website.


Although people are fully capable of conducting their own data analysis, they cannot do so as quickly or precisely as AI-powered solutions. Additionally, marketers can employ machine learning to better understand their clientele.


Consider the customer segmentation strategy. Your marketing efforts can be greatly improved by segmenting your audience into multiple categories, but doing this manually takes time. 


On the other hand, a machine learning algorithm can automatically divide your clientele into groups based on behaviors and activities that you could never hope to predict.


  1. Create and Optimize Content


Content is very crucial to your digital marketing efforts. You might require more explanation, though, about how machine learning can enhance the content you generate and distribute and why it's crucial to incorporate it into your content marketing approach.


To begin with, machine learning can improve your content' position in search engine rankings. Being a great writer is one thing; writing in a way that pleases Google and gets you results in the SERPs is quite another. You must make sure that you employ all pertinent terminology, cover all pertinent subjects, and generally cover all of your bases.


Without intelligent content creation tools like Frase.io, which compares your material to Google's top results using machine learning to ensure you cover all the pertinent points, it's fairly difficult to accomplish that.


To write content for yourself, you may utilize algorithms. In order to produce email subject lines and push alerts that would generate the maximum return on investment, Phrasee, an AI-powered copywriting tool, leverages machine learning.


Even content curation for your customers using AI is possible. To assist marketers in finding and disseminating the most pertinent and interesting material for their consumers, Curata provides machine learning content curation software.


  1. Increase Personalization


Customers value personalization. According to Accenture research, 91 percent of customers favor firms that remember their preferences and make pertinent offers and suggestions as a result. Over half of consumers are also more than willing to switch to a rival if they don't receive a tailored experience.


The good news is that machine learning makes it possible to provide customers with the most individualized service. You can utilize an algorithm that carefully examines user behavior, discovers the products they prefer, and then builds a customized homepage and recommendations list.


To provide the product recommendations that are most likely to be purchased, Amazon, for example, uses AI algorithms that consider user purchase history, the items in their cart, and their viewing preferences.


The same algorithm might create tailored offers for each client and email them to customers at times when they are most likely to make a purchase.


  1. Improve Marketing Automation


One way that machine learning may change how your company contacts customers is through better personalisation, but it's not the only one. Additionally, it can greatly increase client involvement by better automating your marketing initiatives.


Say you automatically send emails to clients who subscribe to your newsletter or leave their carts unattended. While most firms will send generic emails to their customers, businesses that use machine learning can customize content and offers based on the consumer's browsing behavior.


A pertinent offer on chew toys would increase their likelihood of engaging with your business again if they had previously looked at the selection of dog toys offered by your company before signing up for your email.


Tools for marketing automation powered by AI can scan bigger and more diverse datasets for SaaS firms to better segment leads. This enables sales representatives to give higher priority to prospects that are far more likely to convert.


Marketing automation is a very potent tool. According to Invesp, marketing automation increases sales productivity by over 14% while reducing marketing overhead by over 12%.


It is entirely possible to accomplish this without machine learning, but AI greatly increases the power and personalization of your automation efforts.


  1. Utilize Chatbots


A potent customer service tool is the chatbot. Eight out of ten customers who have interacted with them say they have had a good experience. They are practically necessary if you run an online business.


You don't need a person on staff to assist customers when using chatbots. Instead, chatbots driven by machine learning may provide startlingly accurate answers to customer questions automatically. That's because your chatbot will continually refine the responses it offers based on the information on your website and the discussions it has with users.


The chatbot will provide an even better customer experience with more chats because it is always learning and developing itself. Initially, you might wish to have your chatbot refer an extremely complex question to a human, but eventually the bot will be so efficient that a human won't be required to step in.


You'll eventually have a chatbot intelligent enough to upsell the customer rather than just respond to their inquiries. Additionally, it's unlikely that customers will recognise that they are chatting to a robot. For clients' chats, certain chatbots, like IntelliTicks, use Natural Language Processing (NLP), another area of artificial intelligence.


In addition, data collected by AI-powered chatbots can be examined by a different machine learning algorithm to produce insights that marketers can use to refine their future efforts.


Through the use of machine learning in digital marketing, businesses can improve their decision-making throughout the whole customer lifecycle, from lead scoring and sales funnel optimization through churn reduction. You may enhance the customer experience, raise customer engagement, and decrease customer turnover by learning about the problems that customers have

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