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Types of Inductive Bias in ML

  • Soumalya Bhattacharyya
  • Nov 01, 2022
Types of Inductive Bias in ML title banner

Every machine learning model needs some kind of architecture design and perhaps some early presumptions regarding the data we intend to examine. Generally speaking, every assumption and every conviction we have regarding the evidence constitutes an instance of inductive bias.


The capacity of machine learning models to generalize to the unknown input is significantly impacted by inductive biases. Our model could reach the global optimum under conditions of significant inductive bias. On the other hand, a weak inductive bias might lead to the model only discovering local optimums and make it very sensitive to arbitrary changes in the starting states.


Inductive biases may be divided into two categories: relational biases and non-relational biases. While the latter refers to a collection of methods that further restrict the learning process, the former indicates the relationship between elements in the network.


In the majority of machine learning tasks, our objective is to build a generalization based on a small group of observations (samples). Moreover, we want our generalization to hold true for brand-new, untested data. In other words, we want to infer a general rule from a small sample subset that applies to the entire population of samples.


As a result, we have certain observations and some assumptions that may be drawn from those findings. The collection of observations serves as our data, and the set of hypotheses consists of ML algorithms with all the potential learning parameters. Each model may explain training data, but it will provide noticeably different results when applied to fresh, unused data.


What is inductive bias in machine learning?


A learning algorithm's inductive bias, sometimes referred to as learning bias, is a collection of presumptions used by the learner to forecast outcomes of given inputs that it has never seen before.


There are various biases in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, including sampling bias, overgeneralization bias, and selection bias. Inductive bias will be discussed in this essay since it is essential to learning. To find insights or forecast results from a dataset, we must be aware of what we're searching for. To enable learning, we should make certain assumptions about the data itself; this is referred to as inductive bias.


Working on emerging machine learning (ML) use cases is both thrilling and challenging because there aren't any set rules for ML. A few steps in the model creation process can be defined, such as the requirement that data always be split into strictly distinct training and test sets in order to prevent overfitting from being the cause of model performance. 


However, there is a significant amount of guessing and intuition at the core of machine learning prototypes. Which data representation or algorithm will produce the most accurate predictions? It may be rather simple to assess a candidate set of models and choose the best one once it has been developed. However, the methodology for creating the models is not at all evident.


In other words, any machine learning algorithm uses inductive reasoning when it makes a prediction for any upcoming test instance based on a limited number of training examples. Inductive reasoning is the process of learning general principles based on particular cases. A system's propensity to favor one set of generalizations over others that are equally compatible with the observed facts is known as inductive bias.


When cultural prejudices creep into algorithmic forecasts, the term "bias" gets a bad name, and it really is a major problem. But for machine learning, inductive bias is a must (and human learning, for that matter). A learner cannot generalize from observed examples to new instances more effectively than guessing at random without inductive bias.


The no free lunch theorem of machine learning demonstrates that there is no single best bias and that, whenever algorithm A outperforms algorithm B in one set of problems, there is an equal number of problems in which algorithm B outperforms algorithm A (even if algorithm B is just guessing at solutions!). In other words, finding the optimum model for a machine learning problem doesn't include searching for a single "master algorithm," but rather seeking for an algorithm with biases that make sense for the issue at hand.


Examples of Inductive Bias in ML:


A machine learning model needs to view instances in order to learn general principles. Induction is the process of learning something general from something specific (the opposite is called deduction which would be to go from general law to specific conclusions). 


A bias is a preference for one course of action over another. The phrase "preferring one answer over another after viewing certain instances" sums up inductive bias. Machine learning models do that. Additionally, every model has a bias of its own. Since each kind of model finds a unique solution to address the issue of generalizing from specific examples.


A few examples of inductive bias are listed below:


  • The linear model presupposes that each of the input characteristics and the target have a linear connection.

  • Decision trees internalize in their nodes constant models.

  • The layer-based structure of a convolutional neural network imposes a bias toward hierarchical processing.

  • Bayesian modeling: The priors selected in this case greatly reveal the bias (which tells the model what happens when not much data is available).

  • In linear regression, the model assumes that the relationship between the output, or dependent variable, and the independent variable is linear (in the weights). The model has an inductive bias in this regard.


Inductive biases result from all of the decisions made during the modeling process, not just those made by a particular model. Sparse solutions are favored when using the L1 loss rather than the L2 loss. An order is added to the features by representing a category feature as a single feature with numbers as opposed to one-hot encoding. It also becomes easier for the model to learn if that arrangement has meaning. On test data, models with various inductive biases can nonetheless perform relatively similarly. Rashomon Sets are the name given to this collection of models.


Also Read | Simple Linear Regression


Inductive Biases In Deep Learning Models:


The majority of learning algorithms rely on certain assumptions or procedures, either by placing constraints on the field of hypotheses or by acting as the underlying model space. The Inductive Bias sometimes referred to as the Learning Bias, is this process.


The learning algorithms are encouraged by this mechanism to give preference to solutions with particular characteristics. Inductive bias, also known as learning bias, is a collection of implicit or explicit assumptions that machine learning algorithms make in order to generalize a set of training data.


  • Inductive bias called "structured perception and relational reasoning" was added by DeepMind researchers in 2019 to deep reinforcement learning systems. Researchers claim that the method enhances the performance, learning effectiveness, generalization, and interpretability of deep RL models.


  • For deep convolutional networks, equivariance is a useful inductive bias. Convolutional neural networks have an inductive bias called group equivariance that aids in the generalization of the networks. By making use of network symmetries, it lowers sample complexity. According to research from the University of Amsterdam, G-convolutions, a type of layer that enjoys a significantly greater degree of weight sharing than the conventional convolution layers, are employed in Group Equivariant Convolutional Neural Networks (G-CNNs).


  • Deep networks may exhibit spectral bias, an inductive bias, or a learning bias, both during the learning process and while parameterizing the model itself. 2019 saw the publication of the study by Yoshua Bengio and his group. The lower frequencies are taught first in this bias. Researchers claim that the characteristics of this inductive bias are consistent with the finding that over-parameterized networks prioritize learning straightforward patterns that generalize across data sets.


  • Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that exhibit spatial bias assume a specific kind of spatial structure to be present in the data. The model's creators claim that spatial bias might be helpful even in non-connectionist, linear models. This implies that, even in the context of non-connectionist procedures, imparting a geographical bias to other techniques should be both feasible and advantageous when spatial data are included. No externally forced segmentation is necessary to produce this kind of bias; just modest algorithmic tweaks are needed.


  • The relational data structure can be encoded using invariance and equivariance bias. This type of inductive bias informs a model's behavior under different transformations. Equivariant models have been applied to a variety of deep learning tasks using data with a variety of structures, including translation equivariant images, geometric configurations, and discrete objects like sets and graphs.


Also Read | 7 Deep Learning Models


Importance of Inductive Bias in ML


The collection of presumptions the learner employs to forecast outputs of given inputs that it has not yet experienced is known as the inductive bias (also known as learning bias) of a learning algorithm.


In machine learning, the goal is to create algorithms that can develop the ability to forecast a certain target result. To do this, several training examples that show how input and output values should relate are given to the learning algorithm. The student is then expected to get close to the intended result, even for instances that weren't provided during instruction. This issue cannot be resolved without any further presumptions since unknown circumstances might result in any output value.


The term "inductive bias" encompasses the types of essential assumptions on the characteristics of the target function. Occam's razor, which holds that the best hypothesis about the target function is the simplest consistent hypothesis, is a classic example of an inductive bias. Consistent here indicates that the learner's hypothesis produces the desired results for each and every case that the algorithm has been given.

Mathematical logic is the foundation of methods for a more formal definition of inductive bias. Here, the learner's hypothesis is logically implied by the inductive bias, which, along with the training data, is a logical formula. This precise formalism, however, falls short in many real-world situations where the inductive bias may only be loosely described or not at all (such as in the case of artificial neural networks).


Types of Inductive Bias in ML:


The most significant inductive biases in machine learning algorithms are listed here.

Types of Inductive Bias in ML:  1. Maximum conditional independence 2. Minimum cross-validation error 3. Maximum margin 4. Minimum description length 5. Minimum features 6. Nearest neighbors

Types of Inductive Bias in ML

  1. Maximum conditional independence: 


It aims to maximize conditional independence if the hypothesis can be framed within a Bayesian framework. The Naive Bayes classifier employs this bias.


  1. Minimum cross-validation error: 


It picks the hypothesis with the lowest cross-validation error when trying to decide between them. Despite the fact that cross-validation may appear to be bias-free, the "no free lunch" theorems demonstrate that cross-validation is in fact biased.


  1. Maximum margin: 


When dividing a group of students into two classes, try to make the boundary as wide as possible. The bias in support vector machines is this. It is assumed that different classes often have a lot of space between them.


  1. Minimum description length: 


When formulating a hypothesis, make an effort to keep the description as brief as possible.


  1. Minimum features: 


Unless a feature is supported by solid evidence, it should be removed. The underlying premise of feature selection algorithms is this.


  1. Nearest neighbors:


In a small neighborhood in feature space, it is reasonable to assume that the majority of the cases belong to the same class. Assume that a case, for which the class is unknown, belongs to the same class as the majority in the area. The k-nearest neighbors' algorithm employs this bias. The underlying premise is that cases that are close to one another typically belong to the same class.




The phrase "inductive bias" in machine learning describes a group of (explicit or implicit) presumptions that a learning algorithm makes in order to conduct induction or to generalize a small set of observations (training data) into a broad model of the domain.

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