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The Working of Neuromorphic Computing

  • Ashesh Anand
  • Mar 17, 2023
The Working of Neuromorphic Computing title banner

As the name implies, neuromorphic computing makes use of a model that draws inspiration from how the brain functions. A developing field of computer engineering called "neuromorphic computing" studies and creates computer hardware with inspiration from the human brain. The main goal of neuromorphic engineering is to create semiconductor chips that function like brain neurons and then integrate them into this new architecture.


Neuromorphic computing: what is it?


Neuromorphic Computing is a term used to describe the design of computers that are inspired by the neurological and endocrine systems of humans. Neuromorphic computing, inspired by the enormous potential and capability of the human brain, creates computers that can function as well as the human brain without requiring a lot of space for the installation of software.


The term "Neuromorphic Computing" was first used in the 1980s and refers to a type of computing that is inspired by the human brain and the nervous system. However, as Artificial Intelligence has inspired researchers to enhance Neuromorphic Computing to excel in the realm of technology, this idea has recently taken center stage.


The development of the Artificial Neural Network model is one of the technological developments that has reignited scientists' interest in neuromorphic computing (ANN). Modern computers are being constructed with the necessary hardware to support neuromorphic computing because traditional computers, powered by CPUs (Computer Processing Units), cannot.


Computers can now behave and function like the human brain thanks to neuromorphic computing's cutting-edge technologies. Neuromorphic computing, which uses algorithms and data, enables computers to operate quickly and efficiently.


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What is the Process of Neuromorphic Computing?


In essence, neuromorphic computing is putting together synthetic neurons that operate according to the same principles as the human brain. Its artificial components function similarly to live neurons in that they transmit information by electrically pulsating only when a complicated circuit's synapse has accumulated enough charge to generate an electrical spike. It attempts to simulate the way the human brain functions, which has over 100 billion neurons and neuromodulators that alter their shape depending on the task at hand.


It operates on Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), where each "neuron" communicates with other neurons independently. It imitates the organic neural networks found in living brains. Each "neuron" in the SNN can fire independently of the others, and when it does, it sends pulsed signals to other neurons in the network that directly alter the electrical states of those neurons. 


This is stated in an Intel blog post. SNNs mimic natural learning processes by dynamically remapping the synapses between artificial neurons in response to inputs by embedding information within the signals themselves and their timing. To create an analog flavor that is more closely aligned with how the brain functions, the responses to spikes can be modified to indicate a continuum of values rather than just "0" or "1". 


Additionally, since neurons only function when a spike occurs, electricity is saved because they are not constantly using energy. As a result, it is substantially lighter and uses far less energy than modern personal computers.


Although it seems like an interesting field to investigate, researchers have had very modest success since human brains function differently from the common computer architectures that produce the present algorithms. Matching human adaptability and learning from unstructured inputs with the human brain's energy efficiency is the key challenge in neuromorphic research.


"However, brains function differently from yes-or-no electronic circuits, more like the connected graphs of aircraft routes. As a result, many brain-like algorithms struggle to run on modern computers, according to Vineyard.


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Features of Neuromorphic Computing


  1. Rapid Response System:


Because of how quickly they digest information, neuromorphic computers are particularly well known for their quick response capabilities. Since neuromorphic computers are designed to function similarly to the human brain as opposed to conventional computers, their quick response time is one of their main advantages.


  1. Low Power Consumption:


Neuromorphic machines function when electric spikes or impulses are transferred through the artificial neurons according to the idea of Spiking Neural Networks (SNN). These synthetic neurons only function when electric spikes are delivered through them, using little energy in the process.


  1. Greater Flexibility:


The ability to adapt is a strength shared by neuromorphic computers and modern computers. Neuromorphic computers function efficiently following the changing demands of technology due to their better adaptability. Neuromorphic computers alter and adapt as necessary to keep up with changing times, producing effective working.


  1. Fast-paced Education:


When it comes to learning, machines based on the neuromorphic computing principle move extremely quickly. Neuromorphic computing enables machines to learn quickly by creating algorithms based on the interpretation of data and constructing algorithms as and when fresh data is introduced into such computers.


  1. Adaptive Architecture:


The mobile architecture of neuromorphic computing is one of its most striking characteristics. Neuromorphic computers are portable and useful, in contrast to conventional computers that once required a large workspace for work. They don't take up a lot of room and have a high space occupancy rate.


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Advantages of Neuromorphic Computing


Current algorithms function well with traditional neural networks and machine learning computations. They frequently prioritize one over the other because they emphasize performance or power. Neuromorphic systems, on the other hand, offer quick computing while using little energy.


The main objectives of neuromorphic computing are two. The first is to build a machine that is cognizant and can learn, remember information, and draw logical conclusions. The second objective is to learn more about the functioning of the human brain. Multiple tasks can be carried out simultaneously using neuromorphic devices. Because of its event-driven operating model, it can adjust to changing terms and circumstances. 


These systems are particularly adaptable and reliable since they feature computing capabilities like a generalization. It has excellent fault tolerance. Due to redundant data preservation, even minor errors do not affect overall performance. It can also quickly adapt to new environments and resolve complicated problems.


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Significance of Neuromorphic Computing


Neuromorphic AI computing, a crucial area of AI, is important due to its cutting-edge technology. Neuromorphic computing has made it possible for artificial computers to operate like the human brain, paving the way for improved technology and quick advancement in computer engineering.


Neuromorphic computing chips have altered the way computers function in addition to causing rapid growth. In the modern world, computers are capable of practically anything, from data analysis to machine learning algorithms.

Although the idea of neuromorphic computing was first proposed in the 1980s, it has only recently gained attention. The importance of this idea is unsurpassed, with several neuromorphic computing applications in physics, data analytics, and numerical methods. Although the idea faces numerous obstacles, it is nevertheless driving the movement toward making computers function more like the human brain.


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Why are neuromorphic systems necessary?


The von Neumann architecture, which separates memory and computation, is the foundation of most modern electronics. The von Neumann bottleneck is a problem with von Neumann chips that results from the constant information transfer between the memory and CPU, which wastes time (computations are slowed down by the speed of the bus between the computer and memory) and energy.


Chipmakers have long been able to increase the amount of processing power on a chip by packing more transistors onto these von Neumann processors, by Moore's Law. However, without a change in the principles of chips, this won't be possible for very long because of issues with further decreasing transistors, their energy consumption, and the heat they produce.


Von Neumann's designs will make it more difficult as time goes on to provide the needed increases in processing power.


A neuromorphic architecture, a new variety of non-von Neumann architecture, will be required to stay up. Both quantum computing and neuromorphic systems have been proposed as solutions, but neuromorphic computing—also known as brain-inspired computing—is more likely to be adopted for commercial use first.


A neuromorphic computer might be able to bypass the von Neumann bottleneck and use the brain's operations to solve other issues. While brains use massively parallel computation, von Neumann systems are primarily serial. Researchers are hoping to model these advantages in neuromorphic systems since brains are more fault-tolerant than computers and because of this.


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Areas of Implementation


We are still in the early phases of neural-inspired computer applications. There are not many use cases that can be stated, even though Intel and Sandia's collaboration aims to research AI in commercial and defense fields. However, it has been investigated in a variety of fields, including classifying vapors, recognizing a specific person's face among a large number of random photos, and more.


Neuromorphic computers are expected to enhance machine learning in more challenging areas like remote sensing and intelligence analysis. It has also been researched in other numerical techniques and computational physics simulations.


For compute-intensive tasks, edge computing devices like smartphones currently have to pass processing to a cloud-based system, which handles the query and sends the response to the device. That inquiry could be handled directly on the device; it wouldn't need to be passed back and forth between neuromorphic systems. The hope it offers for the future of AI is the primary driver of neuromorphic computing.


Artificial intelligence systems are by their very nature largely rule-based; they are taught on data until they can provide a certain result. On the other hand, ambiguity and adaptation come much more naturally to the human mind.


Making the next generation of AI systems capable of handling more brain-like problems is the aim of the research. One of these requires that machines find the optimum solution to a problem with numerous constraints. This is known as constraint fulfillment.


With problems like probabilistic computing, where machines handle noisy and uncertain data, neuromorphic processors are more at ease. In neuromorphic computer systems, other ideas like causality and non-linear thinking are still in their infancy, but they will grow once they become more common.


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End Note:


While quantum computing has previously been hailed as the next big thing in AI, neuromorphic computing is just beginning to receive some attention. However, neuromorphic computing doesn't have as strict of constraints as quantum computing does. Neuromorphic computers can easily operate under normal settings, unlike quantum computers, which require extremely low temperatures and high power requirements.


That naturally tips the scales in favor of neuromorphic computing, especially given the usability and potential for incorporating this design in a variety of devices that this architecture offers. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We will have to make do with the AI that exists now because commercial applications for quantum computing and neuromorphic computing are still a long way off.


However, it makes sense if the idea of neuromorphic computing exhilarates you. Although they won't be available shortly, really intelligent machines and robots have the potential to fundamentally alter the way we live. However, neuromorphic computing gives us a new path. Neuromorphic systems, which promise to ultimately realize all of our AI-related ambitions, actually feel like the true future of AI. In that situation, only time will tell.

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