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What is Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?

  • Ashesh Anand
  • Apr 25, 2023
What is Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)? title banner

Software testing is an essential part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It helps to ensure the quality of the software product by detecting bugs, errors, and other issues before the software are released to end users. The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a comprehensive approach to software testing that helps ensure that the software product meets the required quality standards. In this blog post, we will discuss the STLC, its phases, and the importance of each phase in the software development process.


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What is the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?


The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a set of phases or steps that are followed systematically to ensure that the software product meets the required quality standards. The STLC comprises six phases that start from the planning phase and end with the closure phase. Each phase has its own set of objectives, tasks, and deliverables.


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Six Phases of the Software Testing Life Cycle


There are six phases in the software testing life cycle:

Phases of STLC

Phases of STLC


  1. Requirement Analysis Phase:


The requirement analysis phase is the first phase of the STLC. In this phase, the testing team analyzes the requirements of the software product to determine the testing objectives, scope, and strategies. The testing team reviews the requirements to identify any ambiguities, inconsistencies, or errors in the requirements that may impact the testing process. The testing team also collaborates with the development team to understand the software product's design and architecture. The deliverables of this phase include the testing plan, testing strategy, test cases, and test scenarios.


  1. Test Planning Phase:


The test planning phase is the second phase of the STLC. In this phase, the testing team prepares the testing plan, which includes the testing objectives, scope, strategies, test environment, and test schedules. The testing team also determines the resources required for testing, such as human resources, tools, and infrastructure. The testing team also defines the testing metrics that will be used to measure the effectiveness of the testing process. The deliverables of this phase include the testing plan, test cases, and test scenarios.


  1. Test Case Development Phase:


The test case development phase is the third phase of the STLC. In this phase, the testing team develops the test cases based on the requirements and testing objectives. The testing team also develops the test scenarios that will be used to execute the test cases. The testing team ensures that the test cases cover all possible scenarios and edge cases. The deliverables of this phase include the test cases, test scenarios, and test data.


  1. Test Environment Setup Phase:


The test environment setup phase is the fourth phase of the STLC. In this phase, the testing team sets up the test environment, which includes the hardware, software, and network configurations required for testing. The testing team also ensures that the test environment is identical to the production environment to ensure accurate testing results. The deliverables of this phase include the test environment setup documentation.


  1. Test Execution Phase:


The test execution phase is the fifth phase of the STLC. In this phase, the testing team executes the test cases and records the test results. The testing team also reports the defects or bugs found during testing to the development team for fixing. The testing team also retests the defects or bugs once they are fixed to ensure that they have been resolved. The deliverables of this phase include the test execution report, defect report, and regression test suite.


  1. Test Closure Phase:


The test closure phase is the final phase of the STLC. In this phase, the testing team prepares the test closure report, which summarizes the testing process, the testing results, and the overall quality of the software product. The testing team also conducts a review of the testing process to identify any areas for improvement. The testing team also archives the testing artifacts for future reference. The deliverables of this phase include the test closure report and the archive of testing artifacts.


Some Important Terms related to STLC


  • Test Case Management:


Test case management involves the creation, organization, and execution of test cases to ensure comprehensive test coverage. Effective test case management can help teams to identify defects earlier in the testing process, leading to improved software quality and reduced development costs. Test case management tools can also be used to automate test case creation and execution, reducing the time and effort required for testing.


  • Risk-Based Testing:


Risk-based testing involves identifying and prioritizing tests based on their potential impact on the software product and its users. Risk-based testing can help teams to focus their testing efforts on critical areas of the software product, reducing the time and effort required for testing while ensuring that the most important features are thoroughly tested. Risk-based testing can also help teams to identify and mitigate potential risks early in the development process, improving the quality and reliability of the software product.


  • Exploratory Testing:


Exploratory testing is a manual testing technique that involves ad-hoc testing of the software product to discover defects or bugs. Exploratory testing can help teams to identify defects that may have been missed during formal testing, improving the quality and reliability of the software product. Exploratory testing can also be used to test the usability and user experience of the software product, ensuring that it meets the needs and expectations of end-users.


  • Performance Testing:


Performance testing involves testing the performance of the software product under different loads and stress levels. Performance testing can help teams to identify potential performance bottlenecks and ensure that the software product can handle the expected load and usage patterns. Performance testing can also help teams to optimize the performance of the software product, improving its speed and responsiveness.


  • Regression Testing: 


Regression testing involves retesting previously tested functionality to ensure that changes or updates to the software product have not introduced new defects or bugs. Regression testing can help teams to identify and resolve defects early in the development process, reducing the time and effort required for testing and improving the overall quality of the software product. Regression testing can also be automated using testing tools, reducing the time and effort required for testing.


  • Security Testing:


Security testing involves testing the software product for vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers. Security testing can help teams to identify and mitigate potential security risks early in the development process, reducing the likelihood of data breaches and other security incidents. Security testing can also help teams to comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards for security.


  • Test Environment Management:


Test environment management involves setting up and managing the testing environment, including hardware, software, and network configurations. Effective test environment management can help teams to ensure that the testing environment accurately reflects the production environment, improving the accuracy and reliability of test results. Test environment management can also help teams to identify and resolve issues related to environment configuration and setup.


  • Test-Driven Development: 


Test Driven Development (TDD) involves writing automated tests before writing the software code. TDD can help teams to ensure that the software product meets the required functionality and quality standards, improving the overall quality and reliability of the software product. TDD can also help teams to identify defects early in the development process, reducing the time and effort required for testing and improving the overall efficiency of the development process.


  • Usability Testing:


Usability testing involves testing the software product to ensure that it is easy to use and meets the needs and expectations of end-users. Usability testing can help teams to identify and resolve usability issues early in the development process, improving the overall user experience and satisfaction with the software product. Usability testing can also help teams to comply with accessibility and usability standards and regulations.


  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing: 


Continuous Integration and Continuous Testing (CI/CT) involve the integration of testing activities into the software development process. CI/CT can help teams to identify and resolve defects early in the development process, reducing the time and effort required for testing and improving the overall quality of the software product. CI/CT also enables teams to release software more frequently and with greater confidence, improving agility and responsiveness to changing business needs.


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Importance of the Software Testing Life Cycle


The STLC is essential for ensuring that the software product meets the required quality standards. Each phase of the STLC has its own set of objectives, tasks, and deliverables, which are designed to ensure that the testing process is systematic, thorough, and effective.


Here are some of the benefits of following the STLC:


  1. Improved software quality: By following the STLC, the testing team can ensure that the software product is thoroughly tested and that any defects or bugs are identified and fixed before the software is released to end users. This helps to improve the software quality, which in turn leads to increased customer satisfaction and reduced costs associated with fixing defects after release.


  1. Reduced development costs: Identifying defects early in the development process can help to reduce the cost of fixing them. By following the STLC, the testing team can identify defects early in the testing process, which can save development costs by reducing the need for extensive debugging and rework.


  1. Increased efficiency: The STLC provides a systematic and organized approach to software testing. By following the STLC, the testing team can improve their efficiency and reduce the time and effort required to complete the testing process.


  1. Improved communication: The STLC promotes communication and collaboration between the testing team, development team, and other stakeholders involved in the software development process. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding the testing objectives, scope, and strategies.


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Challenges of the Software Testing Life Cycle


While the STLC is designed to ensure that the software product meets the required quality standards, there are some challenges associated with implementing the STLC.


  1. Limited resources: One of the main challenges of the STLC is the limited resources available for testing. Testing requires human resources, tools, and infrastructure, which can be expensive and difficult to obtain.


  1. Time constraints: The testing process can be time-consuming, and there are often tight deadlines for software development projects. This can make it challenging to complete the testing process within the given time frame.


  1. Complex software products: As software products become more complex, it can be difficult to ensure that all possible scenarios and edge cases are tested. This can lead to defects being missed during testing, which can impact the overall quality of the software product.


Also Read | All about Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)




The Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a comprehensive approach to software testing that helps ensure that the software product meets the required quality standards. The STLC comprises six phases, each with its own set of objectives, tasks, and deliverables. 


By following the STLC, the testing team can improve the quality of the software product, reduce development costs, increase efficiency, and improve communication between stakeholders. While there are some challenges associated with implementing the STLC, these can be overcome with careful planning and execution. Ultimately, the STLC is essential for ensuring that the software product meets the needs and expectations of end users.

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