Whenever we discuss environmental issues like climate change, the phrase ‘greenhouse effect’ and consequently, ‘greenhouse gases’ get mentioned a lot. But what do these terms really stand for?
In a nutshell, it is a naturally occurring process that causes the Earth's surface to become warm. The interchange of incoming and outgoing radiation that heats the planet functions similarly to a greenhouse. Hence, this environmental process is known as the greenhouse effect. The gases involved in this phenomenon are collectively known as greenhouse gases.
In this blog, we will get an insight into the various types of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere and what can be done in order to reduce their quantity.
Any gas that absorbs infrared radiation (the total heat energy) released from the Planet's surface and then re-radiates it back to the Earth's surface, is known as a 'greenhouse gas'.
Scientists discovered the greenhouse effect as These gases are responsible for contributing to the greenhouse effect.
The most significant greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor (H2O). Surface-level ozone (O3), nitrous oxides (N2O), and fluorinated gases trap infrared radiation to a reduced amount.
Despite accounting for only a small portion of total atmospheric gases, greenhouse gases have a significant impact on the Earth system's energy balance.
Throughout Earth's history, greenhouse gas concentrations have fluctuated significantly, and these fluctuations have resulted in significant climatic shifts across a wide variety of durations.
Greenhouse gas concentrations have been elevated during warm times and low during the cold season in general.
To know more about Greenhouse gases, watch this;
The following are the most abundant greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming via the greenhouse effect:
Carbon dioxide (CO2), which accounts for around 76 percent of worldwide human-caused emissions, is a long-lasting gas.
After it is released into the atmosphere, 40% of it is still there after 100 years, 20% after 1,000 years, and 10% after 10,000 years.
While methane (CH4) lasts for a significantly shorter time in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (approximately a decade), it has a far greater warming impact.
In fact, over a period of 100 years, its global climate change impact is 25 times larger than that of carbon dioxide. It accounts for around 16% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.
Water vapor, the most plentiful greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, is different from other greenhouse gases in that changes in its atmospheric concentrations are connected to the warming caused by the other greenhouse gases we release, rather than to anthropogenic sources directly.
More water is held in warmer air. Because water vapor is a greenhouse gas, additional water absorbs a greater amount of heat, leading to even more warming and a positive feedback cycle is established.
Surface, or low-level, ozone is the next most major greenhouse gas (O3). Surface O3 is a byproduct of air pollution, as opposed to naturally occurring stratospheric O3, which plays a fundamentally different role in the planetary radiation balance.
The sinking of stratospheric O3 from the upper atmosphere toward the Earth's surface is the principal natural source of surface O3.
Photochemical processes involving carbon monoxide (CO), such as those found in smog, are the principal human-driven source of surface O3.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated gases are two more trace gases created by industrial activities that have greenhouse qualities (halocarbons). Sulfur hexafluoride, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and perfluorocarbons are examples of the latter (PFCs).
Because of natural biological interactions in soil and water, nitrous oxides have low background concentrations, whereas fluorinated gases are virtually entirely derived from industrial sources.
We, as human beings and the entire animal and plant kingdoms are alive on the earth just because of the energy we receive from the sun.
Although 30% of the solar energy that reaches our planet is reflected back to space, the remaining 70% penetrates through the atmosphere and onto the earth's surface, it is absorbed by several entities. These include the land, the seas, and the atmosphere.
This energy also heats the planet. This heat is subsequently transmitted back up in the form of infrared light, which is invisible.
Although some of this infrared radiation is reflected back into space, the great majority - nearly 90%, is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and redirected back toward the planet. This phenomenon results in more global warming.
Have you ever seen a ‘greenhouse’ where plants are kept under special conditions of humidity, temperature, and sunlight?
The exterior of a greenhouse is made of glass, enabling sunshine to seep through and generate heat for plants within. The warmth that the plants don't absorb is retained by the glass and cannot leave the enclosure.
During the day, sunshine filters through the glass, giving more and more heat energy to the interior, making it warmer and warmer (and continues to stay warm after the sun sets).
The Earth and the Sun both function in a similar way (on a much more extensive scale and a totally different physical process). The sun's rays pass through the Earth's atmosphere, warming the surface of the planet.
Some of the energy from the sun is reflected back to space in part, while the remainder is absorbed by land, water, and the atmosphere. The greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat that is radiated from the Earth into space.
(Must read: Active solar energy)
Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane absorb heat that would normally leave the Earth's atmosphere.
Certain greenhouse gases, in the appropriate proportions, are necessary. They play a key role in assuring that the atmosphere retains adequate heat to support all forms of life on the planet.
These greenhouse gases are necessary because the Earth would dissipate so much heat without them that optimum 'living conditions' would cease to exist. 'Life', as we know it, would be impossible.
The main issue emerges when greenhouse gas concentrations climb too high as a result of human activity, accumulating too much of the sun's energy as heat and disrupting the natural climate-control processes. Everything continues to heat up.
As a result of which we are witnessing an increase in extreme weather and other effects. Global warming is causing ice caps and glaciers to melt, sea levels are increasing and the ozone holes are expanding at an alarming rate.
Climate change is transforming our world, and if we do nothing, that alteration will be dramatic. This transition - the process of climate change and its numerous consequences for our world – is referred to as the "climate catastrophe."
Almost all climate experts believe that humans have significantly altered the Earth's climate throughout the ages. It will be up to us to correct the situation.
According to www.climaterealityproject.org, although the Earth has gone through cycles of warming and cooling in the past, scientists think that the present warming trend is "proceeding at a rate that is unparalleled in the previous 1,300 years."
Between 1990 and 2015, global net emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities grew by 43%.
Emissions of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide, which account for almost three-quarters of the total emissions, grew by 51% over this time, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Transportation, electricity production, and other types of energy generation and usage account for the bulk of global emissions, just as they do in the United States.
Emissions of greenhouse gas can be decreased by generating electricity on-site using renewable energy sources and other eco-friendly energy sources.
Rooftop solar panels, using solar water heating systems, small-scale wind power generating methods, natural gas or renewable hydrogen fuel cells, and geothermal energy are all examples of alternative energy sources.
Many businesses are establishing emission reduction targets and taking initiatives to minimize emissions from industrial operations.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a technique for capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions from companies and power plants.
CCS technology may capture up to 90% of a facility's carbon emissions. There are about a dozen industry-scale carbon capture plants in operation across the world, with another 22 in the works.
Final Thoughts!! Greenhouse gas emissions may be lowered by transitioning away from fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas and toward renewable energy sources like solar and wind.
Hope this blog taught you everything you need to know about greenhouse gases and their detrimental effects.
From little everyday adjustments like reusing and recycling to larger lifestyle decisions like moving to electric vehicles, we can all help to safeguard our planet.
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