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Understanding the RSA algorithm in cryptography

  • Soumalya Bhattacharyya
  • Dec 16, 2022
Understanding the RSA algorithm in cryptography title banner

The RSA algorithm is an asymmetric cryptography algorithm. Asymmetric implies that it utilizes both the public and private keys, which are two distinct keys. As the name implies, the private key is kept secret while the public key is distributed to everyone.


The concept of RSA is based on the fact that a large number is challenging to factor in. The public key is made up of two numbers, one of which is the result of multiplying two significant prime numbers. The same two prime numbers are also used to generate the private key. Therefore, the private key is compromised if someone can factorize the huge integer.


As a result, the key size completely determines how strong encryption is, and doubling or tripling the key size significantly boosts encryption strength. RSA keys are frequently 1024 or 2048 bits large, however, experts predict that 1024-bit keys will soon be broken. But as of right now, it appears to be an impossible feat.


The Public Key Algorithm is also known as the Asymmetric Algorithm. Asymmetric algorithms use different keys for encryption and decryption from the sender and the receiver.


Each sender receives a set of keys:


  • Private key 

  • Public key


While the private key is used for decryption, the public key is used for encryption. A public key is useless for decryption. The private key cannot be inferred from the public key, even though the two keys are linked. The private key is kept hidden and is only known by the person who is the owner of the public key, which is widely known. This indicates that anyone can contact the user by using the user's public key. However, the communication can only be decrypted by the user using his private key.


Also Read: Symmetric vs Asymmetric Encryption


What Is RSA Algorithm in Cryptography?


A public-key signature algorithm called RSA was created by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. The algorithm, which was first described in their 1977 publication, makes use of logarithmic functions to maintain the working complicated enough to withstand brute force attacks while being streamlined and quick after deployment. The graphic below demonstrates how it uses the RSA approach to validate digital signatures.


Along with handling the verification of digital signatures, RSA can also encrypt and decrypt generic data to enable secure data sharing. Along with handling the verification of digital signatures, RSA can also encrypt and decrypt generic data to enable secure data sharing.


It uses the opposite key set while encrypting and decrypting generic data with RSA. In contrast to signature verification, it encrypts data using the recipient's public key and decrypts it using the recipient's private key. Therefore, in this situation, no keys need to be exchanged.


When it comes to RSA cryptography, there are two parts:


  • Key generation is the process of creating the keys that will be used to encrypt and decode the data that will be transferred.


  • The function of encryption and decryption: The procedures to be followed when data needs to be recovered after being scrambled.


Both the public and the private keys in RSA cryptography can be used to encrypt a message. The key used to decrypt a message is the opposite of the key used to encrypt it. RSA's ability to guarantee the secrecy, integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation of electronic communications and data storage is one of the reasons it has grown to be the most popular asymmetric algorithm.


RSA is used for encryption and digital signature capabilities in numerous protocols, including Secure Shell (SSH), OpenPGP, S/MIME, and SSL/TLS. Additionally, it is used in software programs. Browsers are a prime example of this since they frequently need to validate digital signatures or create safe connections over unreliable networks like the internet. One of the most often carried out operations in network-connected systems is the verification of an RSA signature.


Since it is challenging to factor huge integers that are the product of two large prime numbers, RSA is secure. These two numbers multiply easily, but extracting the original prime numbers from the sum, or factoring, is thought to be impractical due to the time required, even with today's supercomputers.


The most challenging aspect of RSA cryptography is the algorithm used to generate public and private keys. The Rabin-Miller primality test procedure yields two enormous prime numbers, p, and q. Calculating a modulus, n, requires multiplying p and q. The connection between the public and private keys is made possible by the usage of this number. The key length is the length of the key, which is often given in bits.


The public key is made up of a public exponent, e, and a modulus, n, which is typically chosen at 65537 because it is a manageable prime number. Given that everyone has access to the public key, the e-figure doesn't have to be a prime number that was privately chosen.


The Extended Euclidean algorithm is used to calculate the multiplicative inverse about the totient of the modulus n and the private exponent d, which make up the private key.


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Is the RSA security reliable?


Large integer factoring is computationally challenging, which is how RSA security works. Larger and larger numbers can be factored as computing power grows and more effective factoring algorithms are developed.


Key size is closely related to encryption strength. Although it hinders performance, doubling key length can result in an exponential increase in strength. RSA keys are frequently 1024 or 2048 bits large, but experts think that keys longer than 1024 bits may no longer be completely secure from all assaults. For this reason, several businesses and the government are requiring keys to have a minimum key length of 2048 bits.


Longer keys won't be necessary for many years, barring an unexpected quantum computing breakthrough, but elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is becoming more and more popular among security professionals as a viable alternative to RSA for implementing public key encryption. It can produce cryptographic keys more quickly, compactly, and effectively.


ECC is compatible with current technology and software, and its use is only expected to increase. It is more appropriate for mobile apps than RSA since it can give equal security with less processing and battery resource use. Adi Shamir, a co-inventor of RSA, was part of a research team that successfully generated a 4096-bit RSA key using acoustic cryptanalysis. But keep in mind that any encryption algorithm can be broken.


How does RSA in cryptography work?


The choice to encrypt using the private or public key offers RSA users a wide range of benefits. If the material is encrypted using the public key, it must be decrypted using the private key. When the data receiver sends the data sender their public key, this is ideal for delivering sensitive data via a network or Internet connection. 


Sensitive data is then encrypted by the data sender using the recipient's public key before being sent. Only the owner of the private key can decrypt the sensitive material because the public key encrypted the data. Therefore, even if the data were intercepted in transit, only the intended recipient of the data may decrypt it.


Encrypting a message with a private key is the alternative asymmetric encryption technique with RSA. In this illustration, the sender of the data uses their private key to encrypt the data before sending it together with their public key to the recipient of the data. The data can then be decrypted by the receiver using the sender's public key, allowing the recipient to confirm that the sender is who they claim to be. 


The data could be intercepted and read in transit using this method, but the real goal of the encryption is to establish the sender's identity. The recipient would be aware that the data had been altered in transit if it had been stolen and altered while en route since the public key would be unable to decrypt the new message.


The technical aspects of RSA are based on the assumption that while it is simple to multiply two sufficiently large numbers together, it is highly challenging to factorize the result back into the original prime numbers. 


Two numbers—one of which is a composite of two enormous prime numbers—are used to construct the public and private keys. Both derive their values from the same pair of prime numbers. The typical length of an RSA key is 1024 or 2048 bits, making it very difficult to factorize them, though 1024-bit keys are rumored to be breakable soon.


As was previously mentioned, RSA encryption is utilized for a variety of purposes. Digital signing for codes and certificates is one of them. By signing a public key with the private key of the key pair owner, certificates can be used to confirm who the public key belongs to. This establishes the owner of the key pair as a reliable source of information. 


The RSA algorithm is also used for code signing. The code is signed using the creator's private key to make sure the owner is not delivering erroneous or harmful code to a buyer. This demonstrates that the code has not been maliciously altered while in transit and that the code's author has confirmed that the code performs as promised.


Transport Layer Security (TLS) and RSA were combined to protect communications between two people. RSA has been used in the past or currently by other well-known products and algorithms, such as the Pretty Good Privacy algorithm. 


RSA has also been utilized by email services, web browsers, virtual private networks (VPNs), and other communication channels. The handshake between the two parties in the information exchange will be implemented by VPNs using TLS. To confirm that both parties are who they claim to be, the TLS Handshake uses the RSA encryption method.


Also read | Cryptanalysis in Cryptography: Types and Applications


Advantages of RSA in cryptography:

Advantages of RSA in cryptography

Advantages of RSA in cryptography

The advantages of RSA in cryptography are as follows:


  1. Set up your keys:


They must each create their key pairs and communicate with each other's public key. To maintain the security of their communications, the two entities must maintain the secrecy of their private keys.


Once the sender obtains the recipient's public key, they can use it to encrypt any sensitive information they want to protect. It can only be decrypted using the private key from the same key pair once it has been encrypted using a public key. The information cannot be decrypted even using the same public key. The trap door functions' characteristics are to blame for this.


  1. Reliable encryption:


The data is accessed by the recipient using their private key after they get the encrypted communication. The recipient can then encrypt their message using the other party's public key if they want to exchange messages securely. Again, when the information has been encrypted with the public key, the only way to decrypt it is with the corresponding private key.


  1. Padding:


When a message is padded, random data is inserted to cover up the formatting hints that could enable the decryption of encrypted communication. Because an encrypted key with RSA lacks the clear formatting of a letter, which provided us with hints in the case before, things are a little bit more difficult.


Despite this, attackers can use a variety of techniques to exploit a code's mathematical characteristics and decrypt data. Because of this risk, RSA implementations incorporate extra data into the message using padding algorithms like OAEP. RSA is significantly more secure when this padding is included before the message is encrypted.


  1. Signing messages:


RSA is not only useful for data encryption. Its characteristics also make it a helpful mechanism for establishing the sender identity of a communication and demonstrating that it hasn't been changed or tampered with.


When a recipient receives a communication that has a digital signature, they can use the signature to verify that the message was truly signed by the sender's private key. Additionally, they can determine whether attackers altered the message after it was transmitted.


The recipient can determine whether the communication is genuine by comparing the hash of the received message with the hash from the encrypted digital signature. The message has not been altered after it was signed by the original sender if the two values are the same. The hash value would be entirely different if the message had been changed by even a single character.




To conclude, RSA encryption is frequently used in association with other encryption protocols or for digital signatures that can verify a message's integrity and validity. Because it uses more resources and is less effective than symmetric-key encryption, it is not typically used to encrypt complete communications or files.

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