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Utility Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Ashesh Anand
  • Feb 02, 2023
Utility Computing: Advantages and Disadvantages title banner

You might not find cloud computing services appropriate for your firm if you work for one with low resource needs. But fear no more, as we now present utility computing, a more practical provisioning paradigm. It can deliver a range of IT services, such as computer devices, storage, and apps. These service providers give you advice regarding the deployment in your environment and company.


Here, we'll go through utility computing from top to bottom and go over all its key components.



What is Utility computing?


In its simplest form, utility computing refers to the business models and utility computing technologies that are provided by a service provider to IT clients. The client gets billed following their utilization. These IT services include things like storage, processing power, and apps.


The term "utility" refers to any utility company's provision of services including water, telephone, electricity, and gas. Similarly to this, the customer's computing power on the shared computer network bills is determined based on the consumption that is measured when they receive utility computing.


Similar to virtualization, utility computing gives users access to more computational power and total web storage space than they would with a single time-sharing computer. Several backend web servers enable the web service. 


The web servers may be used as a cluster that is established and leased to the end user, or they may be utilized exclusively for that purpose. A single such calculation is carried out using distributed computing on numerous web servers.


Also Read | Grid Computing: Types, Components, and Applications



Getting Started with Utility Computing:


Utility computing as a concept is revolutionary. Nearly instantly, service providers match demand with delivery. It gives companies the ability to change their typical workplace into one that is more flexible, responsive, and customer-focused. Utility computing is the ideal way to supplement resources as needed when demand exceeds capacity.


Where and how to begin using utility computing, however, is a significant challenge that has yet to be resolved. Let's use examples to better understand the utility computing implementation process.


Step 1: Determine the need:


Assessing internal organizational needs and the necessary services and resources are the first steps. Utility computing-hosting facilities are necessary. Following the requirements of the clients, they offer value, closely integrated, totally customized utility computing solutions and resources. All of this, though, won't matter if your organization doesn't know what its true goals and requirements are.



Step 2: Evaluate the service provider’s claims:


Once your goals have been established, consider whether the utility computing solution will support your missions and goals. It's critical to comprehend which jobs will be supported and what kind of resources or services will be offered. Ask another significant query:


  • Does the service provider offer solutions that are tailored to your needs?

  • Are they going to use automation?

  • Will their selection of software, computing resources, and configuration offer the users the most possible benefits?


To ascertain whether a service would enable customers to achieve goals on time with more effectiveness, it is critical to evaluate the service provider's offer.



Step 3: Evaluate a computing resource's health:


It is crucial to implement resource monitoring tools that take care of a computing resource's security and dynamic resource configuration requirements to evaluate its health. Finding network, storage, and application resource problems is part of monitoring a utility computing resource. 


Utilizing a variety of site-specific and industry-standard tools, as well as local configuration files, to be fully compliant with the entire utility computing environment is one of the greatest ways to simplify monitoring.



Step 4: Determine the need for resource provisioning:


The following phase is evaluating the service provider's capacity to adapt and configure resources to suit client requests and creating a load balance without over- or under-provisioning resources. To identify potential errors and track changes, the provisioning interface must leverage resource command-line interfaces, APIs, and expected scripts.



Step 5: Create a timeline:


The last phase in the architecture of a utility computing solution is to map out the timetable, specifying when and for how long a certain resource would be required. This is done after the need, goals, and type of resources are established. This enables the service provider to optimize the overall resource use strategy by releasing unused resources earlier.


Also Read | What is Edge Computing? Working and Benefits



How Does Utility Computing Work?


Because there is a significantly higher total amount of processing power and web storage space available to the resources than there is on a single time-sharing computer, utility computing is the same as virtualization


There are numerous backend servers available for use with this type of potential web server. The relevant web servers are used in the cluster configurations that are created and then rented out to users. Distributed computing is the process of using one unit of computing across multiple web servers. 


Utility computing has a straightforward and uncomplicated operation. The business pays other businesses for the use of their computing services. It comprises renting hardware parts, data storage space, and the use of a certain computer program or some private access to computer processing power. It is based on what utility computing can provide and what the client's needs are. Utility computing is also provided as a set of resources or a package.



Use Case of Utility Computing:


Utility computing has a wide range of applications, from small businesses to major corporations. The men's tailor shop can modernize its operations by offering a variety of web services, online sales, and delivery, and it can even create a mobile app that will allow clients to follow the progress of their orders. 


A new technology was implemented by the Russian transportation firm to enable immediate ticket reservations for users. To control the traffic spike around Thanksgiving, IBM offers holiday bundles and gifts. That year, by enabling the pay-as-you-go policy, utility computing had great success.



Benefits of Utility Computing:


  1. Reduces the difficulty of managing IT:


The older system involved IT being connected to the safekeeping of a sizable block of resources before utility computing became popular. Utility computing has proven essential in making IT infrastructures and their management less difficult. 


The user is relieved of the duty of maintaining IT resources, including hardware and software, by signing up with a utility service provider. With this strategy, there is no longer any need to invest time or resources in server maintenance.


Also Read | What is Virtualization in Cloud Computing? - Characteristics & Benefits



  1. Saves significant resources and time:  


Network complexity is increasing, which requires more resources and management time to manage. With utility computing, the rise in network complexity will finally come to a halt. 


Organizations can save a significant amount of time by entrusting the maintenance and management of IT systems and servers to the service provider, freeing up their time to address more urgent business issues. Agility and integration between IT resources and businesses are made possible by utility computing.

The image depicts different key benefits of using Utility Computing in enterprises, such as removing complexities and better IT management, Saves time and resources, allowing shorter time to market, Providing maximum saving, Offering complete flexibility 

Benefits of Utility Computing


  1. Delivers exceptional flexibility:  


Enterprises have been yearning for a flexible approach with a bottom-up provisioning method for years. When it comes to resource availability, on-demand consumption, paying options, and simplicity of data access anytime, anywhere, utility computing offers the greatest degree of freedom. Utilizing utility computing makes it easier to manage peak demand. 


For instance, it is quite simple to adjust the number of services, so reducing or increasing them in response to changes in season, demand, audience, or new efficiencies, as you don't own the resources or are renting them for a long time.



  1. Promotes maximum savings and little financial planning:  


The business sector has been rocked by utility computing, largely because of its flexibility and superior economics. With its pay-per-use payment model, businesses can only pay for the computer resources they utilize.


Organizations can save the most money as a result of this. This concept is a one-stop shop for businesses across all industry sectors, reducing operational costs, and capital expenditures, eliminating the upfront costs of obtaining new resources, and considerably lowering IT costs.



  1. Facilitates quicker time to market:  


When resources are needed, an organization can request them in small, incremental doses thanks to utility computing. This enables enterprises to produce tangible results quickly and with a high return on investment, without having to wait for full deployment to see results.



Disadvantages of Utility Computing:


The drawbacks of utility computing are as follows:


  1. Reliability is the primary drawback. Clients that pay for utility computing services may not receive those services if the company runs into financial difficulties or has equipment problems.


  1. Hackers might also target the system. To maintain the system secure, the client must rely on the provider.



Cloud computing Vs Utility Computing:


Because utility computing is a subset of cloud computing, it's fair to be perplexed by these service model concepts. Examine the distinctions between utility and cloud computing so you can distinguish between the two at all times.


  1. Utility computing is a business strategy for organizations that offer computer services. Cloud computing, on the other hand, refers to an IT architecture.


  1. In accordance with the utility computing paradigm, service providers may assess fees based on the precise amount of service utilization. Utility computing is often more expensive than cloud computing, which uses the same pay-what-you-use business model.


  1. Utility computing is typically chosen by small and medium-sized businesses because they have less of an infrastructure and resource need. On the other hand, big businesses and corporations with high resource demands embrace cloud computing.


  1. Users own the right to control the physical location and infrastructure of utility computing. However, in cloud computing, the infrastructure and services are under the control of the service providers.


  1. Utility computing is typically chosen by companies that prioritize infrastructure performance and selection. However, if your firm does not consider these characteristics to be essential to business, cloud computing is a superior option.


Also Read | Cloud Computing vs Grid Computing





Utility computing makes it possible to swap resources for money in a metered fashion. It also makes it simpler to administer applications and systems, relieving enterprises of the burden of managing their internal IT resources and releasing resources from certain responsibilities while giving them more time to concentrate on developing their goods and services.


Utility computing offers numerous advantages today and has the potential to save a lot of money. Organizations are now able to be more agile, adaptive, and flexible in their business approach because of the availability of IT resources as a utility.

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