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SSD Trimming: What and How to Enable on Windows?

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • May 07, 2024
  • Updated on: Nov 02, 2023
SSD Trimming: What and How to Enable on Windows? title banner

As we all know, one of the highlights of SSDs is their flash memory chips. SSD must have a mechanism to handle this data in order for the operating system to access and alter the data on these chips. Data on an SSD is separated into blocks of data, which are further divided into pages of data.


SSD drives are becoming increasingly popular due to benefits such as lower power consumption, faster speed, and improved dependability. However, when it comes to SSD, not everyone understands it completely, especially its phrases, such as trim SSD. How well do you understand SSD trimming? Let me guide you through. 


Introduction to SSD Trimming


To understand what SSD trim is, you must first understand how SSD works. SSDs resemble traditional hard drives in appearance, but they record data in different ways. SSDs typically store data on NADA flash memory and utilize a flash controller to connect the memory to the host computer. Data is saved in blocks on SSDs. Each block is made up of several files; we compare a block to a notebook and a file to one page of the notebook. When using SSDs, the data on the notebook can be deleted when necessary. However, when you erase data from a page, it is only marked as deleted. 


This is due to the fact that data can only be erased in blocks. You discover that the blank pages are running out and that you require extra blank pages to hold new data. However, you cannot perform a deletion immediately on the page that you have typed. At this point, the highlighted pages will form a block, and the entire block can be erased.


SSD TRIM also known as an Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) command, instructs an SSD which data blocks it can wipe with the help of the operating system because they are no longer in use.


TRIM is also available for SSDs that support the SATA interface, in addition to the ATA interface. SSDs with various interfaces have a command comparable to TRIM. SCSI, for example, includes the UNMAP command, which is a full analogue of TRIM. If your solid-state drive does not have an SSD TRIM command, it will not know which sectors of the drive contain unnecessary data. As a result, before writing new data to that sector, the disc must first erase the old data.


It takes somewhat longer than simply writing the new information, but utilizing the TRIM Command can improve the drive's write performance. This is also why, when comparing SSD vs. HDD, SSDs have a faster read-write speed.


To understand why SSDs do not just delete files when you hit the button, we must first understand how they work. We've disassembled SSDs previously, and you'll notice that there's not much inside of them.


The sample below is of an older SATA type (Samsung 850 Pro), although even the most recent SSDs aren't all that different in terms of the components that make up the drive.


The processor in the middle oversees all of the commands, data flow, encryption, and other techniques. Above it is a small quantity of DRAM that serves as an instruction and data cache as well as storing a database of drive data locations.


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How to Enable SSD Trim for Windows


SSD trimming is a method that aids in the long-term performance of a solid-state drive. Trim operates by removing chunks of data that are no longer in use on a regular basis. The trimmed data isn't always eliminated right away because a complex procedure determines when this happens. But when it does, it not only frees up space on the drive, but it also helps the SSD operate better and last longer.


To determine whether TRIM is enabled or disabled on your solid state disc, use the Command Prompt. Use the search to get started quickly. There are numerous alternative approaches, which are detailed below. 


In most modern operating systems, enabling TRIM on your SSD is an automatic and built-in feature. To ensure that TRIM is enabled and operational, perform these general instructions for Windows, macOS, and Linux:


For Microsoft Windows:


  1. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator:


In the Windows search bar, type "cmd.", Select "Run as administrator" from the context menu when you right-click on "Command Prompt."


  1. Enter the following command in the Command Prompt to see if TRIM is already enabled:


  • TRIM is already active if the result is "DisableDeleteNotify = 0." You're ready to go.


  • TRIM is disabled if the result is "DisableDeleteNotify = 1." You can use the following command to enable it. 


  1. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.


How it Works- 


NAND flash-based SSDs read and write data in units known as pages, and 128 pages compose a single data block in a standard SSD. However, before any data can be written or programmed to the SSD, an entire block of unneeded data must be deleted. Garbage collection, an internal SSD housekeeping activity, aids in streamlining the process.


Garbage collection manages and preserves available storage space by addressing the gap between the erase unit size (block) and the read/write unit size (page). When a previously written block is targeted for garbage collection, the valid data pages are retrieved and relocated to another block on the SSD so that the block holding the old, invalid data pages can be wiped. Garbage collection may wait for lulls in disc activity to begin the procedure, leaving obsolete pages in the SSD.


The SSD TRIM command essentially labels the faulty data and instructs the SSD to disregard it during garbage collection. The SSD will then have fewer pages to move during trash collection, reducing the total number of program/erase cycles (P/E cycles) to the NAND flash media and extending the SSD's life. Because NAND flash wears out over time due to the long-term impacts of the P/E cycle, lowering the number of erases can extend the SSD's endurance. 


Benefits of SSD Trimming 


SSDs can be more expensive than hard drives. SSD development expenses are greater than HDD development costs since SSD technology is much younger. However, the overall difference is closing, and the cost of an SSD per GB has dropped significantly in recent years. Upgrading to a solid-state drive and increasing memory are two simple and inexpensive ways to improve PC or laptop performance.


When a standard hard drive is replaced with an SSD, even relatively new computers enjoy a significant performance boost. Users notice that pages load faster and programmes open faster. Overall, the advantages of switching to an SSD outweigh the disadvantages.


TRIM is a useful function for SSDs (Solid-State Drives) since it aids in the maintenance of their performance and longevity. The following are the primary advantages of using TRIM with an SSD:


  1. Improved Write Performance


When data is removed from an SSD, the device labels the related memory cells as "invalid" or "empty" rather than destroying the data immediately. If these invalid cells are not reclaimed, write performance will suffer over time. TRIM aids in the preservation of write performance by signaling the SSD to clean up these cells and ready them for new data, hence reducing write speed loss.


  1. Longevity and Endurance


SSDs have a certain number of write/erase cycles before they begin to wear down. TRIM helps an SSD last longer by decreasing write amplification, which occurs when many write operations are required for a single user write. The drive can use TRIM to efficiently manage data erasures and extend the life of the NAND flash memory.


  1. Avoid Degraded Performance


Without TRIM, an SSD might become clogged with "stale" or erased data. This can lead to a decrease in performance over time. TRIM keeps the SSD efficient by keeping free, available space for new data and reducing performance degradation.


  1. Stable and Consistent Performance


TRIM helps to ensure that the SSD's performance remains consistent over time. This is especially critical for jobs that require frequent data writes and deletes, as it avoids write and read performance from degrading.


  1. Faster Garbage Collection


To recover and prepare unused memory cells, SSDs use a process known as garbage collection. TRIM speeds up this process by actively identifying faulty data blocks as accessible, which reduces the time necessary for garbage collection and, as a result, improves overall drive performance.


  1. Reduced Write Amplification 


Happens when numerous write operations are required to perform a single user write. TRIM reduces write amplification by keeping the SSD's storage environment clean, which boosts both performance and endurance.


  1. Enhanced Data Security


When TRIM is enabled, the SSD erases and identifies data blocks as accessible in real time. This can improve data security by lowering the likelihood of deleted data being recovered via data recovery tools.




TRIM is a critical function for SSDs since it optimizes performance, extends lifespan, and ensures that they constantly deliver high-speed performance throughout their use.


SSD TRIM is an Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) instruction that allows an operating system to notify a NAND flash solid-state drive (SSD) of data blocks that can be erased since they are no longer in use. TRIM can enhance the performance of writing data to SSDs and add to SSD longevity.


The abbreviation TRIM is available for SSDs that use the Serial ATA (SATA) interface. UNMAP is the SAS SSD-specific Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) command. In the nonvolatile memory express (NVMe) command set for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express SSDs, the DEALLOCATE operation gives a comparable feature.


Though SSD TRIM is a vital tool that can improve the speed, operation, and longevity of your SSD, it does have certain disadvantages. The most important limitation is that retrieving deleted files from SSD discs with the TRIM command enabled is impossible. So be cautious when emptying Mac Trash.


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