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Top 10 Smart Cities in the US

  • Pragya Soni
  • Mar 25, 2022
Top 10 Smart Cities in the US title banner

‘Smart city is not about purchasing the technology, it’s about the process.’


- Jaroslav Kacer, Deputy Mayor of Brno


A city’s environment and status influence a lot to the lifestyles of its citizens. In recent decades, smart cities have become the new criteria for judging the development and progress of the countries. 


You might be dreaming of flying cars, time delivery systems and other fancy dreams on hearing the word, Smart City. Well, that may be possible in the near future.


But currently, smart cities are those which demonstrate management and coordination between humans and technology. In this blog, we will take a note on the major smart cities of the United States. 


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What is the Meaning of Smart City?


Smart City is implementing IoT and information and communication technology together to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services.

Technologically, smart cities are defined as urban areas that use technological and electronic methods for the development. Smart city utilizes voice activation methods, sensors and real-time data tracking devices to collect and employ the specific data.

The data and information gained by the technical devices are used to improve operations across the city. The IoT, internet and AI are employed in smart cities to deliver functions like power supply, traffic management, crime detection, information systems, water supply and to monitor the other urban activities.


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Top 10 Smart Cities in the US

The United States itself is the synonym of smart nation. Fully developed and processed with the innovative and latest technologies, it is the dream country of several individuals. Top 10 smart cities situated in the US are as follows:

Top 10 smart cities in the US -New York City, Cedar Rapids, Austin, Columbus, LaGrange, Fresno, Chicago, Boulder, Pittsburgh and San Francisco

Top 10 smart cities in the US


  1. New York City, New York

New York City is ranked as the second smart City globally. It is one of the leading smart cities. The main innovation in the city can be traced by the form of transportation and communication linkage.

Currently the city's mayor office of technology and innovation is working on the causes to conserve resources, reducing the environmental impact on the city, and improving the quality of the population there.


  1. Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Cedar Rapids is about to make its way in the top modest and smart cities of the world. The city emphasizes sustainability, health and efficiency of technology and citizens.

The city, Cedar Rapids was earlier destroyed by flood in 2008. Later it worked with FEMA and EPA to implement smart and innovative technologies for growth and development. There's no doubt that the city has presented a fast forward approach in technical and practical terms.


  1. Austin, Texas

Austin's city council is all set up to become a whole Smart City. The official website of the city council has already described the city as equipped with smart transportation plans and real-time traveler information.

They have also mentioned about the automated and connected vehicles details, intelligent sensors, and open data. In future, Austin is supposed to utilize it's maximum efforts to conserve energy to achieve its ambitious goals. 


For this purpose the city has tied with the Texas department of Transportation and University of Texas.


  1. Columbus, Ohio

The Smart City of Ohio, Columbus is also the winner of the U.S. Department of Transportation Smart City Challenge held in 2016. In the mentioned competition the city has beat approx. 77 other cities to win a development grant.

Later, the city council launched an initiative, Smart Columbus, to involve every citizen of the city in the development process. The initiative focuses on major four priorities, smart transportation network, integrated data exchange, smart grid program and enhanced human services.


  1. LaGrange, Georgia

Small in size but still smart in technical aspects, LaGrange is showing the world that size is just a myth requirement for development. The city has successfully developed a smart grid system for their advanced broadband internet network.

The city has offered free Internet access to all its citizens via cable. This helped the city to gain international attention. With impressive and innovative smart technologies, the city has successfully demonstrated its potential.


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  1. Fresno, California

Fresno lies in the middle of San Francisco and Los Angeles. The city is up with several innovative ideas in improving the human services and easing the quality life of its citizens. Fresno has claimed itself the most developed small city in the US.

The city has implemented a CitiStat model. It will help the authority to track the real-time data and improve the transportation facilities and network. The city has employed an adaptive transportation system to mark its difference. 


  1. Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is another Smart City awarded in the US. With mind blowing facilities and technologies, the city has broken all records and eased the living standards of all its citizens. The city council emphasizes collecting data to improve the living standards of the citizens.

With smart streetlights, that focus to dim or turn off the streetlights when not required and when there's sufficient light around. Also, sensors are fitted across the river sides to check the flood level. Sophisticated software with cameras is fitted in every corner of the city to check criminal activities.


  1. Boulder, Colorado

Boulder, a smart City of Colorado, has done the most controversial and expensive smart grid experiment. Though, the experiment took a reverse turn. Learning from the past mistakes the city again laid a new smart city plan.

The latest plan focuses to emphasize on the smart grid network, sophisticated meters, and smart cable operators. Also, the major goal of the city is to fight climate change and encourage sustainable development.


  1. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh has registered itself to the smart City platform via its modern development infrastructure layout. Tying hands with IBM smarter cities corporation, the city is all set to improve its existing plans.

The city is working to make its road more friendly for pedestrians and bikes. It is also supposed to revitalize the Almono steel site with a geothermal and solar energy microgrid. The electric transportation and LED streetlights are also employed in the city to register itself as an emerging smart technology city.


  1. San Francisco, California


With smart parking systems, the smart city of San Francisco has implemented several green initiatives and newer technologies to ease the life of its residents. The city is surrounded with an innovative and creative atmosphere and is rewarded as an Avant-garde city. 


It is the second most populated city in the US and thus emphasizes lowering its energy usage. With more than 300 LEED certified buildings, the city has a goal to build 100% of its power with renewable energy resources. 


With a connected vehicle grid and autonomous driving experience, the city has set another benchmark in the advanced transportation sector.


Despite of these mentioned cities, some other reputed smart cities in the United States include :


  1. Louisville, Kentucky


  1. Miami-Dade County, Florida


  1. Dallas, Texas


  1. Seattle, Washington


  1. Charlotte, North Carolina


  1. Washington DC, Columbia


  1. Boston, Massachusetts


  1. San Jose, California


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Concluding the blog with a piece of quote by Amit Ray,


A smart city is a city where humans, trees, birds, and other animals can grow with all their glories, imperfections, freedom and creativity. They are not just the cities of technology but cities of love, life, beauty, dignity, freedom and equity.


So yes, the main emphasis of the smart cities should be to reduce the troubles and burden from its citizens by improving their lifestyles and making the tasks efficient and easier for them. But their other goal should be reducing carbon percentage, sustainable development and a commitment for greater good on the global scale.

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