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The Value of Predictive Analytics for Lead Generation

  • Dinesh Kumawat
  • Jul 08, 2022
The Value of Predictive Analytics for Lead Generation title banner

Perfecting lead generation techniques helps businesses and organisations to generate leads with high conversion rates. To become successful within the field of performance marketing, predictive analytics needs to be used as it creates advantages and yields a better understanding of how to leverage tools like Google Analytics when generating high-quality leads that are likely to convert into sales.


In this article, we will examine how predictive analytics work in relation to lead generation and performance marketing. We will also take a look at a case study to put the tools and their advantages into a context that is easy to relate to. 


How predictive analytics are used to improve lead generation 


The concept of predictive analytics allows businesses and organisations to identify patterns and events that are likely to affect their operations. This enables them to concentrate effort and resources on an area that will secure the best returns. 


In the case of predictive lead generation, a business predicts future patterns of customer behaviour by using key information from customer data sets. This information enables the business to see where it is likely to secure more leads. 


For example, this may be a geographical location or a particular section of the population. Once it has analysed the available data, the business can then concentrate its lead generation efforts in this area. Doing this means that the percentage of leads acquired can be optimised. 


Every business, even small businesses with limited resources, can leverage predictive analytics in an effort to improve their conversion rates. It all boils down to tracking the customer behaviours on-site or in the digital application. Then collect that data and analyse it for meaningful input into the operations of the website or application. Naturally, a deeper understanding of predictive analytics would yield greater results, but even a novel understanding allows a business to make improvements.


Predictive analytics tools allow a business to remain agile, allowing them to adjust their processes and where and how they invest time and resources. In order to see just how valuable predictive analytics can be, let’s look at the case of JustGamblers.



JustGamblers case study 


JustGamblers is an online platform that is dedicated to bringing the latest to online gambling enthusiasts across the globe. They offer their platform in various countries, including India, Japan, France, the Netherlands, Brazil, and the United States. Recently, JustGamblers secured a licence to operate within the state of New Jersey in the United States, which has resulted in an increased focus on that territory. Alongside the US, the biggest market in India, where they review, compare and produce information and news for gamblers in India who are looking for safe and reputable sites that give them the opportunity to play.


To showcase an example of how JustGamblers utilise predictive analytics, we’ll use an example where Indian states imposed bans on online gambling. The impacted states included Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu.


Using predictive analytics, JustGamblers has tracked events and changes in its operating environment for the territory of India. Following the bans on online gambling in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Tamil Nadu, they used their analytics models to identify the impact, including a reduction in leads generated. As you can see from the graphic below, in 2020, as the news broke, JustGamblers predicted that they could lose approximately 20% of their potential leads if Tamil Nadu also places a ban on online real-money gambling. 10.02% in Telangana, 6.68% in Tamil Nadu, and 3.02% in Andhra Pradesh. The hypothesis was that bans would prohibit persons from accessing sites and playing. As such, the interest in seeking out information and exploring sites would go down. Something that would affect leads in the range of a 20% decrease as a direct consequence.

Data provided based on analytics from January to June 2020.

Data provided based on analytics from January to June 2020.

Data provided based on analytics from January to June 2020.

Data provided by JustGamblers.com, based on analytics from January to June 2020.

Further below, there’s fresh data based on recent analytics from June 2022, showing actual data two years after the initial predictions. The proposed bans only impacted the states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Tamil Nadu remained unchanged, with online gambling being allowed, although there’s an overall dislike towards gaming from the local government.


As you can see in the charts, the effects of the bans were limited. Telangana increased from 10.02% to 10.96%, Tamil Nadu increased from 6.68% to 7.51%, and Andhra Pradesh has declined slightly from 3.02% to 2.83%. As the data shows, it’s clear that persons are still able to access and participate in online gambling activities today, much the same way they were able to back in 2020. What can be said is that, without the bans, possibly the numbers would have been higher than they are. It is worth noting that the data displayed is measuring interest from people exploring online gambling options in different states based on GeoIP. It is not indicative of how many people sign up to sites and start playing.

Data based on analytics from January to June 2022.

Data based on analytics from January to June 2022.

Data based on analytics from January to June 2022.


Data provided by JustGamblers.com, based on analytics from January to June 2022.

Adding to the case study, JustGamblers mentioned the following: “Data is important. Without it, we would be making uninformed decisions based on guesstimates. With the help of the Google Suite (Google Analytics, Google Search Console) and other tools, we can collect data and events and then visualise them with Google Data Studio, SQL, and Regex. This will help us make better and smarter business decisions. It will also help us make our product more helpful for users. Working with and utilising different data sources is definitely time-consuming, but it helps us achieve optimal results.”

Doing this helps JustGamblers get an understanding of how to invest their time and resources to optimise their lead generation efforts in India. This case study shows how valuable insights can be gained by extracting information from customer data sets and then using it to make informed decisions – a more intelligent business securing the best possible returns on their investments.

Latest Comments

  • umeshchandradhasmana01

    May 25, 2023

    Hi Dear Predictive analytics plays a crucial role in lead generation by leveraging historical data and statistical models to forecast future outcomes. By analyzing past customer behavior, market trends, and demographic information, predictive analytics can identify potential leads with a high probability of conversion. It enables businesses to optimize marketing campaigns, personalize customer experiences, and allocate resources effectively. With predictive analytics, companies can target the right audience, prioritize leads, and increase their chances of generating qualified leads, leading to improved sales and revenue growth. Best regards, Mobiloitte