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What are Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tools?

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • Nov 15, 2022
What are Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) Tools? title banner

DAST software, which stands for Dynamic Application Security Testing, searches for security flaws in websites and other internet-facing applications. This is a specialized vulnerability scanner that can assist you in strengthening your defenses against cyberattacks.


There are numerous methods for identifying security flaws. Vulnerability scanners examine the software that runs on a system as well as the hardware settings. When scanning the sites of their clients, these tools use a central registry of discovered vulnerabilities to look for instances of them. 


Software testing is typically limited to reading version numbers, which indicate which updates have been installed. One of the main recommendations that cybersecurity experts make is to keep operating systems patched and software packages updated.


What is DAST Tools?


Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is the process of identifying security flaws in an application while it is in production. In layman's terms, DAST is the process of identifying security flaws in your web applications while they are in production.


DAST is a preventative measure that protects your applications and data from hackers. DAST is not limited to detecting security flaws or coding errors; it also examines all aspects of the application, such as data validation, business logic, and so on.


Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is the process of identifying security flaws in an application while it is in production. It includes both manual and automated testing with various testing tools.


It is a type of black-box testing (without knowledge of infrastructure, network, or code) that evaluates your application from the perspective of a malicious person, also known as an Attacker or Hacker. Because applications rely on inputs and outputs to function, if there is suspicion in the user-based input, something similar may also reflect in the response.


DAST testing can assist you in identifying vulnerabilities in your software even before any input is provided. It is not intended to work on specific software, but rather on the application layer, where actual applications are vulnerable. 


Web application attacks may not garner the same attention as ransomware exploits, but they are undeniably a major threat to businesses of all sizes. SQL injection (SQLi) is a common web-based attack in which an adversary gains complete control over a company's web application database by inserting arbitrary SQL code into a database query. Another example is cross-site scripting (XSS), in which attackers inject their own code into a web application and then steal user credentials, session cookies, or other sensitive information without the user or the company knowing.


Unfortunately for businesses, even inexperienced hackers can easily launch these types of attacks, and the prospect of large payouts motivates them even more. They typically look for easily exploitable vulnerabilities in a web application, such as those in the OWASP Top 10, with which to launch a cyber-attack. 


DAST tools work in a similar manner, providing your security and development teams with timely visibility into application behaviors and potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited before an astute hacker discovers and exploits them.


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Why are DAST Tools Important?


Dynamic application security testing is a newer testing practice that focuses on evaluating the security of software applications while they are running. DAST tools are application security testing tools that can scan an app while it is still in production. So, what is the significance? Let's find out:-


  1. DAST Tools Detects Real-World Threats: Unlike static application security testing (SAST), which focuses on known vulnerabilities, dynamic application security testing (DAST) looks for unknown vulnerabilities in the real-time environment.


  1. More Vulnerabilities Can Be Found Using DAST Tools: DAST can be used to test every feature of an application. The majority of Dynamic Application Security Testing Tools or scanners include a set of rules for scanning and detecting security risks.


  1. DAST scanners provide the most accurate and comprehensive coverage for your app, resulting in fewer false positives. False positives are reduced to a minimum and determined by DAST scanners rather than discovered during the manual review.


With over 1.7 billion websites worldwide (according to Internet Live Stats), it is no surprise that the number of security vulnerabilities is increasing. According to a CNBC study, more than 75% of applications are vulnerable in some way; security vulnerabilities in applications are not going away anytime soon; this is where Application Security Testing (AST) comes in.


Minor security misconfigurations by developers, such as incorrect user input validation, server version disclosure, and the use of vulnerable software libraries, result in major security issues.


When you consider DAST scanning, you may wonder how it differs from traditional penetration testing or static application security testing, which is slow, static, and time-consuming. The distinction is that DAST is dynamic. That is, the tests are run in real time, simulating the behavior of real-world applications. Dynamic testing is typically carried out on a live system, also known as a Production Environment.


Also Read | 5 Key Steps for Vulnerability Testing


How does DAST Tools Work?


The source code is not accessible to dynamic testing products. They attack the application from the outside in order to detect security flaws. As a result, unlike SAST, the test does not point to specific vulnerable code components.


Traditional DAST technology necessitates close supervision by security experts, who must frequently draft and tweak tests and/or refine a solution. Experts must have a thorough understanding of the application being tested, as well as knowledge of application servers, databases, application traffic flows, and access control lists.


There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as there is with SAST tools. While some programs (such as web application scanning tools) can be easily integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, others, such as fuzzing, necessitate a different approach. It is prudent to perform black-box fuzzing, which will greatly simplify the work because it does not necessitate constant control over the source code.


In terms of execution, the products can be installed on the customer's premises or delivered via the cloud (software-as-a-service). Third-party experts can also perform dynamic application testing on request.


While Dynamic Application Security Testing is effective at detecting run-time security issues, it will never detect all of your application's vulnerabilities. This tool will never give you the comprehensive coverage of your application that you require.


Top DAST Tools:


DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) tools are automated tools that scan web applications for vulnerabilities. However, not all of these tools are the same, and not all of them will be beneficial to your company. Some of the most popular DAST tools are:


Top DAST Tools 

  1. The Astra Security Scanner:


The Vulnerability Scanner from Astra is an on-demand security scanner that anyone can use to detect vulnerabilities in their application. It is a cloud-based application that runs on any platform and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.


The scanner includes 3000+ scan rules derived from natural hacker intelligence gathered by our security experts through vulnerability assessments and penetration tests (VAPT) on various applications. 


Authentic, one-of-a-kind hacker intelligence stems from a thorough understanding of vulnerability detection techniques used by hackers in security vulnerability assessments and penetration tests.


  1. OWASP Zap: 


The OWASP ZAP project is a web application security testing tool. It is a free and open-source tool that includes a scanner as well as an integrated development environment (IDE) for detecting application security flaws. The tool can scan any application that is hosted locally or on a web server. Anyone interested in discovering security flaws in a web application can use it. The scanner is written in Java and can be used on any operating system.


  1. Dynamic Veracode Analysis:


Veracode Dynamic Analysis is a solution that provides automated and scalable dynamic scanning with high speed and wide coverage. As security threats evolve, organizations require a product that allows them to begin scanning quickly and scale as their needs grow.


Key features include:


  • Schedules recurring scans, as well as auto-pause and resume.
  • The dynamic analysis allows for authenticated batch URL scanning in order to broaden reach by scanning behind login areas.
  • Veracode DynamicMP's large-scale scanning capability is combined with Veracode 
  • DynamicDS's customization and scanning behind login areas in a single automated product.


  1.  W3AF:


W3AF is an attack and audit framework for web applications. The framework is extensible, with modules that are simple to configure and extend. The framework can be used either manually or automatically by utilizing the Python API.


  1.  Nikto:


Nikto is an Open Source web server scanner that runs comprehensive tests against web servers for a variety of items, including over 6700 potentially dangerous files/programs, checks for outdated server versions, and version-specific problems on over 270 server versions, including Apache, MySQL, FTP, ProFTPd, Courier, Netscape, iPlanet, Lotus, BIND, MyDoom, and others.


  1. InsightAppSec: 


Rapid7's InsightAppSec dynamic application security testing (DAST) solution offers customers a modern approach to application security. It automatically scans modern web apps for vulnerabilities and produces fewer false positives. InsightAppSec examines over 95 attacks, including the OWASP Top Ten and other major security flaws.


  1. Netsparker:


Netsparker is an automated web application security scanner that is powerful and highly accurate. It has become the industry standard for detecting, locating, and reporting application security risks. Netsparker can scan any web application, regardless of technology stack or development framework. It is used to improve the security of web applications by developers, auditors, and security professionals.



In the end, With so many different types of Dynamic Application Security Testing solutions available, it can be difficult to know what they can do and which one is the best fit for your organization.


We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what to look for in a DAST solution. If you are still unsure about which DAST solution is best for your organization or simply want to learn more about our DAST solution, please contact us for a free consultation.

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