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What is Bayes Theorem? - Terminologies and Applications

  • Hrithik Saini
  • Jul 27, 2022
What is Bayes Theorem? - Terminologies and Applications title banner

A measure for assessing the chance of an event happening is probability. There are many things that are difficult to forecast with absolute confidence. Only the likelihood of an incident happening, or how frequently it is to happen, can be predicted using it. 


The Bayes theorem, which leaves a lasting impression on the Reverend Thomas Bayes, is a statistical and probabilistic theorem that aids in calculating the likelihood of an occurrence depending on an earlier event.


The Bayes theorem has a broad array of applications, including bayesian intervention and predicting the likelihood of acquiring health issues at one age. Here, our goal is to clarify the statement, calculation, and derivation of the Bayes theorem as it relates to calculating the probability of occurrences.


The Bayes Theorem, a crucial area of probability theory, will be covered in this article.



What is Bayes Theorem?


In plain English, the Bayes theorem establishes the contingent likelihood of an outcome A in the presence of an earlier occurrence B. The Bayes Rule or Bayes Law are other names for the Bayes Theorem. It is a technique for estimating an event's likelihood based on the prevalence of previous events.


It is applied in the transition probability calculation. Based on the hypothesis, the Bayes theorem measures probability. 


Let's now present the argument and its justification. The Bayes theorem asserts that the combination of the probability of B given A and the chance of A determines the contingent likelihood of an outcome A given the presence of some other event B. 


P (A | B) = P (B | A) / P(A)P (B)


The likelihood that something will be happening is expressed here as P(A), where P(A) = how probable something will happen (based on prior information).


Also Read | Introduction to Bayesian Statistics


How probable is B to occur?


Probability of seeing the evidence (marginalization). P(A/B) is the likelihood that something will occur provided that something else has already occurred (Posterior) and vice versa.


If the hypothesis is correct, the likelihood of seeing confirmation is P(B/A), where P(B/A) is the likelihood that B will occur given that A has already occurred.


Terminologies for the Bayes Theorem

There are 7 terminologies of Bayes Theorem that better comprehend the theorem.

Bayes Theorem Terminologies

You need to understand a few ideas before fully understanding the Bayes Theorem. The important descriptions must be understood to comprehend the Bayes Theorem.


  1. Experiment


What image comes to mind when the term "experiment" is mentioned? Most people picture a chemical lab, complete with beakers and Erlenmeyer flasks. The idea of an experiment is somewhat similar to probability theory.


An experiment is a method that is carefully prepared and then executed under closely watched circumstances. Tossing a coin, striking a die, and pulling a card from a properly constructed deck of cards are all examples of experiments.


  1. Sample Area


A consequence is what an experiment produces. The range of potential outcomes for an event is known as the sample space. The sampling unit will look like this if you're rolling dice and staying abreast of the outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


  1. Event


The result of a random phenomenon is an event. Tossing a coin and getting heads is an occasion. It is an occurrence where you roll a fair die and get a 4.


  1. Arbitrary Variable


A variable having an unknown concentration or a procedure that gives quantities to each of an experiment's results is referred to as a random variable. To have definite numbers, a random variable can either be continuous or discrete (meaning it has no specific values).


  1. Exhaustive Events


If such a connection between two or perhaps more randomized experimental events equals the sample space, then the happenings are exhaustive. Assume that event A is the drawing of a red card from the pack and event B is the drawing of a black card. A and B are exhaustive since the sample space S = {red, black}.


  1. Independent Occurrences


The two occurrences are considered independent when one event's occurrence does not influence the other. Two occurrences A and B, are said to be independent in arithmetic if:


P (A B) = P (AB) = P (A)*P (B)


A and B are separate events, for instance, if A rolls a 3 on the die and B draws a jack of hearts from a properly jumbled deck of playing cards.


  1. Constraint-Based Probability


Let A and B represent the two occurrences in a hypothetical random experiment. The Conditional Probability is the likelihood that A will occur if B has already happened and P(B) 0. The symbol for it is P (A/B).


Also Read | Frequency Distribution in Data Analytics



What Justifies the Usage of the Bayes Theorem in Machine Learning?


A technique for figuring out conditional probabilities, or the chance of one event happening if the other has already happened, is the Bayes Theorem. By incorporating more criteria, or even more information, a conditional probability can produce higher classification accuracy. 


In machine learning, conditional probabilities are necessary to achieve accurate estimations and probabilities. It's crucial to understand the significance of algorithms and methodologies like the Bayes Theorem in Machine Learning considering the course's rising ubiquity across a variety of fields.


The Bayesian Classifier: Is it a Reliable Method?


Machine learning techniques centered on the Bayes Theorem generate outcomes equivalent to those of other methods, and Bayesian classifiers are typically regarded as straightforward high-accuracy techniques. 


However, it is important to keep in mind that Bayesian classifiers are only useful in situations where the concept of class-conditional dependency holds. The fact that it might not always be possible to gather all the probabilistic data is another practical challenge.


How is the Bayes theorem effectively used?


Based on fresh information that is or may be connected to it, the Bayes theorem determines the probability of occurring. The technique may also be used to determine how hypothetically new knowledge, provided it is accurate, alters the probability of an event.


Take one card from a deck of 52 cards as an illustration. The likelihood that the card will be a king is calculated as 4 divided by 52, or 1/13, or around 7.69 percent. Remember that there are four kings on the deck. Say the selected card is shown to be a facing card. The likelihood that the chosen card is a king is calculated as 4 divided by 12 (or approximately 33.3%), given that there are 12 face cards in a pack.


Applications of Bayes Theorem


The Bayes' Theorem has several practical uses. If you are unable to immediately grasp all of the mathematics required, don't be concerned. Starting with just obtaining an understanding of how it operates is sufficient.


A statistical method for solving the categorization of pattern issues is called Bayesian Decision Theory. This concept assumes that the categories' fundamental probability density function is known. As a result, we can benchmark the effectiveness of all other classifiers against the ideal Bayes Classifier.


We'll go through Bayes' Theorem's five primary applications:


  • Naive Bayes’ Classifiers

  • Discriminant Functions and Decision Surfaces

  • Bayesian Parameter Estimation

  • Bayesian Optimization

  • Bayesian Belief Networks


  1. Naive Bayes’ Classifiers


This is most likely the most well-known and effective implementation of the Bayes' Theorem. The Naive Bayes method is widely used in machine learning.


Naive A group of supervised learning built on the Bayes' Theorem is known as Bayes' Classifiers. These classifiers' fundamental premise is that each feature utilized for categorization is independent of every other parameter. It is because of this that the term "naive" is used, as it is uncommon for us to get a collection of wholly independent qualities.


With a lot more characteristics presumed to be independent of one another, these classifiers operate precisely.


  1. Discriminant Functions & Surfaces


The name pretty much speaks for itself. To "discriminate" its parameter into the appropriate class, a discriminant function is used. Need a good example? Take one together!


If you have looked into categorization issues in machine learning, you may have stumbled upon Support Vector Machines (SVM). By identifying the differentiation hyperplane that best separates our training cases, the SVM algorithm classes the variables.


The formula of these hyperplanes serves as our coefficient of determination, and all these hyperplanes serve as our judgment grounds.


Also Read | What is the Probability Distribution Function?


  1. Bayesian Parameter Estimation


This is Bayes' Theorem's third application. To comprehend this, we'll utilize a univariate Gaussian distribution and some basic math. I'm sure you've heard of the well-liked IMDb Top 250. The top 250 films of all time are included in this list. With a 9.2/10 score, Shawshank Redemption is rated number one on the list.


Do you know how well these ratings are determined? IMDb originally marketed the algorithm as using a "true Bayesian estimate." Since then, the equation has been modified, and it is no longer made public.


The unpredictable aspect of a classification task is typically not fully known to us. Instead, we just have a general notion of the scenario and a selection of training instances. We then create a classifier using this data.


The fundamental conditional probability has a known form, which is the core principle.


  1. Bayesian Optimization


Identifying an element that has an impact on an objective function's minimum or highest cost is a difficult issue known as global optimization.


The target stored procedure form is typically difficult to analyze since it is frequently non-convex, nonlinear, large-dimensional, noisy, and extremely intensive to assess.


To efficiently and effectively lead a search for a global optimization issue, Bayesian Optimization offers a systematic method based on the Bayes Theorem. It functions by creating a substitute function, a statistical model of the optimization problem, which is then effectively searched with an advantage of the following before prospective samples are picked for assessment on the actual objective function.


  1. Bayesian Belief Networks


Probabilistic models may be used to compute probabilities and create connections between variables.


To account for every scenario, fully conditional models could need a staggering quantity of data, and probabilities can be almost impossible to compute. Although it is a significant simplification, simplifying assumptions like the independence assumptions of all unknown parameters might be useful, as in the case of Naive Bayes.


Making a model that retains known conditional dependency between unknown parameters and conditionally freedom in all other situations is an option. The established conditional dependency with vertices and edges in a network domain is explicitly captured by Bayesian networks, a probabilistic graphical model. The conditional independencies in the model are defined by all missing links.





Machine learning has several uses for the Bayes Theorem, notably for classification-based issues. Understanding concepts like prior probability and posterior probability is necessary to apply this family of algorithms in machine learning


The fundamentals of the Bayes Theorem, its application to machine learning issues, and a classification example were covered in this article.

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