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What is Distributed Computing?

  • Vrinda Mathur
  • Apr 03, 2023
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With the increased investment of different industries in the IT sector, the IT field is growing rapidly. As a result, IT strategists and analysts are constantly looking for cost-effective and transparent IT resources to maximize performance.


Distributed computing concepts, for example, play an important role in ensuring fault tolerance and resource accessibility. We gathered information about "What is distributed computing?" and combined it to provide a comprehensive understanding of distributed computing.


What is Distributed Computing?


Distributed computing is a technique used by researchers to solve extremely complex problems without the need for an expensive supercomputer. Similar to multiprocessing, which uses two or more processors in one computer to complete a task, distributed computing divides the computational load among a large number of computers. 


Client initiatives are first installed on each computer in distributed computing. After that, they were able to add download files containing portions of the problem to be processed and analyzed. Within a week of analyzing each file, the clients send the calculations to a centralized server, which compiles the results. Many of the initiatives run when the computers would normally be idle, such as overnight.


Distributed computing is a model in which software system components are shared among multiple computers or nodes. Despite the fact that the software components are spread across multiple computers in multiple locations, they are run as a single system. This is done in order to increase efficiency and performance. Systems on different networked computers communicate and coordinate by exchanging messages in order to complete a specific task.


As distributed computing can improve performance, resilience, and scalability, it has become a popular computing model in database and application design.


Traditional supercomputer applications such as protein sequencing and breaking cryptographic codes have made use of distributed computing. Because the cost of distributed computing is much lower than that of a supercomputer, and because the client programs are often downloaded and run by volunteers, it has also been used for projects that have difficulty obtaining large amounts of funding, such as the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).


Distributed computing refers to the use of multiple computers to solve a single problem. It turns a computer network into a powerful single computer with plenty of resources to handle difficult problems. A distributed system consists of various configurations that include mainframes, personal computers, workstations, and minicomputers.


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Working of Distributed Computing


The Distributed computing architecture consists of a number of client PCs outfitted with very lightweight software agents and one or more dedicated distributed computing management servers. When the agents on the client machines detect idleness, they notify the management server that the machine is not in use and is ready for a processing job, which is followed by an agent's request for an application bundle. 


When the client machine receives this application package from the management server to process, it runs the application software whenever it has free CPU cycles and returns the results to the management server. When the user returns and requires the resources, the management server returns the resources that were used to carry out the various activities.


If the machines are in different geographical locations, distributed computing networks can be connected as local networks or through a wide area network. In distributed computing systems, processors typically run in parallel.


Distributed computing in enterprise settings generally places various steps in business processes in the most efficient locations on a computer network. A typical distribution, for example, employs a three-tier model that divides applications into the presentation tier (or user interface), the application tier, and the data tier. These tiers work as follows:


  • The user interface is processed on the PC at the user's location. The application is processed on a remote computer. Database access and processing algorithms take place on a different computer, which provides centralized access to many business processes. Other types of distributed computing, in addition to the three-tier model, include client-server, n-tier, and peer-to-peer:


  • Architectures based on client-server relationships. These employ smart clients, which query a server for data before formatting and displaying it to the user.


  • System architectures with N levels. These architectures, which are commonly found in application servers, use web applications to route requests to other enterprise services.


  • Architectures based on peer-to-peer communication. All responsibilities are distributed among all peer computers, which can act as clients or servers.


Use Cases of Distributed Computing


Distributed cloud and edge computing enable everything from simplified multi-cloud management to increased scalability and development velocity, as well as the deployment of cutting-edge automation and decision support applications and functionality.


  1. Improved visibility and manageability:


Improved visibility and manageability of hybrid cloud/multi-cloud infrastructure: Distributed cloud can help any organization gain greater control over its hybrid multi-cloud infrastructure by providing visibility and management from a single console using a single set of tools.


  1. Healthcare and Life Sciences:


In healthcare and life sciences, distributed computing is used to model and simulate complex life science data. Image analysis, medicinal medication research, and gene structure analysis have all become faster thanks to distributed systems. Here are a couple of examples:


Structure-based medication design can be sped up by visualizing molecular models in three dimensions. Reduce the time required to process genomic data in order to gain early insights into cancer, cystic fibrosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Create intelligent systems that help doctors diagnose patients by processing massive amounts of complex imagery like MRIs, X-rays, and CT scans.


  1. Engineering Evaluation:


Distributed systems can be used by engineers to model difficult physics and mechanical principles. This research is used to improve product design, build complex structures, and build faster cars.


The study of computational fluid dynamics investigates the behavior of liquids and applies the results to aircraft design and racing. Computer-aided engineering requires compute-intensive simulation tools to evaluate new plant engineering, electronics, and consumer items.


  1. Services in Finance:


Financial services firms use distributed systems to run high-speed economic simulations that assess portfolio risks, forecast market movements, and aid in financial decision-making. They can create web apps that take advantage of distributed systems' capabilities to do the following:


Offer low-cost, personalized premiums. Use distributed databases to securely support a large volume of financial transactions. Authenticating users protect clients from fraud.


  1. Data-centric applications:


Data is now coming from everywhere, from sensors, smart gadgets, and scientific instruments to a plethora of new IoT devices. Grids play an important role in a data explosion. Grids are used to collect, store, and analyze data while also deriving patterns to synthesize knowledge from that data.


DAME (distributed aircraft maintenance environment) is an appropriate use case for a data-oriented application. DAME is a distributed diagnostic system for aircraft engines that were developed in the United Kingdom. 


Grid technology is used to manage large amounts of in-flight data collected by operational aircraft. Using geographically distributed resources and data, the data is used to design and develop a decision support system for aircraft diagnosis and maintenance.


  1. Commercial applications:


Distributed computing is useful in a variety of commercial applications, such as the online gaming and entertainment industries, where computationally intensive resources, such as computers and storage networks, are required. In a gaming grid environment, resources are chosen based on computing requirements. It takes into account factors such as traffic volume and the number of participants.


Such grids encourage collaborative gaming while lowering the initial cost of hardware and software resources in on-demand games. Distributed computing also improves the visual appearance of motion pictures in the media industry by adding special effects. 


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Benefits of Distributed Computing


According to Gartner, distributed computing systems are quickly becoming a standard service that all cloud service providers provide to their customers. Why? Because the benefits of distributed cloud computing are exceptional. Here's a quick rundown:

Benefits of Distributed Computing

Benefits of Distributed Computing

  1. Cost-effective:


There are numerous reasons why distributed computing is a low-cost solution. For starters, it enables businesses to use existing resources rather than invest in new infrastructure. It can also help reduce energy consumption and server load, making it more eco-friendly.


  1. Storage capacity has been increased:


Increased storage is possible with distributed computing. This is because the data is distributed across multiple computers rather than being stored in a single location. This means that even if one computer fails, the data can still be accessed through the other computers. It also implies that if you require additional storage space, you can simply connect more computers to the network.


  1. Improved security:


When data is distributed across multiple machines, hackers find it much more difficult to gain access and steal information. This is due to the fact that the data is not centralized in any one location, making it more difficult to hack into. You can also create a more diverse and secure network by using multiple machines. Even if one machine is compromised, the others will remain secure. This ensures that your information is always secure.


  1. Enhanced performance:


The overall execution time is reduced when tasks are distributed across multiple machines. This is due to the fact that each machine can only work on a portion of the task at a time, and by combining the tasks, the overall execution time is reduced.


  1. Increased Performance and Agility:


Distributed clouds enable multiple machines to work on the same process, increasing system performance by a factor of two or more. As a result of this load balancing, the processing speed and cost-effectiveness of operations in distributed systems can improve.


  1. Reduced Latency:


Because resources are available globally, businesses can choose cloud-based servers close to end users to speed up request processing. Companies benefit from the low latency of edge computing combined with the convenience of a unified public cloud.


  1. Increased adaptability and scalability:


A distributed system allows you to easily add and remove nodes (computers) from the network, making it simple to adapt to changing requirements. You can also scale the system up or down as needed, either temporarily or permanently, to ensure that you have the resources you require at all times. 


This also allows for larger workloads and more users to be accommodated without any slowdown or interruption. This is in contrast to a centralized system, where all of the data and processing power is concentrated in one location, making scaling difficult.


  1. Low latency:


Latency is defined as the time it takes for a data packet to travel from one location to another. Low latency is a key benefit of distributed computing because it allows this system to move large amounts of data in a short period of time. The faster data can be processed and returned, the faster the entire system will run.


Most distributed systems now have a latency of fewer than 100 milliseconds, thanks to technological advances. This ensures that your applications run smoothly and without errors. According to Stanford University, one of the primary goals of distributed computing is low latency.




To summarize, Distributed computing systems can run on a variety of hardware and software components based on industry standards. The underlying software has no effect on these systems. They can run on a variety of operating systems and communicate using a variety of protocols. Some hardware may run UNIX or Linux as the operating system, while others may run Windows.

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