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Top 5 Real-life examples of Industry 4.0

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • Jan 13, 2023
Top 5 Real-life examples of Industry 4.0 title banner

Industry 4.0 heralds a shift in the traditional manufacturing landscape. Industry 4.0, also known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is driven by three technological trends: connectivity, intelligence, and flexible automation.


To create a cyber-physical environment, Industry 4.0 combines IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operational Technology).


What is Industry 4.0?


The fourth industrial revolution is also known as Industry 4.0. With the implementation of technology, many industries are becoming auto machines, and businesses are becoming more effective and smarter. In comparison to the third industrial revolution, it was primarily focused on transitioning from mechanical and analog processes to digital processes. 


Industry 4.0 is advancing our technology so that it can collect massive amounts of data that humans simply cannot. Industry 4.0 technology, like the Second Industrial Revolution, represents a significant shift in how businesses operate.


'Industry 4.0' - two words that are reverberating throughout the modern manufacturing sector. From product design to production process management, what it means to manufacture efficiently and effectively is undergoing an existential metamorphosis, all thanks to the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


Industry 4.0 is transforming how businesses manufacture, improve, and distribute their products. Manufacturers are incorporating new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and analytics, and AI and machine learning into their manufacturing facilities and operations.


These smart factories are outfitted with cutting-edge sensors, embedded software, and robotics that collect and analyze data to help with decision-making. When data from production operations is combined with operational data from ERP, supply chain, customer service, and other enterprise systems, whole new levels of visibility and insight from previously siloed information are created.


Also Read | What is Industry 4.0? How does it benefit Different Companies?


Technological Pillars of Industry 4.0:


Industry 4.0 is supported by nine technological pillars. These breakthroughs connect the physical and digital worlds, enabling smart and self-driving systems. Some of these advanced technologies are already used by businesses and supply chains, but the full potential of Industry 4.0 is realized when they are used together.


  1. Big Data and AI analytics:


Big Data is collected from a variety of sources in Industry 4.0, including factory equipment and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, ERP and CRM systems, and weather and traffic apps. 


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning analytics are applied to data in real-time, and insights are used to improve decision-making and automation in all areas of supply chain management: supply chain planning, logistics management, manufacturing, R&D and engineering, enterprise asset management (EAM), and procurement.


  1. Horizontal and vertical integration: 


Horizontal and vertical integration are the foundations of Industry 4.0. Horizontal integration tightly integrates processes at the "field level" - on the production floor, across multiple manufacturing facilities, and across the entire supply chain. Vertical integration connects all layers of an organization, allowing data to flow freely from the shop floor to the top floor and back down. 


In other words, production is tightly integrated with business processes such as R&D, quality assurance, sales and marketing, and others, and data and knowledge silos are obsolete.


  1. Cloud computing:


Cloud Computing is a "great enabler" of Industry 4.0 and digital transformation. Cloud technology today goes far beyond speed, scalability, storage, and cost-effectiveness. It serves as the foundation for the most advanced technologies, ranging from AI and machine learning to the Internet of Things, and allows businesses to innovate. 


The data that powers Industry 4.0 technologies are stored in the cloud and the cyber-physical systems at the heart of Industry 4.0 communicate and coordinate using the cloud.


  1. Augmented reality (AR):


A core concept of Industry 4.0 is augmented reality, which overlays digital content in a real-world environment. When looking at a physical thing, such as a piece of equipment or a product, employees use smart glasses or mobile devices to visualize real-time IoT data, digitized parts, repair or assembly instructions, training content, and more. 


Although AR is still in its early stages, it has significant implications for maintenance, service, and quality assurance, as well as technician training and safety.


  1. The Internet of Things (IoT): 


The Industrial Internet of Things - is so central to Industry 4.0 that the two terms are frequently used interchangeably. Sensors and RFID tags are used by most physical things in Industry 4.0, including devices, robots, machinery, equipment, and products, to provide real-time data about their condition, performance, or location. 


This technology enables businesses to run more efficient supply chains, design and modify products more quickly, prevent equipment downtime, stay on top of consumer preferences, track products and inventory, and much more.


  1. Autonomous robots:


With Industry 4.0 comes a new generation of autonomous robots. Autonomous robots, which are programmed to perform tasks with minimal human intervention, range in size and function from inventory scanning drones to autonomous mobile robots for pick and place operations. 


These robots, which are outfitted with cutting-edge software, AI, sensors, and machine vision, are capable of performing difficult and delicate tasks, as well as recognizing, analyzing, and acting on information they receive from their surroundings.


  1. Cybersecurity:


Manufacturing firms have not always recognized the significance of cybersecurity or cyber-physical systems. However, the same connectivity of factory or field operational equipment (OT) that enables more efficient manufacturing processes also exposes new entry points for malicious attacks and malware. 


When embarking on a digital transformation to Industry 4.0, it is critical to consider a cybersecurity strategy that includes both IT and OT equipment.


  1. Simulation/digital twins: 


Based on IoT sensor data, a digital twin is a virtual simulation of a real-world machine, product, process, or system. This essential component of Industry 4.0 enables businesses to better understand, analyze, and improve the performance and upkeep of industrial systems and products. A digital twin, for example, can be used by an asset operator to identify a specific malfunctioning part, predict potential issues, and improve uptime.


  1. Edge Computing: 


Due to the demands of real-time production operations, some data analysis must be performed at the "edge"—that is, where the data is generated. This reduces the time between when data is generated and when a response is required. 


For example, detecting a safety or quality issue with the equipment may necessitate near-real-time action. The time required to send data to the enterprise cloud and then back to the factory floor may be excessive, depending on network reliability. Edge computing also keeps data close to its source, lowering security risks.


Real-Life Examples of 4.0:


Some real-life examples of industries using 4.0 are:

Real life examples of Industry 4.0 1. Wichita’s Smart Factory 2. Humanoid Optimus Robot by Tesla 3. AUDI Manufacturing 4. Volkswagen

Real-Life Examples of Industry 4.0 


  1. Wichita's Smart Factory:


The Smart Factory at Wichita is a physical manifestation of Industry 4.0, showcasing the latest digital manufacturing technologies and powered by Net 0 emissions. They take pride in not only imagining, but also in being able to imagine. Not just "some theoretical, maybe-we-can-do-this-someday prototype," but demonstrating that the real thing materially exists, right at the world's fingertips.


The Smart Factory bestows a perfect face to the movement, an exhibition encouraging the curious and forward-thinking to dip their toes in and face the breadth of possibility open to them, with the Smart Factory Market expected to escalate to $140.9 billion by 2027, according to MarketsandMarkets.


Importantly, the factory is not just a warehouse for the next generation of manufacturing technologies, devoid of actual production. Continuing the theme, its high-tech setup produces Smart Rover kits designed to encourage youth STEM engagement. Aiming to educate children who may not otherwise have access to learning resources, The Smart Factory aims to represent and shape the future of manufacturing at the same time.


  1. Humanoid Optimus Robot, Tesla Inc.


Over the last few years, a flood of robot assistants has swept through the manufacturing sector. Starship Technologies has released delivery bots that can navigate city streets in order to deliver packages. 


Dynamic Group Ltd. created 'cobots,' which work alongside manual assembly processes in medical device manufacturing, challenging the conventional belief that robotics must eliminate the need for human operators. Tesla recently unveiled Optimus, a humanoid robot prototype, at their AI day event, taking this trend to the next level.


Adopting Tesla's autopilot system, Optimus' usefulness could place it in a wide range of environments, from the home or office to the factory floor, working alongside human counterparts in car assembly plants. 


Taking advantage of some of the benefits associated with AR and VR, the employment of a worker directly linked up with IoT has significant potential to increase efficiency even further, though Optimus still has a long way to go before it can reach its functional peak.


  1. AUDI Manufacturing:


With the smart factory, Audi is preparing its production for the future. Big data - the creation and intelligent connection of large volumes of data - will facilitate data-driven and thus highly flexible and efficient manufacturing in this future factory. 


Audi may no longer build its cars on an assembly line, but rather according to a radically new, disruptive concept known as a modular assembly. In addition to this major project, Audi is working on a number of other exciting projects for future manufacturing, ranging from the use of virtual reality glasses to metal 3D printing. Below is an example of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing.


  1.  Volkswagen: 


Connected Car is a recent trend that the automotive industry is eyeing as an opportunity to provide value-added services to customers. One of the first automakers to announce their entry into the field in collaboration with Microsoft is Volkswagen. Volkswagen is developing a digital network for connected mobility with a technology partner.


People must manage calendars for both their professional and personal lives. Mobility is the interface between these two domains. Volkswagen Automotive Cloud integrates into both the personal and professional lives of its customers. Volkswagen's goal is to make the complexities behind it as simple as possible for customers.


Benefits of Industry 4.0:


  1. Increased Productivity


Multiple areas of your production line will become more efficient as a result of Industry 4.0-related technologies. Some of these efficiencies have already been mentioned: less machine downtime and the ability to produce more products more quickly.


Other examples of increased efficiency include faster batch changeovers, automatic track, and trace processes, and automated reporting. NPIs (New Product Introductions) become more efficient, as do business decisions.


  1. Increased Collaboration And Knowledge Sharing:


One significant advantage of Industry 4.0 is that thanks to IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) protocols, any person, machine, or software will be able to easily access and share the necessary information where, when, and with whoever needs it in real-time.


Information is easily shared in industry 4.0, regardless of location, time zone, or software, facilitating collaborative work. Data can be shared automatically with any entity (human, system, or machine) that requires it.


  1. Improved Decision-Making: 


Improved decision-making results from frictionless information sharing. When the person making the decision has access to all relevant data and information, better decisions can be made. This applies to both humans and machines.


Making better decisions is critical to increasing business performance and efficiency. This is made possible by more automated reporting, which is eventually augmented by AI-generated suggestions and insights based on the collected data.


  1. Empowered People:


People will always be required, no matter how self-sufficient your systems become. Empower them with technologies like AI and access to real-time sensor data, so they know what's going on on the shop floor and can make quick decisions and handle problems as they arise. Wearable devices and augmented reality apps can also assist them in problem-solving, health monitoring, and safety.


In conclusion, Manufacturing, business operations, compliance, quality, and the customer experience all benefit from Industry 4.0. As a result, the technologies and solutions associated with Industry 4.0 are transforming manufacturing industries worldwide.


While the life sciences sector lags behind other industries in terms of Industry 4.0 evolution, there are significant gains that can be made with careful planning.


Furthermore, regulators are adapting to the realities of digital transformation and Industry 4.0, further enhancing the potential. Other factors, such as recruitment challenges and the need to increase resiliency, are also accelerating the push toward Industry 4.0 solutions. It is also possible to obtain a healthy return on investment with the benefits outlined above.

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